R9 280X

Is this card god tier or what?

>comes out in 2012
>runs every game pre 2014 at 60fps on high-ultra
>dx12 support

Anyone else have this based card?

Other urls found in this thread:


Forgot to add, post 2014 games reach 60fps easy on medium-high too!

I sold mine a month ago, but I agree. It aged pretty fucking well, which apparently wasn't the case with the GTX 700 series it was competing with lol.

this is a rebranded 7970, which is even older

I had two in CF and until I replaced it recently with an 1080 they served me very well

Yes, but the 7950 has it beat for most based card ever.

That's not how you spell 5850.

>which apparently wasn't the case with the GTX 700 series

News to me. Elaborate, user? My 770 still seems to be doing fine.

But my gtx 680 still runs everything on ultra or high settings too?

I don't get it...


its aged well and its cheap as shit
my sapphire toxic r9 280x is still taking anything 1080p i can throw at it

max gta v, max csgo, max insurgency, max minecraft (i guess)

i dont exactly expect it to run arma 3 at 144hz in 4k maxed out
but it does everything else just fine

GTFO poorfag
It's literally 2017

I ended up selling my 780ti when my gen older and cheaper HD 7970 started matching or outperforming it in new games.

Most regretted upgrade ever.
Waiting for Vega for new card.

i have a 680 which is essentially the same card and my friend has a 7970. In modern titles it gets smoked.

now the problem though
>300w power draw
this thing is a 12" toaster
its in a small case, starved for air, and i can practically use it as a space heater during gta v

Feels bad lads. Is this just driver support?

yep nvidia neglecting their older cards when it comes to newer titles.

This never happened.

They aren't. Kepler is optimised for serial workloads, unlike GCN, so it struggles more with dx12/vulkan. If you use dx11/opengl it still performs fantastic.

For example, Doom.

Maxwell is already starting to get the same treatment. Nvidia's long term support is piss.

Got any proof?

it is the same thing in newer dx11 titles.

For reference the 290x was the 780ti's competitor and the 7970 ghz was the 680's.

Got more than one example?
That chart looks very AMD biased.

Of course he doesn't.

But I do :^)

But it actually did. I've not got them saved myself, but I have seen graphs which put the 7970 well above the 780Ti

>tfw you bought a 270X instead of a 280X
>tfw you have to upgrade now but you wouldn't have to if you bought a 280X instead

That got patched within the next month at most.

Oh look, here's another!

nice old drivers benchmark m8

>single fan
>god tier

>DOOM openGL

Literally why?

>reference models

>Got any proof?

Nvidia has tuned their dx/ogl drivers to the point that low-level api don't matter.

Because vulkan is a parallel API and kepler is a serial architecture.

Oh no, the 290x aged 1% better than the 780 ti, heavens forbid anyone buy nvidia ever again :^)

nice 7970, op

watch out kiddo ill pat your head when you're asleep

Global rule 13.

Can't wait for your faggy ass to get banned :^)

This is true only for kepler and maxwel though.

> ill pat your head when you're asleep


lol do you even know what a VPN is?

I have 280x too, but its sapphire tri-x model with 3 fans. its bretty gud card. also it doesnt support dx12 its dx11.2


7970 GOAT

my nigga

the cards that are actually worth a danm are the higher oc'd ones that require at least 300w of power
600w psu is a 100% need with just one of them

I'm using the 7970ghz which is basically the same card.

It's good enough that I can't justify upgrading it without going up to 1440p but even if I were to upgrade now I don't know what I would upgrade it to.

The problem is what do I upgrade to? The 7970 was the competitor to the 680, so if I want the current equivalent I should get the 1080 which is just a ridiculous idea. But if I look at it as a 280X then the closest replacement is the 480, which is only a two generation jump.

I'm not going to upgrade until Red Dead Redemption 2 comes out on the PC so I won't have to worry about it for a while (ever).

I'm running gta medium-high sub 60.
280x 3gb, i5 3570k, 8gb ram

The card is a piece of shit IMO. Only having trouble with it in Adobe products, blender and the driver software is a bad joke.

