Why do you use Linux?
What does it do for you that Windows cannot?
Why do you use Linux?
What does it do for you that Windows cannot?
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Just poorfags who can't afford a macbook
Windows was raping my computer. Now it's free.
How else will I hide my cp and future terrorist attacks from NSA?
>windows costs money
>the only thing that windows does good that linux doesn't is video games and superficial normie shit
>don't do any of that shit
>don't need windows
>linux is faster
>linux is smaller
>linux has more customization options
>linux is easier to use once you pass the learning curve
>linux is fucking free.
>dev level tools
>no botnet
it's not even a fucking question, windows is for stupid people and gamers.
Linux just works, windows doesn't
Windows confirmed for SJW OS
What does Windows do for me that Linux doesn't other than gaymen?
hurr durr my pepeshop XDDD
Easier on resources.
High availability because of the lack of forced updates.
Skype is pretty unusable on Linux, but thankfully people are starting to fill the void with solutions that normies will also use.
It lets me boot my 6 years old laptop in under 10 minutes so I can use the cd burner because I don't care enough to buy a usb cd burner for my htpc I made
Developer friendly.
I just like Linux a lot more.
I have to program in OCaml
i can trimming down it so much.
and there is many option of it.
that's why i using linux.
I use at work an OCaml for Linux.
I wanted to say for Windows.
I prefer the GNU/Linux MO. It isn't about what works best for everyone, but rather customization, optimization, and what works best for you. Gentoo is perhaps the ultimate example of this.
I also like that I have the resources to learn how every part of it works if I wanted to. This option does not exist on Windows.
I just use the web app when I have to use it on my computer
>Why do you use Linux?
Pic related, Linux and Unix in general feel more like OS whereas windows feels like a bubble wrap safe space, I don't remember doing anything fun on windows other than browsing the internet, playing games and listening to music.
>Why do you use Linux?
>What does it do for you that Windows cannot?
Read the source code and modify drivers
For me, the biggest reason is to avoid having to fuck around with product activation, licensing, and all that other Big Brother shit.
Also, with Win10, they turned up the Big Brother to 11. If I ever need to use Windows, I run it as a VM guest with host-only networking.
Not wanting to get in to the "time to upgrade, goy!" arms race.
Only winning move is not to play.
>Better buy the new OS/turn on windows update or you can't do this really important thing LOL
This is pretty damn hostile to the user and the main reason I switched to linux. I also enjoy the great amount of customizing I can now do compared the almost none at all that windows allows you.
>What does it do for you that Windows cannot?
Virtualization of the big 3 OSes without crippling licensing costs
I left Microsoft forever after I had to call up some automated phone line to unlock my inactivated PC.
That was such a fucking pain that I swore never again.
>Why do you use Linux?
Because i feel more comfy, i can customize it a lot, it has the tools i need and it requires much less maintenance than windows in my own experience.
>What does it do for you that Windows cannot?
Different people likes different things for arbitrary reasons. Still, if i must answer to this i would say that the terms of usage are much nicer on linux than on windows.
Why do you use Windows?
What does it do for you that Linux cannot?
I Skype a girl about once or twice a week with no problems, I also use Skype for wow for hours at a time and have never had a problem. Unusable? I just downloaded the .deb and installed...
Those people likes to make claims without evidence or without any research, they cross their fingers expecting the other people to be as uninformed as them to not question their claims.
Honestly, it all started with the autistic "muh freedomz" and hackery looking desktop shit but now that I'm over the learning hump and well versed in how to do things I just find it works better for most things. An install is way easier, updates are smoother, everything I try to do with my computer works fine with Linux but every time I boot back into my w10 partition I get problems that end up being a bitch to solve. I also find xfce way more responsive than windows.
Why should I upgrade my hardware at this point when it's all fine in Linux? On top of that I have a new dream of contributing to open source projects that I use and helping build a better experience for everyone as a hobbyist.
>Why do you use Linux?
