How Windows 10 now?
Worth an upgrade from 7?
How Windows 10 now?
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It... really sucks.
Feels like a Frankenstein blend of conflicting
It's clear they want to transform your computer into some app-serving idiot box, but they're very, very reluctantly supporting legacy nerd stuff because they have to, and the old stuff is glued on to the new stuff.
Flat design is awful and Aero looks 10000x better.
Windows is moving away from being an operating system as we know it. MS clearly wants it to be a phone OS on your desktop where you get everything through their app store.
I really want Linux to explode in popularity because computing as we know it is dead if these trends continue.
Wanna' hear a dirty secret? I still use and enjoy W8.1 and I don't see any reason to upgrade.
I don't give a shit about your emotions.
Does the damn thing do its job or not?
Of course it does it's job. It's essentially the exact same thing you've been using since 95 with a coat of paint and a bigger focus on making normalfags feel tech-savvy.
It does it's job because the LAST Windows did its job and this is essentially just more of that.
It sucks... I have it on a work computer. Would never install it on my own computer. Just wait until Microsoft starts paying you to "upgrade"
If the job is forced shut downs all the time then yes. Suddenly it starts counting down then it turns itself off... Hopefully you don't use the computer for anything important.
It a shit. [spoiler]This coming from someone who's only touched it with a ten metre pole.[/spoiler]
>It's essentially the exact same thing you've been using since 95 with a coat of paint
And the fact that 95 isn't supported or receives any critical security updates and no software post late 90s runs on it anymore.
>i dont want updates
Two things:
1. You never used 10
2. You used 10 but are too dumb to navigate via baby-tier menus to THE only setting that let's you to prevent it from restarting on you randomly.
There has to be a word for this
Where you been, son?
Everybody Solus now.
I think you should also consider that after buying the OS once windows promises to keep you updated forever. MS is also becoming more and more open-source. Some argue that this is because they are trying to move towards selling user data(they are taking the google approach). If you care about privacy you might want to think twice about windows 10.
It works.
If you don't care about privacy and that it's tracking everything you do, than it's fine.
It's mostly the same as Windows 7, other than some layout changes and the fact that more in depth information (like why your PC crashed) takes a bit more hoops to get to.
DX12 only supports Windows 10 but only like 2 fucking games have it and I believe they have the option to use DX11/10 instead or whatever, so who fucking cares.
And like this user said, you can turn off the updates, you just have to actually go into the settings.
Won't be long until MS breaks something if they haven't already.
I use W10 on my gaming PC. But I stopped using that PC for anything else.
I replaced Windows with Mint on my laptop. And moved all work and private files to my laptop.
I just want to do my work without getting scanned, being fed shitty updates and a proper inbuild full disk encryption.
Honestly, even having to worry 1 second about if your OS might be spying on you or keylogging or sending error reports is one second too much. An OS should be a layer in the background, not on the fucking foreground. And why are their shitty Facebook games on my computer?
Not in the slightest. FYI from a fresh install to "reasonable" operations i.e. disabling telemetry, installing all their forced updates, trying to configure what was considered basic settings i.e. power options so it actually functions as it should. I have to fuck with the registry just to get the high performance options back under power options and there are a ton more tweaks you have to make just to be able to configure anything. And then there are two fucking control panels! One of which doesn't even need to be there as the original control panel was organized in a reasonably structured way and they use the new one (settings control panel) to obfuscate what should be easy to access settings under layers of pointless menus. It takes me almost 3-4 hours after install to get it up to speed. And done get me started on how much of a bitch this mother fucker is to image! It's overall a way to just pimp bullshit "APPs" just call it a fucking program why the fuck does it need to be called an "App" this isn't a phone....shit.
A guy I work with plays radio on his computer when he leaves to prevent it from going into sleep mode, which is kind of funny. But that's the normie way to deal with shitty settings.
Those fucking games reinstall every fucking chance they get when you connect to the Internet! I have given up on that bullshit. I had to set the wireless connection to metered just get it to stop updating. Even if you disable the update service it still fucking updates! Also the metered connection only works if your on wifi if your on LAN you can't stop it unless you have a group policy set. I fucking can not stand windows 10
You can only disable updates on the enterprise edition I think. Or whatever they called it this time.
You have to go into regedit and look under the control set and then the power section and finish the CS entry and change it from 1 to 0 to get all the power options back. That's disgusting you need to edit the registry just to make sure it doesn't go to sleep!
100% correct right there. The retail versions don't allow it unless you set the WiFi connection as metered. Did you see the bullshit M$ put out about having a yearly or monthly fee for the enterprise licenses?! What the actual fuck!?
I'm pretty sure you can also just check the power settings.
>(like why your PC crashed) takes a bit more hoops to get to.
The hoops aren't there most of the time because Windows doesn't log certain things at all.
Shit, we have people come in with fucked drivers and we can't unfuck them because there's no indication as to what's broken.
