Why is Terry obsessed with Physics Girl?

Why is Terry obsessed with Physics Girl?

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There's a rumour she had a relationship with her biological brother. Terry if batfuck insane. Birds of a feather flock together I guess.

are u unfamiliar with the concept of a waifu?

Why the fuck isn't he using Temple OS?

it's meant to be run in a vm, he uses ubuntu as his main os

IDK terry is an inbred though.

He also has had sexual activities with a dong.

he's a sexual deviant, the guy sucked his brother's dick


you guys are also forgetting GOD told him it had to be run in VM to keep it pious.


What? Since when has terry done gay shit

it has no networking capabilities

Who was in the wrong here?


we all are. this guy needs help and we're not getting it for him.

we're all watching a guy deteriorate because it's funny.

>The CIA niggers glow in the dark you can see them if you're driving you just run them over thats what you do
>fucking CIA niggers

Heh I remember being young and thinking "if I make my own OS I'll be a millionaire just like billy g!"
Man am I glad I never went down that path

what are we supposed to do, it's not like we can really fix what's wrong with him

we have his number. we could tell his parents that he needs more care.

he's stable enough. i don't know what will happen when his parents die though. he's kind of in the same boat as chris chan, in that regard.

>In 1975, when I was about age
five, my brother, Keith, put my penis in a vacuum. In 1977, when I was about
age seven, my brother, Danny, got me high on gas fumes and we sucked each
other's dicks.

fuck i cannot into greentext but you get the idea

templeos is pretty cool