It's open-source. I have a better picture of what is or isn't wrong with the system. i.e. What security holes it may have, what it may be doing with my personal info, etc.
Granted, I don't actually sit there and audit the source. That would require a lot of time and manpower. But it's a lot more reasonable to assume that an open-source system isn't going to be injected with any botnet without eventually being discovered by someone in its userbase.
Secondly, GNU/Linux is mostly free. I don't bother with enterprise distributions / editions. A single-user Windows license can run you an upward of USD $100, and Windows tends to place restrictions on the number of times you can re-install the system with the same license key. This is enforced through an online validation scheme that deactivates the key after it's used up.
>What does it do for you that Windows cannot?
That's not the point. Windows is commercial and closed-source. We already know that Windows 10 pervasively tries to collect personally identifiable info as well as keeping tabs on user activities. A lot of that can be disabled, but who knows how deep Windows' surveillance actually runs. We can't dismantle the system to find out.
And again, Windows costs money - a lot of money.
I used it until I realized it was a waste of time an macOS does everything Linux does better. All my development is done on macOS now and there's no way in hell I'd go back to Linux.
it's free doesn't get any viruses or popups asking me to update niggershit, way better terminal, package manager i can more easily install, not NSA backdoor'd, easier to fix if it fucks up, can just reinstall from USB if it's really bad, 99% of games i want to play are on linux anyway dota2 source games, much better for development of all kinds
It becomes obvious how lame and corporate Windows and OSX are the first time you try Linux and it's not intimidating. It's a good feeling, like escaping a communist hellhole.
epic cringe meme, my fellow redditor! :)
even worse
CPU usage doesn't jack up due to some shit like system updates or God knows what else in the background
Speaking of updates, I can update my PC without it getting stuck and needing innumerable hotfixes installed to fix the update mechanism and endless reboots.
My PC doesn't phone home to some Web 3.0 service to sell me shit or spy on my usage, nor try and use my voice commands to run shit and sell me more stuff. I want a computer, not a gay Cortana/Siri/Alexa assistant that the normies use for booking in their business meetings or some shit.
It's just fucking comfy.
It's comfy r
I started using macOS for the first time last week.
So far it seems like it does some of the things that Linux does, but definitely not all, and mostly worse.
>shitty package manager
>30 seconds to log in
>can't update apps while running
>can't update OS while running
>no focus follows mouse
>no way to move word-by-word in a text field
>scrolling mouse wheel slowly results in no scrolling instead of slow scrolling
>slow and tedious window management
>>scrolling mouse wheel slowly results in no scrolling instead of slow scrolling
does it use acceleration or something?
>shitty package manager
Have you tried Homebrew?
>30 seconds to log in
I'm running a '14 rMBP and it definitely doesn't take that long. Not as fast as a distro with i3 though of course.
>cant update apps while running
Guess I never thought about this. Doesn't impact me too much.
>cant update OS while running
Yeah that's annoying.
>no focus follows mouse
Also annoying
>Scrolling mouse wheel slowly
What are your mouse settings?
>slow and tedious window management
Try spectacle, makes things way better
Replicate the server environment my code is going to be used on as much as possible.
Same i put Linux mint on my lenovo think pad r51 which is like crazy old boots up in under 2 mins
>merge is actually overwrite
>what are VMs
You can't even rotate the display in Linux without a console command. And Gimp is gimped. Try to draw a circle lmao
It's a much more sane environment for the non tech-illiterate.
One big question of importance here is "what does my OS do for me that I don't need or even want it to be doing?"
The answer to that question on windows is all kinds of motherfucking shit. The answer to that on Linux is next to nothing.
Just to give a really simple observational example, I remember finding it funny when I first switched to Linux how the lights on my router would stay peacefully solid, or off, without blinking at all when my PC was idle and I could make them start blinking by loading a webpage until they'd go still again (and it still does that even on 5yr old installs). That is a sight I think I literally never witnessed with a windows machine hooked up to the network, even on a fresh install.