X simply doesn't work because something somewhere along the way went wrong and now you have to reinstall.
There is also no way MS can guarantee that you will be supported forever.
Eventually hardware will change and MS will decide you must change or lose their support, just look at powerpc macbooks!
Paperweights at this point!
The only reason you can still make them a viable personal computer with recent software is to throw Linux on it which offers true backwards compatibility and code immortality.
And MS can't wait to sink their teeth into Apple's lucrative model.
Windows 10 dies in 2020 though. Extended support until 2025.
Just like's unlimited storage means 5gb.
Really? I could have sworn you could...Maybe I'm thinking of another option.
That's fucking autistic right there. That shit takes up bandwidth for no fucking reason.
you can also go to crippled control panel to change power settings
>we want the mac audience but still want to keep our old audience: the OS
everything is so fucking cobbled together its not funny, they tried to force that stupid tiles shit but then realised that shit only works with tablets
so they brought back the old taskbar start menu shit (sort of) and it still reeked of shit because the tiles crap existed
so it's like they planted iOS on top of a flashier windows 7 and made it 10x more complicated to use
I run win 10 on my Lenovo E420 and Asus T100HA
Very stable, never had a crash. Never had ads. It's fast but I'm not that big on the design.
It does it's job and does it well. I like 7 slightly more but I can get by with this desu.
>I really want Linux to explode in popularity because computing as we know it is dead if these trends continue.
Sorry homes but that does not work at all there is an active setting that puts the HDD to sleep after 1 min both plugged in and on battery. I've had the settings in the power menu over written countless times after updates. I only trust registry edits now and even then I still disable updates.
I'm not lying I have to deal with retail machines on my network all the time and we had a runaway of over 1tb of data usage because update from M$ trumped the local settings. I only connect the surface devices through wifi now and check the metered connection every time. Cost my company thousands in overages. When they brought me on board I asked about all their current policies and the guy before me fucked up royal.
are there any operating systems that are not intrusive and let me control what is happening with my computer (but so that i don't have to compile my own OS and deal with a bunch of shit i dont want to) and let me play my fucking games and use my fucking windows programs that i am used to?
This is true but those settings can and will be over ridden. I still to this day do not know how but I had one morning where every machine (over 40) had been logged out due to inactivity. And all power setting in that menu said it should have never done that. Only after I edited the registry did the setting hold. It's been a fucked up ride dealing with M $ the last 8 months. If I ever get to go to another conference I'm going to be the biggest asshole and ask why they seem to think their preferences take precedence over the user settings. I even have screen shots of the option pages and timestamps showing the reboots. I have been wholly unimpressed with M$ I'm just so glad they don't fuck with my win 7 embedded systems.
This is an actual poster.
Windows 7 is it mate. But be warned! There is a silent patch that gets installed if you leave it connected the Internet after reinstall of the OS that bricks the update manger. It checks forever and never updates. You have to keep it disconnected and install KB3083710 AND KB3102810 before it connects or you have to reinstall the entire OS all over. I have had this happen with both retail upgrade versions and enterprise editions. They are killing win 7 on purpose or making it so hard to reinstall you won't want to. In fact a direct quote from several OEMs I've had say because they have have dropped so many win 7 update servers it can take up to 30 hours to reinstall updates. I've not experienced that yet but I don't doubt it for a second. Also win 10 uses a a nice little trick from the torrent protocol to help shave costs from M$ update servers by using your PC as a node to push updates to others which is on by default. Seems shady as fuck to me!
Jesus, I thought it was just me! I'm not happy others see this shit but I'm glad others are noticing it.
same damn thing happened to me, I was unaware of the silent patch thing as I tried doing those patches afterwards.
Yeah if you try it afterwards it never works! I fought that mother fucker for 3 hours and finally got so pissed I reinstalled the OS and forgot to plug the ether net in and then patched the system and it worked. They are pulling some sleazy shit right now. All they do is mine every bit of data from win 10 which is why they gave it away for free. They are turning what used to be a stable reasonably well built OS into a Facebook Data gathering fuck fest.
It was fine for me on release. Now it's just getting worse.
We need Elon Musk to develop a new OS to replace Micro$oft
I only use it for vidya and C# but it's not terrible. A huge step up from 8.1 at least.
dont get botnet
Embrace the power of the Gnu/Linux side of the OS!
I mean seriously: Windows is literally spyware.
Its an NSA tool i hear some people like to game on
>How Windows 10 now?
Complete trash.
If you care about DX12, maybe install it on a separate partition. Otherwise no.
I've been visiting the biggest concentration of Win10-shills also known as /r/windows10 for shits and giggles.
Every damn day front page is flooded with bug-reports, help-requests, bitching about something breaking after every update and rants about MS's current direction.
It's hilarious.
Enjoying is a strong word. It's more like coexisting with being randomly tazed (better than being shived and raped like with win 10 tho)
That complete post is total fuckin bullshit.
>If the job is forced shut downs all the time then yes.
