How to firefox not look shit

how do i make my firefox not look like total garbage?
>pic related

Other urls found in this thread:!IdgRGLST!9GVBSSE7OpKGmygY-8gkjwwFnaHfHD8Sktm2v7Scc0k

i can upload mine if you want

i already have a pretty nice oneechan style, i was more refering to the autism that is the bars on top

i see you have just hidden them but i would much rather keep mine open and just not look tistic

i like the look of this but i dont like speed dial pages, and since i dont use one i have no way to open certain sites

also its made by a ponyfag


Holy shit there you are again. Do you ever stop cancerous plague?

Htitle c:

Been using this theme as a work-around for the default theme because the bar is looking weird on my Arch Linux. pic related

On Ubuntu it looks fine, so far I only had this problem with Arch. Also I can't even make Firefox use my GTK+ theme. Anyone knows a fix for this?

Get rid of the theme. Use CSS. has some.

keep FT Deep Dark, install Stylish, go to and look for Dark Themes for all your most visited sites, from YouTube to TVTropes. Change everything with native support to dark theme.

Install Beyond Australis and Hide Tabbar. You might also like Thinner Tabs and Smaller Fox. Consider getting Vertical Toolbar.

u jello

Used the arc dark theme for firefox to make it look that way and I have stylish although I use the tomorrow stylesheet on 4ch


fuck you, my dear mother is a saint

custom CSS, OP.

Why do people greentext 'pic related' lately? It looks so odd

first step is quit using light on black themes

one thing Steve Jobs was right about

don't even say "it's easier on my eyes" you're full of shit

it looks like dogshit you just want your screen to look like a hacker's screen the way they are portrayed in movies and TV

10 dollars says if you minimize that window you have some fucking graphs permanently on your desktop showing your CPU usage, Memory usage, Network stats etc

puke puke puke

install Solus

didn't mean to come across so angry but why do so many people on Sup Forums pretend to prefer light on dark? You know you don't actually prefer it

OSX looks like dogshit

rounded corners look BAD, and rounded buttons

and the whole thing looks like windows XP tier shit

i'm not a macfag, i mean Steve Jobs was right about dark text on light background

a long time ago computers usually displayed white, green, orange text on black background

then macintosh came out

then 20 years later edgelords who want to make their computers look "computery" abandon the dark text on light background that has literally been the way people read/write since forever

This is ugly mate, 2007 is over

again not a macfag but that looks soooooooo much better than the OP

it might not be 2007 but it's definitely not 1982

I want pls upload it f am. Minimalism is the ultimate beauty and all that

I prefer light on dark. I work nights, so I'm only up at night. Having dark backgrounds makes it much easier to look at for a long time in a dimly lit room. I've used both, and they can both look great, but I like light on dark better.

because OP still has rounded shit and faux 3d gloss effects that look like shit

this looks better

literally looks like a bad Windows XP rice

you could start by using a DE with actual font rendering, not just random smashing you letters together


you need to work on that, looks janky. lots of little problems/inconsistencies.

talking to you right now from my night shift job. light on dark is insane and your opinion is wrong

you might be right but that would mean to make the borders look bigger in order for the buttons or tabs to not look janky, but I won't

you literally need some glasses

Better to have him/her everywhere because all threads are desktop threads

Light on dark looks better and it's easier on the eyrs

>not using Vivaldi

and yes

I've used dark on light for a year, after using light on dark for a few years, and just switched back to light on dark. It's much better. I'm not blinded when I use my computer anymore.


Hello Kevin.

>using Vivaldi
What's the taste of semen like?

>Using Arch Linux

Well, there's your problem.



and an alt color scheme i like more.
I really liked replacing all the tab close icons with just mouse gestures, it feels good and works really well.

like what youve done with bookmarks
wheres the adress bar?

mine looks good without changing it desu

Its an option on the top bar. I've found that i'm very rarely typing in urls and usually i just search the name and then open what i want. Copying the address is a context menu. No real point in knowing the address once I'm there.

Hide everything.


is this the new desktop thread?

i have the same problem on Gnome in my Fedora install.

is this a theme or?

Pretty sure Kori uses Pentadactyl, or Vimperator, so that's how he opens sites. If you're on a newer version of Firefox, you can try VimFx.

can you maybe share the botnet2K appdata folder? I want it to look the same

Why are you hiding you local username, milad?

You are my gf now, ok, bae?

Windows 7 with black Aero and no transparency is the only decent look the OS can have that I've seen.

If you know a better way I'd be interested in reading it.

So you're saying I should be using the photon theme on Sup Forums?

>Taskbar on the bottom
>GTFO n00b

I do with Xfce too. I'm sure that would trigger you even harder.

I prefer to have my windows centered and balanced. Taskbar on top puts too much information in the top half of the screen.!IdgRGLST!9GVBSSE7OpKGmygY-8gkjwwFnaHfHD8Sktm2v7Scc0k

Its the whole thing

what font is this?

are u a girl
for the user who's been asking about the iterm colors:

Is there some reason that application when running can't be moved? Extracted it and ran it but the foobar2000 window itself just won't respond to any attempts to grab/move it someplace, it's defaulting to barely covering the bottom left hand corner of my display, oddly enough.

>it's fucking borked, dude

ncmpcpp config?

middle click it to move it. To change that setting go to Menu > File > Preferences > Main Window
It can be set to any move

That same menu is where you can change the minimum dimensions and i removed the menu bar on the top and have esc bound to minimize.

why are you so new