>Solar powered transistors
Solar powered transistors
High velocity VGA
>organic diodes
Enjoy never feeling full
Enjoy being a fatass.
Do you mean OLEDs?
Organic Light Emitting Diodes?
Enjoy colon cancer.
>quantum """computing"""
>Eating more fiber will make you feel less full.
Ever want to know how many vegans are about? Just insult veganism it's like a religion with these people
>chips, french fries and coca-cola
>not being fat
delusional retard
Enjoy being unhealthy af and staying on the same mental level
quantum (((computing)))
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.
>gaming edition
((( )))
yeah u go girl...
*sips fluoride packed VEGAN certified water*
lets show em whos the pig around here
There seriously can't be this many vegans on Sup Forums either you are not all vegans or there is some serious samefaging going on either way keep your views to yourself and stop projecting your shit on other people
the weed will fix your colon cancer
I was the first one you quoted. I was just drunk shitposting.