Confirmed for not using 10 at all.
The standard is it asks you for a reboot when not in use. It does the updates and let's you finish your work.
>I just want to do my work without getting scanned
I do exactly that on my windows 10 machine right now. You fell for the botnet meme. Don't you know how to use a firewall router you dumbfuck?
>I am too stupid to switch off error reporting HURR DURR
I thought Microsoft said 10 would be the last version.
Oh really? Guess that's why I have surface pros on both a wired an wifi connection and every fucking on of them that's on a LAN USB connection cannot have their updates stopped. The WiFi metered connection is the only 100% way to stop updates on a retail copy of Windows 10. You need to try harder you bitch. I literally have two examples of this happening. So you can fuck right off.
I browse and sometimes play some game on it, everything else I've moved to an offline station. I was forced to format all connected disks and upgrade because my shit got rooted on w7, I know it doesn't affect 10 because the network was infected too and a w10 laptop was not affected.
Would make a pretty effective incentive to upgrade, especially now that you have to actually buy it.
Not really sure how you got "rooted" On a desktop my good man. Care to elaborate? Unless your bios has been compromised a HDD format should work. Worst case is the bug is hiding in HDD firmware or the MOBO firmware. What exactly happened?
>he believes a switch will solve all the data-harvesting problems
>he believes MS won't turn it back on with their next unavoidable update
I got a SupTab!blnk warning, it pointed to a internet explorer shortcut, it would pop up again and again no matter what I tried to remove or quarantine it.
After that I saw another account was active by in the start menu called WOUT_empadmin.
It was at this point I unplugged the network cable, formatted every disk and did a hard reset on the router afterwards.
After this W7 would keep hanging on 'checking for updates' forever. I used the offline update tool but the SupTab!blnk warning came back again.
After this I settled for W10. If anyone is going to monitor me I'd rather have it be microsoft than Dimitri from ebinhaxcrew.
Upgraded to Win10 and now my desktop always have random crashes. Extremely annoying as I'm not computer savvy. My motto usually is if it's broke replace it instead of getting ripped off by having it repaired.
> follow these instructions
If you want to reinstall win 7 check the above post and follow the instructions on how to install the 2 KB packs before you let the OS connect to the internet. There is a silent update that kills the win 7 update manager of you do a full reinstall from any media. Like I said before doesn't matter if it's OEMS discs, images, or bootleg versions. What happened to you was a fucked up update manager that happens to all machines that do a fresh win 7 install, sorry many.
I used the wsus offline update tool instead of installing those packs and it worked but the damn warning still came back. I'll stick with 10 now that I've paid for it like a sucker, thank you for your post though.
Funny enough, no options were reverted to default at any PC I worked on with Windows 10 so far. There was one instance of such before I started using them and it was a bug with update, that was fixed by MS rather quickly.
But go ahead, keep saying bullshit like "LOLOLOLOL IT WILL REVERT EVERYTHING TO DEFAULT". It only makes you look stupid.
Same shit as all those people saying "lolololol IE is bad because 6.0 amirite?", never bothered to realize that world goes on and so is software.
I did the exact same thing! When the offline update installed I figured everything would be repaired and replaced. Wasn't the case at all! I had to reinstall the OS and use those KB offline installs and then it worked exactly as it did 6 years ago. Whatever bug is plaguing the update tool will not be corrected by M$.
I have 6 surface pros that say otherwise bub. Fucking M$ after their anniversary update fucked me settings all to hell and the designed the fucking surface!? It doesn't happen in all cases but the fact we are even talking about it is the problem! If they didn't feel confident about keeping user config why is their no warning that settings might be lost? Or a way to dump your config to a backup and just re-import it? What they are doing is trying to change a mindset, mindless computing is big money to them. The important question isn't "why shouldn't you do something?" it's "why can't you do something?" If you can't do something with your own rig because someone already decided for you the race has already been lost.
He can't even prevent his self driving cars from crashing, how can he make a stable OS?
There's only shilling, boy. Nothing real.
I installed it yesterday and just fucking don't do it. Don't fall for the shills and don't listen to the fucking retards here who say its fine. It is not fine in any way. Even if you completely ignore all the botnet shit just the fucking UI alone is enough to make me want to kill myself. It was very clearly designed only with phones and tablets in mind. It's kind of like when a console game is ported to PC without anyone giving a shit so the controls in menus and shit are just fucking completely garbage because they were designed for a joystick and then just lazily adapted to keyboard. All of windows 10 is like that. Fucking avoid it like the plague I would rather use OSX while sucking Steve Job's mummified cock than have to use this garbage for another minute FUCK THIS.
Even WinXP had Alexa telemetry inside... A lot of fags and wannabes here won't be knowing or remembering this... Do people really think Windows is telemetry free?
But if people say Win10 is too telemetric in comparison then yeah people have a point.
Use Windows to play games and run 1 or 2 professional software offline. Switch to Mint and you'll be happy as fuck