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I've run out of ports

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So how is it? Better than the projected doom?

honest answe, how is the XBOXHUEG trackpad?

Need more dongles

s;g is literally the most overrated series in existence, I'm talking real deal number one. you would have to have the brain of a child to have found it anything but boring and cringe. it's so bad it's not even pleb-bait.


This should be Apple's official

buy another macbook for multitasking

you can't just post a pic of a brand new macbook and then leave OP

pls answer the questions I wanna buy one, too

>that one shot where Kurisu is bent over in Steins gate and you can see the camel toe


good goy

sauce please?

It's comfy. The keyboard takes a little getting used to but I'm already typing at the same wpm as my 2015.

no u

why the awkward space


Until I find a plugin for tree tabs elsewhere I'll be a good goy

I'm sorry, I was too busy sending these B E A UTIFUL emojis on my memebar

Why did you upgrade from the 2015 version?

man that keyboard is gross

>>emojis on touchbar for easy access and faster shitposting

use the secret third port

>no function keys

>Intel processor

Yeah, why bother if you already have the 2015?

I have Libreboot installed. Enjoy your slow PPC shit.

>G4 shitbox
Cuckest of cucks

install windows 10 on that

post results

>literal housefire cpu
better check your watercooling user. It would suck if it leaked directly onto your PSU.

I got it for work from work. I work for Apple. my 2015 13 inch with integrated graphics wasn't cutting it. The 13 i got for free when I started last May.

>Upset about function keys
>touch bar gets rid of the ones I don't use anyway
>If you wanted to use the function keys as function keys you still needed to hold Fn
>I wonder what happens when you hold the Fn key...

What do you do for Apple?

>no ad block

Same headphones and mouse here. What's that keyboard you've got in the background though?

your anus is not a "port"

>the ones I don't use anyway
Filthy casual.
>hurr muh cuck bar still lets me use dem, see gee???
All fine and well until you go to install GNU/Linux. You can't navigate the fucking Debian installer without an escape key.

Logistics analyst

I didn't even notice. It was installed on my other machine

k70 non rgb. Just got it today.

Need to take a few minutes outside champ? calm down silly goose

Get in on that one ASAP. Hiroshima Nagasaki's new ads can get pretty bad and you don't want to get fucked by one of the malicious ones.

>Logistics analyst

Nice. Two questions, hows the GPU on the machine and also, do you have any idea about when AirPods will become available? I've been waiting ages for those bastards.

plug a dongle onto your dongle that's already connected on your laptop

Done. It was just off for some reason.

GPU is leaps and bounds better than what I moved from. Excellent upgrade imo if you're moving from integrate to discrete. not so much to someones point earlier if I already had the 15" with the discrete GPU already.

They're talking late November if all goes well more likely Early December. That isn't anymore info you couldn't find on a rumor website tho, Its up to higher ups when they're going to start dropping release dates. It's been a shitshow to say the least.

Btw, is the default scaled resolution really 1680x1050?

I don't have a USB-C to USB-C dongle, I'll have to order one

yep. It's what I used to run on my old laptop anyway. I preferred having more workspace.

That's some refreshing information. I've been using Windows on ThinkPads for a while but I've wanted an MBP for many years for dat macOS and the overall amazing user experience. Any other things about the machine which no one has mentioned that you've noticed?


Coming from Win it feels really nice.
For me it lacks an useable tiling manager and a non glossy display.
Without BTT the trackpad is useless.

haha so true x)

Ran out of ports? Lemme see...that must be.... oh here's ur problem! You got a mac! The only thing Mac is good for is cheese.


and if you use it for portable enjoy no inline controls

i fucking love these videos

nope. stays on my desk with the DAC in the picture.

I love the dongle meme. This is great.


Mods forgive me...

Why did no one else?
That thing's in my history now!

tell us how the battery life is. people have been posting sub 10h on the touchbar version

I might come off as sounding like phil schiller, but here goes.

I like the speakers, I like touch ID making it easy to get into the laptop, I like that there is a lot of room for the touch bar to grow and develop and am excited to see what developers do with it.

