I need to come up with an idea for a school project

I need to come up with an idea for a school project.
The requirements are:
1) Technology related
2) Includes software and/or sensors (preferably both)
3) It will be executed by a group of 5 second year CS students for a time-period of 4 months (as an orientation for the difficulty)
4) We are allowed to use everything done before us, but we have to add value in a way.

An example project: Smart mirror

Help out with creative ideas, please !

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why would anyone sell a diaper pail?

Put a raspi with Cortana on top of a Roomba

Why don't you make a smart Russian Roulette game where users can pull the trigger on the gun pressed to your head remotely?

Do your own homework ffs.

>Requirements don't include"it has to be legal"
Anything related to drugs, prostitution or just plain slavery like a Uberslave for example "$10,000 and I kidnap anyone for your sexual pleasure... On demand"

Better yet, ancaps will defend you since your service will pay the kidnapped person some money afterwards. If they accept it they consent!

funny thing is that this is not a bad idea in general terms and we have 5 spergs on CS in their second year that can't do shit or they are already checking one man diy projects like the magic mirror.

Raspberry Pi emulation box

Text based Sup Forums clone that can only be accessed through a proprietary terminal based linux only program

a gui for radare2 because sometimes i just want to get shit done quick without having a botnet like W10 on my pc

damn i've wanted to do a smart mirror for like 6 months, maybe someday

one project I had fun with is a GSM based alarm, put one on front and back doors and on my shed

user said 4 months not 4 minutes

4 months of stress testing, overclocking and shit

But if OP wants to learn he can make a "supercomputer" cluster with multiple Raspberry Pis

Raspberry Pi replacement home security system is quite easy and fun. Has sensors, programing, and a ton of documentation.

>if OP wants to learn
fuck no, they are here asking for a quick fix for their problem. You are not talking about one faggot, we actually have five useless faggots.
If I were teaching I would fuck your shit up if you came up with a project that has been done to death on the internet, unless it's some serious next level shit or if it actually made them learn something. Following step by step guides on this things is almost the equivalente of copying wikipedia articles on a fucking essay.

try the supercomputer cluster idea, but do something cool with it, even a fucking monkey could put that together with the guides around and enough time. If you truely are clueless and want to work, try something new using anothers idea as stepping stone, ie: using the cluster to do processing for your actual project.

Nazi Nixie Clock.

Make a digital clock and put it in a $1 lockbox

make a second life clone for Microsoft Overpriced Gimic hololens


>not putting a laptop in a pizza box

don't have a specific idea for you, but for inspiration you could check out kickstarter's most funded tech projects.

you may have to do some digging, but there's lots of innovative yet simple stuff in there.


this guy looks 100% gay

My project last year for 3 students was this exact smart mirror, with openCV face recognition.

So that as the Pi recognizes a face it updates the info on screen to your facebook or twitter feed.

Only took about a week because OpenCV and social network's APIs are very well documented.

And i guess you could also add a voice component with google speech

>not soldering cpus

One thing if you decide to do this, get a screen with very good contrast and luminosity


Configure a couple quadcopters with lasers and sensors and have them laser tag

VrRc car

Get it to work in 3d, and have the view change depending on where you are looking.

Literally a dream of mine to race irl in the cockpit view of a VERY small rc car.

The tech is out there to do the small rc car, transmit, and the rest is on you to get the cameras to work 3d and on a platform that will shift view with the head.