Never again will i fall for the AMD meme.

I got a 280 instead of x, cus it was cheap af only paid about 70€. I have it overclocked and I was wondering ia there a huge difference between the 280 & 280x?

Don't know how, I run GTA V with a 7950 on mostly high with almost perfect 60 FPS.

I do have a slight overclock, but if you aren't overclocking your GPU you shouldn't even be playing on PC unless you buy graphics cards every 2 years.

So is my HD 7950 OC
but u don't see me posting threads about it, right.

just bought an 480 8GB, didn't reinstall crimson, idle temp = 60C+
remove drivers, fresh install, 30C idle.

GCN Southern Islands can't support DX12 because it doesn't support Tiled Resource Tier 2

Yeah right.

I think my Gigabyte 280X was defective, and come to think of it I should've RMA'ed it. Display driver would keep crashing on specific games, namely War Thunder and Dead Island Riptide.

nah it's shit, it drops below 60fps in overwatch even on lower settings

reminder that any kepler or maxwell aib partner card is still very competitive today and totally btfo's all these nvidia gimp conspiracy fags.

>gtx 970 sc beats the very popular r9 390 sapphire
>gtx 780 ti asus matrix beats the 970 strix and matches the 480 and 1060

the conclusion is don't buy reference for nvidia or if you do at least overclock it like the aib partners do. there's always loads of overclocking headroom on nvidia cards which you should take advantage of.

I have a 2gig 680 and it's still going strong.
Can play overwatch on ultra settings on 60fps without lags.

>970 ever beating an r9 390
keep dreaming shill

>can play esports games with no lag
so can a budget card like the 750 ti

check how 7990 is holding, that is mad

I'm still rocking my Sapphire fancy edition 7950. Getting rid of it soon though.

True, but that doesn't mean its not impressive that a 2012 card can still hold up this well.

R9 290
Doing good on high-ultra on 1440p on most games, DX12 is helping

only the stock 390 beats the stock 970. jokerproductions tested the two most popular 970 and 390 in bf1 (amd sponsored game too) and where benchmarks show the 390 wins by upto 10 fps at stock clocks, his video showed that the aftermarket clocks on the 970 beat the aftermarket clocks on the 390 by upto 10 fps. they were both around the same price too.

there is no fanboysim here. just clearing up the fact that stock clocked nvidia cards run like shit once amd gets their drivers nicely optimized. they must choose a low clocks for power consumption reasons. the more power hungry oc aftermarket nvidia cards are still very much competitive and run very well.


if you flick through these comparison vids with the overclock aftermarket 780 ti, it actually beats the 970/480/1060 and even matches the fury x in some of the scenes.


and in this video it shows the aib 390 vs aib 970 and the 970 wins by upto 10 fps in the only current working mode which is dx11. dx12 is broken garbage even on amd cards on this game.

long post, but hopefully it educates some people that still believe in the gimping.

This is bullshit. I have a 290X and vulkan doom averages around 70 and does drop down into mid fifties sometimes.

most of these benchmarks are bullshit and not representative of the majority who own these cards. they imply that everyone who owns eg a 480 has a 6700k or 5960x overclocked to the moon.

As amazing as tahiti is the new grand champion of longevitity is hawaii.

Honourable mention: G80.

My 8320e at 4.7ghz paired with a 290x runs at 100fps - in fact on the latest version of the game and drivers i've never seen a dip below 70 when graphics are set to ultra.

very nice performace wise, absolute shit when it comes to temps

latest amd gpus solved this

Nigga what cpu are you using. I have mine on ultra and it's consistently at 70fps

>take 290 that barely rivals a 780
>bump core clock by 50mhz
>bump memory clock by 250mhz
>now fights neck and neck with a gpu of the same tier but an entire generation newer

>tfw happened to chose 280x for first gayming pc
>tfw still no signs of aging

The GTX570 runs everything maxed until 2014. It came out in 2010. Unlike your piss 280X, it doesn't have to be lowered to high to get 60 fps.

