/STD/ - Solus Threads Daily

/STD/ - Solus Threads Daily

Previous thread - IRC: #solus on irc.rizon.net

The thread with the most users of the best Linux distro!

Sign the petition to name the next Solus major version after Kevin!

What is Solus?

Why use Solus?

Why is budgie the best?

Everybody who supports any distro besides Solus is a *shill.* Reminder to report all non-Solus posts in this thread in order to keep the anti-Solus shills out. We never shill here, we just state facts.

More Solus links:

Official website for best distro ever made:

Reddit for best distro ever made:

Wiki for best distro ever made:

Tumblr of best distro ever made:

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow this really IS the best linux distro!

reminder to not give this retard posts

My life is actually better thanks to solus and kevin

Who the fuck is Kevin?

First for #NameSolus1.3Kevin

>Why use Solus?

Ow fuck my sides

install solus

This is a joke thread made to make me download a shit distro, right?

Yes. It's the new gentoo. Sage/hide etc.

gentoo is a meme
install solus (the best distro ever)

It's a joke thread, but Solus isn't a shit distro.

fuck off, microsoft shill

Enlighten me, fampai.

fuck off redhat shill

>tfw memers shitpost a decent distro in to oblivion before it has the chance to build a decent community.

If you faggots are going to shitpost a clear troll thread, would you mind at least saging? Those pastebins should tell you all you need to know ffs..



It's still fairly new, so the repositories are a little lacking. Most common software is included though.

I use it, I like it. It's still a young distro but it's got a lot of potential.

Sad part is it's actually a really nice distro.

don't listen to this redhat shill

t. microsoft shill

install solus

It looks great, actually, here's hoping that it doesn't get shitposted to death.

> embarrassing

But mainly this.

solus actually has 8 million packages available and you can epkg -p -a -d to download from arch, ubuntu, or fedora.

eopkg (the Solus package manager) has a mode that emulates every major package manager

For example, to emulate pacman:
eopkg -p


eopkg -p -S package

installs a package from Arch repos

More package manager modes are available. See man page.

It is also fully compatible with pkgbuilds and aur via other flags.

you can emulate any other package manager with eopkg:

eopkg -a does apt-get
eopkg -d does dnf

and many more

>8 million packages
>Not a troll thread

Stop bumping you fucking idiot.


I saged, this samefag bumped.

Oh, finally good /thread.

Gentoo boot time on hdd 7200rmp - 5 seconds.

How much does microsoft pay you ?

+15 cent (He is pajeet, I guess)

i dont get paid by ms. no linux has 8m packages. there arent even 8m softwares for all of linux

you must feel so accomplished

>can't download and install from gentoo repo - best repository ever

So you are a redhat shill. It's clear now, thanks.

> he doesn't like what I like
> he must be a shill

This is what autists actually believe.

Just installed it on a shittop. Except the lack of software (temporary) i see nothing wrong with it. It does what it's told, almost no compatibility issues and stable. Ubuntu and his clones can go fuck themselfs. And you gentoo/arch trolls need to cool the fuck down because this shit has potential

privet dima :-)

:^) bump :^)

Fuck off cunt, you're not me.

Not much at all faggot.

Privet, kak tam /sosach?
Cкaжи кcopгo-пopвaткaм чтo для Wayland дpaйвepa нe нyжны, only kernel-module with DRM.


Well, this just keeps getting better and better..

What a fuck wrong with you?
You can install any soft on any distro.

really gets the neurons firing at the speed of light :^)


It's a shame it's getting meme'd so hard, I gave it a try a few nights ago, it just feels fast as fuck. I came from arch though, so whatever I guess. Would deal again.


Hi there!
Whats up?

Does it uses wayland environment?

Oh! You're back Kevin!


You can install any package manager.

17 posters now..

This faggot appears to be having a conversation with himself and all.

Concentrated cancer ITT.


if you think this is advertisement and not a troll thread, then you need to check the links in the OP.

anyway, does Solus use systemd?

I think they're working on it for 2.0

>sees something good getting popular
>doesn't like it
>gets mad

ur mum uses systemd

>something good
>getting popular
LMFAO get the lotion ready, little faggot

No, openRC

you guys need to stop shitposting and talk about solus. going off topic is against the rules. dont make me call my friend. he is a mod on Sup Forums and will permaban you all


Hmm, seems legit. Will it run well on my dual core 2gb ram toaster?

of course it will, we're talking about Solus after all. I wouldn't expect anything less from it.

why is solus so perfectfam?

Solus is shit
Arch is way better

Do you even understand how the post counter works faggot..?

Do you even understand how autism work, faggot?