/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Old thread: >New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question, check Google. If you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before, though most claims of being staff are false
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you that cheating can be evaded. It can't and you will be banned and everyone will laugh at you
>people claim to report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time

Other urls found in this thread:


BTN sure loves SD :o)

MTV doesn't like 4K.

Must be shit.

where can I get a BTN invite?

4K isn't worth it user, you should know that.

from official recruiters

>he doesn't have a 4K tv

>tfw poweruser on multiple PT's
>I will never get a BTN invite

Feels terrible.

not the point, it's at least 3 times larger for little to no difference.

such as?


ask lasereyess, he seems to be the expert

>it doesn't make a difference when i don't own it



>its all keks, "retard admins" and recruitment abuses until someone gets banned

#ptg is not an invite giveaway channel, I'm fully aware of what 312c claims, but we do not give out or trade invites there

oh so lasereyess gives away invites?
what's the going rate?

ask him yourself

So there is basically no way to get an invite to BTN, even if you're reputable on multiple big trackers?

There's an invite thread on AHD.

pm prettygreat on oppaitime

i got in through bloathd lmfao

I still think it's hilarious that you guys have to interview to pirate music

>tfw HDB invites but no one to give them to

>he still hasn't taken the what interview
damn user just get it over with

>it's hilarious to take an hour out of your day to receive access to every album ever made and every album that will ever be made for free

There's several invite threads...

I'm only high on music PTs so I'm shit out of luck.

Then go high elsewhere you dumb nigger.

>tfw on the holy trinity

Is there a comfier feel? I'm not a retard who engages in IRC shenanigans and I'm 100% /pure/ so I have absolutely no chance of getting banned. I'm /setforlife/, and soon I'll be /setfor2lives/. Why, you ask? For posterity. So I can live comfortably knowing that my children who inherit my private tracker accounts when I die won't have to deal with whatever absurd ratio antics new tracker regimes bring. Feels fucking good. I'm going to go enjoy some DON encodes in my La-Z-Boy recliner. Toodles /ptg/.

hey ghosthree3 how's that internet speed

>pm'd recruiter 3 weeks ago
>he's logged in multiple times since
>still had responded
I even said please and thank you.
And then there's jrsdead.
Why are all recruiters an shit?

tehlarsie master race :O)


they have real lives too

No they don't

my name isn't even matthew

Mr. Drake pls

lol good job posting my cover identity

Is it Dreak? :^)

No it's not sorry

yo ball is life

I don't get this joke

I don't either


Basketball Americans

mad4potter here AMA

Hey I'm interested in joining Pedros and Exigo, whats the best way into both of those trackers?

Also I'm curious about thevault, what kind of content do they track?


>I'm interested in joining Pedros and Exigo
No you aren't.


Y-yes I am..
I'm on what already but I heard they have more organized content.

Yo, you might see mad buffer
When I come in the reqs like fill, dat
Remember those days 20 man in a race
And another 20 getting up for that, that

mans ready for the 25th, /pyramid/?

Matthew dreak is not my name

Sure thing buddy

>Pedros and Exigo
aka meme trackers from 2010

So aren't they good anymore? Or maybe you're just downplaying them to keep people out. Dunno :confused:

What has everything you need dumbo. Use beets.io to organize your music library and make it pretty.

I (not ) have no first-hand experience of Exigo but I can tell you Pedro's is exactly like DB9; stupid upload rules and no more content than WCD
Get in for epeen, sure, but don't expect extra content

maybe if you spent less time trying to be an asshole and more time getting to know me you would no, but you're just another wannabe hacker who wishes they could ruin my life

whatever makes you happy, Matt

dick makes me happy but all you are is a giant a hole

anyone have a FSC invite?

Is sceneaccess any good?

it was good years ago
but now its meh because specialized trackers exist now

Is there any point on trying to buff my account

>tfw Jpopsuki for some reason has a system where you get a set amount of currency not for seeding torrents based on size but based on how many torrents you are seeding
I just downloaded the 1000 smallest torrents (the largest being just barely bigger than 5 mb). :^)

way to show them

>gaming jpopsuki
I bet you know how to get infinite water to come out of fountains as well

>using the smiley with a carat nose

good for general shit, particularly game updates/apps
good for sourcing content to upload if yo need userclasses elsewhere
ratio is piss

Whats a good seedbox

>post yfw you are /pure/ and all the irc cucks are /marked/




>tfw he deleted it
The secrets out :^)

cant believe this

whatbox, feral

>using the smiley with a carat nose

I can smell that salt from here

hoanns is ban evading

Having gotten a new connection I thought I might try my hand at private trackers again, but somehow I am not downloading at the right speed, anyone ever had such problem with a new ISP?

>pic my speedtest
>20 mb max in download, 2 mb in upload
But right now I am also trying to get a file from MEGA and is downloading at 45 kb/s.

Can I get rtorrent to report upload/download stats in RSS or something similar? I see people with screencaps showing "x amount uploaded in last week" and want to join that club.

Literally the best tagging software

mega isn't a good test of bandwidth

likely not; what's wrong with rutorrent?

>tfw you need a Dr. Katz pick but he never posts anymore

didn't mean to reply woops -_______________-


all I want for christmas is a giant dick in my ass

im not an oldfag
just a regular fag

nice crop :O)

>Featured Album: Chris Carroll Currents

why dont u guys help each other instead of shitposting every fucking day

these threads are pointless just like you assholes


Nothing is wrong with rtorrent.
I'm looking for information on how much I seed each day/week, and what seeds more/less.

I've seen other people do it, but I don't know what client they use.

i use transmission-daemon, it has a nice way to access individual torrent data through its RPC protocol
you can just poll that data daily/weekly/whatever and parse the data :^)


This is real.

is this the Chinese hdbits?

Anyone want to help me make an album? I'm going to bamboozle the fuck out of whatcucks and make $300 in the process.

m-team is so hot right now