When I don't want my Linux machine to update itself it doesn't.
It's been forever since I used Windows, but I remember on the few occasions that I have been forced to use it I end up laughing and thinking to myself that I really should write down all the crap windows does because it _aggressively_ thinks it knows what I want better than I do.
But honestly that's just the software that's made for those OS's. If you want to talk about the OS's themselves there is honestly no contest. Microsoft doesn't even try to actually improve its OS anymore, it just improves the design and software running on it. Linux does just about everything better under the hood.
>GNU/Linux: Extremely powerful CLI. You can do whatever you want from it.
>Windows: Crap command prompt. Fuck power users, you'll have to click your way around just everybody else.
>GNU/Linux: Vim.
>Windows: Umm, notepad? ++?
>GNU/Linux: "We're just an OS. Feel free to use whatever DE/WM you like."
>Windows 10: "Don't like tiles? Fuck you. We like it, so suck it up."
>GNU/Linux: Open-source and highly configurable software. Also, chances are it's already sitting on your distro's official software repository, extra points for convenience and security.
>Windows: Closed-source and hardly configurable software. Depending on what you need, you might have to hunt through shady websites only to find a .exe that could either do what it advertises, or take a massive dump on your computer.
>You can't even rotate the display in Linux without a console command.
bind the command to whatever hotkey you want dipshit
>>Windows: Crap command prompt. Fuck power users, you'll have to click your way around just everybody else.
>what is powershell
>Linux and Unix in general feel more like OS whereas windows feels like a bubble wrap safe space
Feels good to use an OS that doesn't hold your hand constantly.
Absolute fucking feces.
Bash is shit too, good thing I can choose between multiple shell languages
sudo apt-get install arandr
shit user, that was really hard, having to install a program
I'm currently transitioning from windows to linux (debian) on my Study laptop, since the absolute only reason for me to use windows is games, that I don't do while studying anyway.
I say that I'm transitioning, because I need to have my study pipeline working. I'm a bit too dependent on Visual Studio at the moment and I would like to transition to something different.
>What does it do for you that Windows cannot?
It doesn't make me want to smash the fucking machine to pieces because of how unusable it is.
Another reason to loathe MS.
the only thing linux can do and windows cannot is freedom, and with freedom comes power
this is maybe how you start with linux, once you go enterprise you get tired of this shit and just want things to work.
typical gentoo/arch faggot reasoning
what have you don in your life time in powershell that actually got you paid faggot?
>once you go enterprise
What does this even mean?
It is a culture thing for me.
The cost of software is rarely a problem.
Most software does not cost anything, and the software that does is so expensive that you need a very good reason to have it. (like your entire job is to use that piece of software).
But a lot of software on windows includes some reason it is free. Like it uses an online component that didn't have to be mandatory, or changes your browser settings or something like that.
Since those features are more of a corporate decision than a technical decision, people spend less time on it.
This means it opens up to more attacks.
To me, these features are malicious, lazy and not something I would want on my system.
libre software is usually lacking in features due to lack of man power, but they rarely have malicious features.
The applications who work well work really well.
They also contain more functional bugs, but makes up for it with a passionate group of users who love to share how to work around the issues.
I am not sure if what I do can or cannot be done on windows, but I don't really care.
Linux is just easier in every way.
Last time I used windows (7), it had very poor multitasking support, it didn't come with drivers for my laptop (had to use another machine to transfer the network drivers so I could download the rest), the updating system (which didn't even cover userland applications) installed all updates in the slowest way imaginable, had to restart multiple times over several days.
With gnu/linux things either work right away or there is clear instructions to how to get it to work.
same as once you go black
>Why do you use Linux?
1. It's free.
2. It's FREE.
3. The quality of the software in the repos is quite high compared to what's available for Windows for "free software".
4. Yes there are Windows versions of Free software, but they always lag behind the Linux and BSD versions.
5. It doesn't rape my computer's resources
6. I'm not part of the botnet.
7. There is nothing I can't do on Linux that I can do on Windows.
8. It's not a fucking chatterbox on the network. It doesn't talk to the network unless it actually needs to. Windows machines on a network, even fresh installs, are talking all about themselves. With Windows 10, it calls home about /everything/.
