Why and how did you fall for the Lunix meme.
Inb4 lunix is better than any other os.
>b-but my friend pajeet said that using lunix is so much better.
Why and how did you fall for the Lunix meme.
Inb4 lunix is better than any other os.
>b-but my friend pajeet said that using lunix is so much better.
Windows 8 was compressing my wallpaper and I had no idea how to make it stop.
>Why and how did you fall for the Lunix meme.
Because I am running a server.
From doing a computing degree.
I started to use Linux ten years ago because Windows is dogshit
but pajeet recommends windows because its the designated shitting os
>he doesn't think solus is the best os
go away microsoft shills
A while back when a friend showed me his Windows 8 laptop planted the seed (wow wtf Windows is now gayer than Macintosh).
Reading all the nightmarish "my PC upgraded to windows 10 and x doesn't work anymore" posts on various forums scared me
Having to disable updates on both of my computers, and install some software to protect me from "upgrading" was basically the final straw
eventually I just did it. Was a little timid because my first ride on Linux in the 90's was disastrous (couldn't get my internal modem to work, couldn't get sound card to work)
it works though. I had a few friends who used Ubuntu and knew it wasn't hard anymore.
I still use proprietary shit and don't buy into the communistic bullshit people associate with it. Simply switched to Linux because the downsides of windows began to outweigh the upsides.
not a cs major, programmer or anything.
I was on XP and they wouldn't offer me the free update to Windows 10.
>windows drive was dying
>well might as well see what the fuss is all about
>used ubuntu before, but never as a full-time thing
>installed, never regretted
What's the most communistic linux distro?
kevi.installsolus.com when?
Windows 7 put all sorts of restrictions on what I could do.
I start using linux ten years ago to try something new. Never leave.
I started in a university CS program and it was pretty obvious it'd be easier to use Linux than Windows to do coursework due to much more advanced package management and CLI. Going for a mac or virtualization would've been an ok middle ground but I felt that going all in for open source would maximize my learning and market value in the long run.
It was one of the best decisions I did while in uni.
I remember falling for Ubuntu for the multiple workspaces and that was about it. Now that Win10 has it I don't really feel the need to use Ubuntu anymore. Also i got really tired of having to search "____ for Linux" everytime i wanted something. Wine was okay, i never figured out how to rice, the UI and stability was great though
tl;dr I was too lazy to git gudd
Someone convince a clueless normie to go back into Linux
Kevin is my best friend in the whole wide world!
Don't, it's not worth the hassle.
I switched to linux because I found out by browsing Sup Forums that gimp can draw circles, and I use my computer mostly for drawing circles.
>dont work
>cant figure out how to use it
Pick one
I found it interesting. After years of using Linux i switched back to Windows though. I might switch eventually again. I'm indifferent anyway. Use whatever you need to use.
I like linux because i have terminal autism and want everything to work exactly to my specifications
I was very impressed by the enormous variety of capabilities of systemd, and it's simply not available on windows.
Windows has too many menus, and it makes the UI extremely nonintuitive. Linux has over 9000 UIs you can choose from with only one menu, so it's just a matter of finding the right one for you.
Don't get me started on windows driver problems and horrible font rendering.
Windows doesn't have my favorite video games.
Tux racer and foobillard.
I did dual boot ubuntu/windows 7 when I first started doing computational science work. I immediately realized that linux was the easiest way for me to do research. I held on to my windows partition for a while, since I still thought it was better for shitting around. I remember wondering why there was so much space taken up by windows, and I found alot of windows.old files, which were extremely hard to remove (I'm not sure if I ever really did remove them). I finally realized that windows hides too much shit from me. That's when I wiped it and never looked back.
I'm now a happy arch user.
Red Star OS obviously
Windows 10 automatically downloading and installing itself on one my laptops caused me to start seriously looking at alternatives.
>Chinese distro
>Top tier ricing
>Why am I surprised?
>muh privacy
>muh botnet
>muh nsa
>muh freedums
if that doesn't get you you're not welcome on the linucks train
I don't really know... I still keep more than 90% of my disk dedicated to the windows partition, but I use Mint all the time.
It started because I needed to install tensorflow and it was easier to install all the stack on linux than windows, then I just got used to it
that's korean you dip
I'm doing programming stuff.
Windows 10 is shit.
I did some programming stuff on Mac, and MacOS is shit.
So Linux it is.
It's from the best of two Koreas moreover.