
Well fuck me. I'm gonna have to buy this for the name alone.

Other urls found in this thread:


Will skylake prices drop when kaby comes out or not?

>14 nm



Zen it is then.

>tfw you know set backs will push it to 2019

Rather get for Skylake-X. More cores.

What are the chances the 170 chipsets will support coffeelake processors?


They won't.

>coffee lake
optimized for Java


It will be Q4 2019
Screencap this

>Inb4 it'll start at 420$

It's another 14nm refinement of skylake/kaby and not a new architecture, so I think there is a decent chance. There would be demand for the 6 core from both the skylake and kabylake owners, but they would be less willing to upgrade the motherboard also.

6 cores might be compelling enough for sandy/ivy holdouts to finally upgrade everything though.

>tfw jewtel 6 core will cost like 400$



NOTHING is optimized for Java

didyou look at haswell prices ?

>they've been waiting for zen for 2 years

Just trow more recurses to it and call it optimization.


Just give me the i7-7700k already so I can have permanent trips

dont care if its just an overclocked 6700k, im running sandy shit anyway

Known this all year, was confirmed by an OEM months ago.
Coffee Lake, intel's 4th generation of 14nm chips, will launch around 2018 and will have an Iris Pro IGP.

This is such a shitty time to be shopping for an upgrade. I'd like to have 6 cores, but no matter how you slice it it's either going to be 4 months for Zen (we don't even know if it's good or what its prices will be) an entire year of waiting for intel, or giving up right now and choking on the $700 cock for X99 and DDR4. I'm almost considering downgrading to someone's used Sandy Bridge-E shit and just riding it out until 2019. At least I wouldn't have to spend $100 on fucking DDR4.

Hurts to be a futureproof/waitfag.

Just know AMD products are always overhyped disasters and that even a 4 core i7 beats most of Intel's 6 core and 8 core processors in everything but maybe 3d rendering, because even Intel goes the Bulldozer route and sticks shitty, weak, housefire cores on their 140w "Pro" CPUs.

You can just buy a 6700k now, overclock the shit out of it, and ride it out till maybe 2020

> even Intel goes the Bulldozer route and sticks shitty, weak, housefire cores on their 140w "Pro" CPUs.

Its the exact same core architecture in all their chips you fucking retard.

I just bought a skylake to upgrade from a 7 year old i5 did I fuck up

Then why does the 6700k still kill the 6800k and 6850k in most benchmarks?

Sure you can overclock the six core to beat it but its already a 140w housefire so that's absolutely retarded.

What's a good source of CPU benchmarks, by the way? One that checks both single and multi-threaded performance.

>actually being this much of a tech illiterate retarded faggot

The i7 6700K has a 4ghz base clock and a 4.2ghz turbo.
The i7E 6800k 3.4ghz base, 3.6ghz turbo.
The i7E 6850K 3.6ghz base, 3.8ghz turbo.

Obviously in any metric that favors serial performance the higher clocked part will win.
They each have the literal exact same cores.

Kill yourself.



If Zen is good and 300$, then yes you fucked up big time. That's a big if tho

Why have you not joined the Intel 6 core master race, Sup Forums?

And all this for just meager 300$

do you ride a short bus by chance?