9. Linux angers me less. It just works.
10. I have been using it daily since February 1998. Before that, it was my toy OS next to OS/2 going back to 1992. And every year, there's some new shit in the Windows universe that tells me to stay the hell away. Linux has treated me very well.
so what you recommend instead of bash?
tcsh, ksh, ash/dash, zsh?
csh is completely different than sh...
ash is shit
not tested another ones because bash is quite usable
run major apps without crashes
Because Windows needs a GUI for everything. Even fucking macOS doesn't have that problem.
Have a usable package manager, and real posix subsystem for developing software.
>windows costs money
I don't know too many people who pay for Windows. Most people who build their own desktops tend to pirate it.
Windows crashes
Mac OS X crashes
Linux crashes
All for stupid reasons.
1) I don't have to put a piece of tape on my thinkpad's webcam, because the OS doesn't spy on me
2) massive performance gains, the best thing you can do to an old thinkpad is install linux on an SSD
3) no advertisements or misleading updates. the OS is not in a constant war against my interests
4) very easy to customize
5) installing software is safe because of repositories
6) virtually no malware available, unfeasible for malware because of how user rights work
I could go on. some things aren't great, but so many things are better. and it gets developed, bugs get fixed, it becomes better as it ages. same can't be said for windows, OS X maybe
It boots much faster than Windows 10 on my laptop with an HDD. I like being malware-proof too.
>no way to move word-by-word in a text field
Press alt-B. Also try out other emacs line editing shortcuts.
Actually screw that, I meant alt-.
linux is the god of ai
Well for one, my CPU isn't getting tortured to death by the massive amount of bloatware that microsoft just shoved into their OS for no good reason other than "muh moblefag catering".
It doesn't send personal data away on a schedule
are you kidding me, linux destroys ssds and battery. osx is best
>posted from my backdoored hardware
more people do its bidding than any other os
Better software support.
>linux destroys ssds
tell that to samsung
I buy cars with turbos, I take out the old turbo, insert a new bigger fatter one, I make sure my chip is up to date and I charge that turbo with higher pressure then recommended. I get the fattest rims and accessories I can affoard.I want cutting edge and I hope gentoo keeps balancing stability with cutting edge. See I like the freedom that gentoo will provide me with. Instead of saying "my way or download it yourself", they say "my way or just simply unmask it or make your own ebuild etc".
Hyped? Yeah, just like some people still are calling the internet a hype. Good things are supposed to be hyped, the problem is when complete crap get's hyped, and I'm sure we can all say that gentoo is one of lifes good things. To me gentoo represents freedom, I'm free to choose if I want a stable system or if I want to optimize things. The day there is something that gives me more freedom and that is better in every way then gentoo I will use that. But since the community seems scatterd with very bright people I doubt that it will happen anytime soon.
See, I can work on my car for weeks to get a little more torque, so by choise sacrificing (keeping GRP in mind) some time to compile my system just the way I want it, to me is a treat. My image reflects who I am, and I feel that gentoo's best advantages is not a single system, such as portage, but the actual mentality behind all the development. In that aspect gentoos image reflect who it is, and how it is going to develop in the future.
The gentoo-mentality is what is behind the creation of such a great community, portage, use-flags and all the nifty new things that will come to us, the greatfull users. The main reason to why I'm using gentoo is because I indentify with the gentoo mentality, I feel secure in that with a good culture behind the scenes, it will spread and be visible to anyone using the product (or process as someone prefered to call it).
Now why would you do that superhacker rocket-sciencey assembly coding for metacyber transcendental hip nerds? Windows has fancy graphics with big buttons to click on and that's much healthier than decompiling the Pentagon each time you need to go to Facebook!