Not with that amount of vram it doesn't.

>costs $130 more
>worthless 4gb extra vram

there will be someone who will reply to this post and defend this with some terrible damage control.

I dunno man, the extra 2gb on some versions of the 770 is worthless and Nvidia charged more than a 680 for it.

HD5850 came out in 2009, still plays games :^).

The fans on mine stopped working last month and I sent it back to MSI for repairs.

MSI still hasn't returned it to be after 3 weeks.

No driver support though.

hah, how did i know it would be "b-b-but nvidia!"

the difference is the 770 can utilize that full 4gb. a 390 isn't powerful enough to utilize anything more than 5/6gb before crumbling. the facts are the hard truth.

>the difference is the 770 can utilize that full 4gb

Not across that 256bit bus without compression it isn't.

pff I run witcher 3 on saphire Hd5570
1gb on 1366x768 on 1920x1080 monitor

like i said, terrible damage control.

the 770 was cheaper than the 680 on release, the 390 was more expensive than the 290 on release and you had at least a choice of a cheaper 2gb 770 varient unlike the 390 which was 8gb and overpriced. a 4gb 390 would have been way cheaper than the 970 and would have won amd the last generation, yet they charged more for the 390 than the 970 and nvidia dominated with the 970. it's still the most used gpu in the world to this day.

>it's still the most used gpu in the world to this day.

I severely doubt that user. In b4 steam survey.

member when vidya curds had epic power at their disposal and having more memeberries made them faster?
mmember when they stopped releasing decent software/firmware for cards so you'd go out and buy a rebranded card with less power than ones from literally half a decade earlier?

>i-it's all a lie and conspiracy!
>amd actually has the most used gpu in the world!

let me link it for you, just to rub it in :^)


Post specs.

You said the most used gpu in the world. That honour most likely belongs to intel's HD4000 series. Intel technically ships more gpus than AMD and Nvidia combined by a huge margin.

>bb-b-b-but I meant dgpu

If you mean it then say it next time.

>the 970. it's still the most used gpu in the world to this day.
le 3.5gb maymay
go figure bad publicity sells.

nope :^)

here, let me provide you with a screenshot to go with that.

>b-b-but steam hardware survey doesn't represent all people with gpu

...I didn't think anyone could be this retarded but lo and behold Sup Forums does it again.

>b-b-but steam hardware survey doesn't represent all people with gpu

It doesn't, that is a fact.

...I didn't think anyone could be this retarded but lo and behold Sup Forums does it again.

>bb-b-b-but i meant all other gpu that aren't registered in the steam hardware survey

If you mean it then say it next time :^)

no because im not poor lol

Had one, sold it a while back, before the new cards came out and got a 470 for the same price

Steam = gaymers only. They make up an extremely small amount of all PCs out there.

So much that Intel has over 70% of the GPU market, Nvidia and AMD are something like 17% and 13%.

muh games!

I have it.

It's not awful, but it's really power hungry, Gnome 3 chokes on it (why) and I know that the latest Deus Ex was highly unoptimized but I still felt disappointed. I wanted to go nvidia back in summer, but then decided against it. Now I don't play many games with it. It's really a weird fucking card for me.

Well, Asscreed games also were a pain in the ass. It's a good thing the latest 2 were garbage because my PC would go up in flames and beg me to turn that shit off.

Boinc on it.

Same here, when eventually my card dies or gets too old it will be worth it to build a whole new rig. I got the 280x the day it came out and have had 0 issues with it aswell.

Not a bad idea, but I gotta pay my bills.

That's essentially 2x7950's

I had 7970 GHz editions in a crossfire (one died and I replaced it with a 280x actually) - they performed well until witcher 3 came out. It still worked after crossfire updates, but on 1080p.

I upgraded to a gtx 1080 last month

Wow, why don't you start bragging that you can run LoL at 60FPS? Just so that you know a i3 6100 iGPU can do the same thing

my 6870HD works fine still

>fell for the 380 4gb meme