Trips checked
BTT 100%. Better Touch tool and customization you can employ with Force touch adds an unbelievable dynamic to using the computer.

You haven't used one I take it then...

If you boot an OS other than OSX it just shows the escape and function keys as per >57562085 image

>You can't navigate the fucking Debian installer without an escape key

Are you really this dumb? You think Apple will essentially kill Bootcamp, parallels and anything else? It shows the fucking static function keys in other operating systems. You Apple hating spergs are entirely misinformed delusional retards.

as a macfag the new macbook pro offends me, no magsafe is absurd, but i guess Apple needs to find ways to make their users buy more computers after tripping on the power cable


This image is what I expected from Sup Forums initially.

What do you do to have all this money and yet still be this anigay

I need to know, you even have that Logitech wireless gaming mouse

Man, that's a blast from the past. Next someone's going to post Girl In Concrete or Mai-Chan's Daily Life.

Read the thread, I WORK for Apple. I got this for nothing. I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't have kids.

Haven't really noticed the thing dying on me. I just got it today, I opened it up at 8:00AM CST and have been using it on and off all day and still have 12% as of this post. Pretty comparable to the 2015 13"

Wait is it true the "speaker" holes are purely cosmetic and nonfunctional and the actual ones are on the bottom of the machine?
Also how hot does it get?

I'd like to put my usb stick in her port, if you know what I mean.

on the 13 as far as I know yes, cosmetic.

Not sure on the 15. I don't have the mind to take it apart and I don't have access to new tech manuals to see either.

It gets as hot as you'd expect under load. Doesn't get as loud as I expected. It's not uncomfortable to have on lap for a long period of time.

Is that Maki? Post more

thank you dear sir

How the fug did a anime meme goy get a job at Apple what the fug

it's not hard if you stop browsing Sup Forums and spend some time working on your resume

Because Im not a sperg

op pls get apple to make a magsafe->usb-c converter. they are assholes for making people get rid of all the magsafe chargers they've stocked up

What if they found out about the anime

You know Apple can probably see what he does on their computers, as soon as they find anime your done!

>working on your resume
Being a NEET actually feels superior.

I fucking hate you.


Thank you gentleman

Where do technology illiterate mactoddlers get the false impression they or their fruity toddler toys are welcome much less belong on Sup Forums?

where did you get your illegal CC

what are the specs?

What card do you have?
How much memory?

Mah nigga
Let us cry about pic related



Concealed carry isn't illegal if he's from certain burger states, estonia or czech republic

>he owns a donglebook

user, do you have any info on any PPC prototypes?


You are the only cuckold here, friend.

>I work for Apple.

How much cum do you drink ion an average day?

Thanks. Wonder how much of a difference it is between yours and mine? I don't think enough to do an upgrade?

Mine includes,
2.6GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 (Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz) with 6MB shared L3 cache.

NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M with 2GB of GDDR5 memory and automatic graphics switching

No one cares mactoddler.

LOOK MOM! I posted it. Again.

Nope, I look at the costs of getting stuff from point A to point B. I occasionally travel onsite to distribution centers, but we aren't handling prototypes. I assume that stuff never leaves Cupertino. I'm in Austin.

Probably slightly, but it depends on really how quick you want something done. You're going to see improvements, but nothing earth shattering. Definitely feel out the computer at an Apple store or other retailer to give you an idea about the ergonomics of the keyboard and other misc stuff.

Bought and paid for through Apple. I get any Apple developed program on the app store for free and a lot of 3rd party stuff too.

I do you silly goose.

that retarded gif is triggering me

>mactards still spouting off GHz and core count thinking they have even the slightest clue what they're regurgitating

This is why no one takes technology illiterate mactards seriously.

No one cares mactoddler.


this desu senpai

no u

>expecting otherwise from mactoddlers

Nice Kurisu
>thought it was kirisou
>google images turns up Kirikou
>true hell

>Mine includes,
>2.6GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 (Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz) with 6MB shared L3 cache.

Macfags should be rounded up and gassed.