This is a japanese girl, who is about to configure BIOS.
This is a japanese girl, who is about to configure BIOS
Other urls found in this thread:
btw I'm a girl :)
This is a japanese bird cooking spaghetti
This is a japanese girl cooking spaghetti
This is a japanese bird configuring BIOS
And this is a japanese bird cooking BIOS
This is a European user posting on a Japanese image board.
Japanese girl booting fully configured Gentoo
But Asus is in Taiwan.
So is the girl
thats Dmitry Medvedev retard
best thread of the day
>configuting the basic input output system
>using a mouse
Kill it with fire.
I want /jp/ to leave.
Woah shit
Japan is a failed nation, just like the rest of asia. Vlad or Donald should nuke them for good already.
but muh amino
Japanese girl getting doubles
i want jp to stay
I like where this thread is going.
Feels like Sup Forums in 2009
I want to cum in this Japanese bird.
>implying moot didn't shitpost boards into oblivon by fucking the css up
Requesting a Japanese BIOS configuring cooked bird
>tfw no japanese Sup Forumsf
Why no one posted this yet?
>tfw i thought that was her ass
>the time when gpu's didn't looked like space ships
Look at all that blank space.
wheres the kid with the lightbulb in the power supply
looks hilarious indeed
You don't say.
This is Gary Johnson standing next to Japanese girl.
>you will never impregnate asus girl
This is a dead bird browsing a japanese website
This is a folder of japanese anime girl, who looks on you with smug impression
Outside of really mainstream stuff like sailor moon or pokemon, anime is viewed as otaku trash. Otakus and Hikkomori are viewed as subhuman in japan and are treated with huge contempt.
There were certain AMI BIOSes that could be controlled by a mouse back in the early 90s
That's untrue. Cute anime pictures are used in ads and instruction manuals all the time. Also the anime you listed is for kids. The mainstream stuff you mean is stuff like Conan and One Piece. They air anime on television as well and have a much more accepting view of it compared to Americans and how they view cartoons as for children only.
those aren't anime ads, those are manga ads. Manga is popular, anime is considered trash.
Room of Jews who are about to configure bios
God that's quite the situation you got there...
That is a japanese man with a bald spot.
This is Sup Forums.
Is it “ace-us” or “ay-sues”?
Your posts are generally viewed with contempt, user. Don't be a subhuman nigger.
I laughed for some reason
ayy soos
Using a mouse
Nigga wut?
Fantastic thread.
I've seen some shit, man
My CX 80486 machine had a BIOS that could use a mouse.
This thread makes me smile. Good job.
But she already finished configuring the BIOS, she's literally about to save the changes.
Who cares about some random ppl opinion about you.
Have you used a mobo made this century before? Lol
saving the changes is the last step in the process of configuring bios
tbqh I just wanted an excuse to post turbohampsters.webm
godspeed turbohampstars
makes me happy to know this is catching on
lololoololollol A+
pls do somebody initial d eurobeat to this, it will be amazing
The girl in your image is not Japanese. Possibly more Vietnamese, etc.
Anybody have the compilation of this?
>tfw no gf
I want to share my first kiss with her
looks like a stock photo with a shopped screen
Stupid hamsters
Is that the Asus Sabertooth motherboard? Nice camo.
BIOS is not UEFI
I haven't seen this in so long, brings a tear to my eye.
She doesn't look Japanese, brah. She's likely from Taiwan, or Korea. Trust me, I have experience with Japanese ladies.
Video code?
The image of Windows in this image set shows Chinese.
So China or Taiwan most likely. I'd bet Taiwan.
these little fuckers are fast
>implying the MODS are not shitposting japanese girls doing stuff in this thread
wew lad, where do you think you are?
Hello newfriend and welcome to Sup Forums!
The using mouse to configure bios thing was a lot funnier before mainstream motherboard vendors actually implemented support for mouse in their BIOSes.
That was a low end card, those have never looked like space ships and still don't.
Taiwanese. Is every single asian person a fucking chink, jap or a gook?
I would like to sniff your moms BIOSes
actually they are all chinks or japs, honestly I will use either term when the mood strikes, the flavour of the day is jap. Tomorrow I will generalize and call every single asian chink and so on.
a-user kun how did you manage to knock out the birdy without losing loads of detail around the edges? Whenever I try to use a mask or the magic wand tool etc I end up with a layer with loads of frayed edges...Just started learning pshop..
Edit>Cut Special>Sunday Morning>today is Friday>cut le birdie smoothly
Yes, it was, which is why we went through it all when this was a thing YEARS ago. Expressing surprise at the BIOS mouse combo is advertising how new you are.
Use the fucking pen tool.
>tfw to intelligent to understand this meme
doesn't work with animals/humans due to hair aggressive user
this worked thanks
don't be mean or the jap bios fairy wont visit you.
>this thread
wat? how? are you blind?
>you will never asus impregnate girl
you will never give birth a BIOS for the jap girl to touch it with her mouse