I fell for the Nvidia meme but was too poor to get a Titan XP or 1080, Sup Forums
what am I in for?
I fell for the Nvidia meme but was too poor to get a Titan XP or 1080, Sup Forums
a pretty good gpu.
Nothing else, nothing more.
>he's gpu dosen't have a gop bios
Can we just agree that both companys have their pros and cons instead of just calling them both memes?
Sorry but I'm a Democrat
A decent card that will blow anything 1080p out of the water and handle 1440p fairly well for the most part, but will still have issues hitting 4K at playable framerates without turning down stuff.
Its a great card that should last anyone several years.
I have 1440p
should I be worried
Nah, you should be good for the most part outside some of the unoptimized ports (To be fair, there have been games I have had issues with this year on the GTX 1080 due to crap releases, so eh). You might have to turn off or down some of the NVIDIA gameworks features on a few games, but you should be fine otherwise at Very High or Ultra.
My condolences.
>falling for the bipartisan meme
good goy
Nigga wut?
heheh...get it...GOP bios...
I'm eyeballin the 1060 since I'd rather put the 150-200 dollar difference into my 'swanky restaurant' savings account. Is there a really huge difference between the 1060 and 1070? Not into the 4k meme and currently running a 750 ti.
Literally just throw down on a Fury for $270 ish
I haven't been impressed with ATI cards in the past and have been consistently disappointed with their drivers.
To be fair, last ATI card i owned was around 2009 or 2010.
Their drivers still suck(but less) and they produce a lot of heat
as long as you arent using Linux or emulating anything they're pretty gr8 though.
If youre a normie who plays Battlefield or Overwatch all day AMD is really good price-performance
money spent.. yeah
i personally have the msi rx480g 8g and im probably fine for the next 2-3 years, runs my 144hz monitor just fine, besides waiting for the vr market to develope
It's very nice playing doom and farcry primal in 1440p. But somewhat of a coil whine when playing 5 year old games maxed and it wants to kick out hundreds of frames per fps. V-sync helps it stabilize though and I don't hear it over my headphones. Tfw paid $350 for mine back in Aug
AMD is a dying company
I boot into linux for work.
I originally did a lot of OpenCL work when it was first released so an ATI card wasn't a big deal but I've been having a growing interest in digging into CUDA development recently.
v-sync introduces some wicked input lag in Overwatch tho
I don't use free/v on the newer games because it caps the framerate too low on my 144Hz
Not gonna get into overwatch because it looks like the next gen of tf2.
Didnt get into tf2 because it was a meme game.
New $60 games cost too much
Why did I spent $1600 on my setup again?
If you use Linux or anything with OpenGL stay away from AMD, period.
It's amazing because I had an Ati card back in 2008, tried a r9 290 a year ago only to find they were still shit at openGL. You'd think they would fix it by now.
better 4k I guess? I picked up a 1060 a couple days ago. It replaced an R9 290.
>1060 to replace a 290
dude, thats like a 10% performance gain
maybe 20% at best
I mean, if you did it to save power I guess thats ok.
dumb dog poster
just put in an order for the 1060 before I changed my mind. Will arrive on Friday.
I got mine for $234
>tfw bought fury x when the rx400 and gtx1000 series got released
>tfw bought it for 250€
feels good
Good luck when it burns down your apartment
Which is the best 1080 between Zotac AMP Extreme, Asus Rog, PNY?
Asus ROG Strix, the DirectCU coolers are godly and Asus support is great
The GTX 1080 is now only $450, so I hope you didn't pay that much for the 1070.
all the benchmarks I've seen show the Zotac Amp Extreme outperforms the Asus ROG Strix, if not by a small margin but still
Im gonna get the Asus one since I found it for 580. The amp edition is 650 where I found it. I think theyre close enough that the 70 dollar difference is worth getting the cheaper one.
stock is up to 8$ today, feels good that i put a couple thousand dollars in their stock when it was 2$, feels good that AMDs stock is literally paying for my next upgrade
>I have no idea what drives stock prices
>I'm paid 0.1¢ a post to shill on Sup Forums
its a PNY not EVGA
>buggy whql drivers
>washed out colors
>coilwhine at 30fps+
That's my experience with the 1080.
Dumb mobile poster.
Bought a 4GB 960 GTX last year out of desperation. I got a budget of about $450 and I'm debating whether I'd rather get a 27" 1440p monitor for my 3 monitor set up, currently have 2 x 24" 1080p, or a 1070.
Im a computer science major and use the shit out of two monitors, three would be great but I don't necessarily have to have a 1440p. But I also just want to get a new card to go along with the 16gb of ram I just picked up.
What do, Sup Forums?
I know that i made more money in a few hours than you will in your lifetime pajeet, all thanks you that dying company you keep talking about
>computer science major
>dumb enough to get cucked by nvidia
I guess you are one of the retards that went into CS expecting to make vidya too
Being cucked by Nvidia isnt much of an option, considering AMD is utter dogshit
literally increase the saturation and turn vsync on like lol are you some tech illeterate retard?
>tfw fell for the computer meme
>tfw fell for the posting meme
>tfw fell for the living and breathing air meme
>tfw fell for the drinking water meme
Well memed!!
>He got the best GPU you can get right now and literally cant use a fucking saturation slider
probably disabled fastboot in uefi...
Do you genuinely give a shit what type of brand someone uses?
No, I went into CS because I live in Georgia and have direct access to Lockheed.
The AMP Extreme is like 12 inches. Good luck fitting that in a non-full tower case.
Thinking that just proves how retarded you truly are
you bought the worst gpu that either AMD or Nvidia made and you think its about brands?
The 960 was the most worthless shit gpu of last generation and was slower than the 760 on launch. Literally every gpu from last generation was better than it in either performance or value
Is it worth selling my R9 390 for a 1070? Considering buying one if it goes on sale this cyber monday.
no, the 1070 is only about as powerful and a fury or 980ti and even those weren't worth the upgrade from a 390/290, if you have a 390/290 then there is no reason to upgrade until vega/1080ti
It was cheap and I desperately needed to buy a new card. I'm telling you now that I know it's a poor card and that I am upgrading because of that.
AMD up 11% today because of a compute farm deal with Google. clearly not a dead company. also over 50% of the x86 gaming (this includes consoles) market share uses AMD graphics
and the 380 was cheaper and better in every way, the 970 was only a little bit more expensive and almost twice as powerful dispite the 3.5 gimping
b-but consoles don't count goyim, b-but muh nvidia
Jesus Christ this board is a terrible place.
>what am i in for
good stuff man. i think the 1070 is the best price/performance product from the Pascal lineup. 1080 is mean to push shit like 4k. still, you might have just saved a bit and buy the top of the line, so you have no regrets later.
you should have gone with asus/msi though.
dont fall for the 1060 meme.
Well the 290 died..so....it's a bit better than the onboard intel shit I was using in the mean time.
Plus, it runs cooler, so that's nice.
Which one did you end up getting?
I grabbed the Asus Dual OC 3GB version, seemed like a good deal.