/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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where is the not shopped version?

Is there a retard friendly guide to setting up VNC access from Android to my laptop or do I just have to use Teamviewer?

The head is too big.

Please avoid using the term “photoshop” as a verb, meaning any kind of photo manipulation or image editing in general. Photoshop is just the name of one particular image editing program, which should be avoided since it is proprietary. There are plenty of free programs for editing images, such as the GIMP.

uhh.. okay

>linguistic deconstructionalism
Screencaping this for when anyway denies free software being literally cultural marxism.

they themselves will gladly tell you this

>I enjoy adversing cuckware for free.

What do you guys think about Fuschia?


- Microkernel
- Free of unix, linux, gnu
- MIT/BSD licensed
- source code is managed with Jiri (written in Go), not git
- Apps coded in dart
- Has interfaces for Go, Python, Rust, ...
- Rendering is done through vulkan or opengl
- file system written in Go
- source based package manager written in Go

>cuck licensed

>cultural marxism
There is no such thing.


Will this compete with Ubuntu, macOS, and Windows 10?

Let me know where I could find the unedited picture. Thank you good sir.

what google plans to do with this is still unknown. it is say that current OSs are not suited for virtual reality which could be the reason for this.

Experimental project at best. Google have a bunch of these.

This one seems to be far more than experimental. lot of stuffs already been done (a microkernel, a build system, a package manager, a hardware accelerated renderer, some drivers, some apps, a local file system, a distributed file system, a terminal emulator, a shell, ...)

android is problematic to google (java, mobile centric, single user centric)
linux is bad for vr (high latency)

a new os from scratch actually does make sense.

How come I sometimes get very low speeds using pacman? My internet connection is very good, 300 MB.
I'm from Spain but I'm connected to the French Arch servers because the spanish ones were always slow.

There was a better version with a smaller head, but faggot OP didn't save it. Nor did I. user's efforts went to waste yet again.

A new operating system will be good. Android is not so good. Will they replace Android with this, as well?

Fuchsia is designed to run on a multitude of devices, including mobile phones and personal computers.

>an entire operating system written in go

>android is problematic to google (java, mobile centric, single user centric)

Mobile platform since JavaME.
>mobile centric
Touch centric, but this is the future.
>single user centric
As every sane embedded system.

The Linux part will be another walled garden as barely can find anyone embedded Linux developer not to mention this microkernel with literally zero background. It would was sane in 2006, but that ship is gone and breaking backward compatibility will destroy what Google build up in the past with the Android mess.

>inb4 Go defense force

Vncviewer on fdroid

no, the kernel is written in c. some base libs are written in c++, some in go. the user apps are written in dart.


google paid hundred of thousands of dollars to settle a legal battle with oracle because of java.

google just joined the .net foundation

What would be the best distro to make a datacenter?

please leave

What distro would be the best for just browsing Sup Forums? Since I am assembling a mini PC to run on my third monitor just for browsing Sup Forums so I'm looking for something that is net browsing focused but that I could also handle multimedia easily i.e storing pictures/videos

Google was dumbass to not implement openjdk earlier. .net won't change anything.

Hey Sup Forums, what's the best lightweight and user-friendly distro for daily use?


Anyone have a simple guid eon how ot make webms with MPV and ffmpeg?

I have no idea what to do. thanks

Puppy is neat.







Running KDE Fedora 24 on my new T420 and wifi doesn't work. Any help with the drivers?

Is the device on? ifconfig output?

I believe it doesn't include non-free drivers.


is shit

is shit

is shit

1. How do I keep RDP session alive even after I close the laptop lid (windows 10)
2. What's the best RDP client for Linux in your opinion? I want clipboard and file sharing as well

How do you stop Windows from trying to replace the GRUB2 menu?

Or is there no way to dualboot without having to worry about that kind of shit when Windows getting reinstalled??

I already have Vncviewer to access my Windows installation but I don't know how to set up the server on Linux

Yep. I would recommend switching now. Windows/iOS will be phased out within 2 years at the rate Fuschia is progressing.

Do AMD cards still suck in Linux? Considering a low end card for Linux Steam and retro games, would rather support AMD. Aren't they supporting open development now?


on gentoo when changing settings on the kernel, do you need to recompile it every time?

>support AMD
what a shitty meme. A company that makes an inferior product who gets people to buy that inferior product to "support them" as if they were some sort of charity or something. You are fucking retarded.



So long as you have a recent kernel, it's fine. Catalyst/proprietary drivers (save for amdgpu-pro on newest cards) are more or less dead, so you'll want to use Mesa.

still confusing . Most of t his is for windows. oh well.

Do you guys not know who to use the archive?

when i use clementine the next song plays once this one is finished every time, how do i make it default to 'stop once track is finished?'

Not GPL... I don't feel comfortable with this...

Setting looks like Exxxotica convention.
Girl looks like Megan Rain.
Guy looks like Richard Stallman.

a little bit better i still had the .xcf
thanks for the laugh

open it with your preferred video player

Try to Color correct it a Little. Then its perfect

Why isn't this censored with peppers?

Checked and saved.

I'm installing my printer drivers, I have both the option for one that is generic and one that is not generic. What does generic driver mean?

generic isnt designed for one specific device, but a wider range. may be slower, less optimised & lack specific features, but may work on lots of hardware.

sudo ass -poo -fart -stink

So generic is much more likely to work for my computer? I'll go with generic since I don't use any fancy printer features anyways. Thanks.

Daily reminder to deblob your kernel.
(Especially when you run Arch Linux.)

shouldnt you Sup Forums someplace else?

yeah give it a shot first. if it dont work get a specific one for your hardware.

how do I do this

More like you should compile your own kernel and not enable things you don't use.

1. Why?
2. How.
3. Will it make my system less hackable?
4. Will it make my system better?
5. Will it make my system a lot (key word here) less bloated?

just blacklist unneeded stuff wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Kernel_modules

If I recall, you use an ncurses program called menuconfig. You should be familiar with it if you installed gentoo.

/r/ing rms head render


Btrfs is such a shitty meme, Christ. Anyone running it?

Debian doesn't have this problem.

Despite the fact that debian has a fully libre kernel and moved all nonfree firmware to another repo, fsf still refuses to recognize it and endorse it.

Is this actually secure?

Well, Debian has lots of instructions and recommendations on their website about how to install nonfree programs and drivers, that doesn't help also.
But it's cool that the kernel comes deblobbed and if the user needs some botnet, he can add it.
Best of both worlds, I'd say.

>any other meme shit like debian or ubuntu etc
sorry. i don't use shite distros. I use my own distro I've created for personal use.

>fsf still refuses to recognize it and endorse it.
why do you care? does it make it any worse? does it make it any better? how does this change the actual software? are you ratarded?

You can add nonfree stuff on freetard distros also, Debian just makes it easy.

I'm running a fork of it. Why?

did you mess up?

yeah... burn all those books why give people information
agreed and upvoted

ffmpeg -i input.video -c:v libvpx -c:a libvorbis output.webm

for the other flags visit ffmpeg's wiki

Don't do this
this sends your video feed to someone on the internet

Nice strawman, how about this: Would you think it's a good idea to teach your kid where to buy heroin and how to use it?

--purge yourself

yes. i would actually teach my kid that info.

not him but: never use analogies in discussions, it makes things only worse because it makes people discussing the analogy instead of the topic, missing the point

no need to thank me :^)

i feel like i've raped you before (via internet "debate" as you like to call it)
nice tactic though. you less experienced ones usually like to make bad analogies so better avoid them altogether. you know, since your shitty "mind" isn't capable of making good ones

Bad example.