I'm really mad at the laptop market right now...

I'm really mad at the laptop market right now. An autistic gaming peripheral company should not be making the best ULTRABOOK on the market. Fuck.

I just bought one of these and a skin to permanently cover that retarded logo.

Fuck you Dell, HP, Apple, Lenovo.

Other urls found in this thread:


Try ASUS and Gigabyte

Even the fucking XPS is shit. You have to buy the $2000 i7 configuration to get 16gb of RAM. The razer laptop has literally the same specs as a $2000 XPS for $1200.


They don't make competitive small laptops. They're fine for gaming laptops or whatever, but for 13 inch light weight long battery life laptops ASUS and Gigabyte aren't even on the playing field.

Just get a skin from dbrand so it doesn't look so obnoxious


>An autistic gaming peripheral company should not be making the best ULTRABOOK on the market. Fuck.

But they aren't.





>dedicated nvijew gpu

>13 inch light weight
Spotted the manlet.

hahahaha what is that real?

As real as my neckbeard.

I have to carry my laptop on Tokyo trains. It is not acceptable to already be a 6'3, 210 lbs American and also be carrying a large bag/laptop.

Also, more importantly, it's really about the battery life. Razer making the best laptop with 6+ hrs of battery life is just stupid.

MSI won.

its name fits the wallpaper so well

>3 hours of battery life

not an acceptable computer for people who actually have a job and need to move around with their device

>white people getting cucked

>Dedicated JewPU paired with ULV CPU instead of iris graphics and thunderbolt

Stand aside peasants.

Hello? yes, my thinkpad from 2009 gets 9 hours.
gtfo of here with this razer shilling.

>core M

What are you talking about? Both the UX305 and UX303 (and their successors UX330 and UX310) are excellent 13 inch ultraportables from Asus with superior battery life compared to the stealth. They may not have the eGPU option, but then again they don't have the autistic logo either.

Do large lightweight laptops exist?

Grandma needs a laptop but she struggles with the 8lb+ 17.3" monstrosity she's currently using because her eyesight's not great and she wants a big screen.

Buy her an external screen.

As someone who's been considering an XPS, whats wrong with it? anything i should look out for?

I have never been able to find an actual seller for these things outside of the Mi stores in China.

Nothing is wrong with it, except that the specs aren't competitively priced with the Razer. If you want 16gb of RAM you have to buy the i7 XPS, which starts at like $1600, and the 16gb of RAM upgrade+the good screen+a decent sized SSD puts you near $2000.

The razer comes with 16gb of RAM for every model above the base one(so, any one that isn't the $999 one) and already has a better i7 than the XPS is even possible to spec to.

So, for $1200 you get identical specs to a $2000 XPS, except the screen has some goofy bezels vs the XPS with basically no bezels.

IDK about you but I'm not willing to pay $800 to not have bezels on my laptop screen.

If you don't care about having 16gb of RAM the XPS becomes a little more competitive, but if you're ok with 8gb of RAM you still run into the issue that the $999 Razer Stealth blows away any sub-$1500 XPS.

Dell just isn't competitive with the Kaby Lake generation of XPS laptops. Yes, technically they are the best mainstream laptop. They will still probably own business purchases like they did with the Skylake models. But Razer is really fucking them up on competitive pricing for specs. The only place I can see an XPS being a better purchase is if:

You want 8gb of RAM, not 16

You won't notice the difference between the low-end i5 on the XPS vs the i7 on the Razer

You want the infinityedge screen thing

Then a $1000 range XPS(base model w/ screen upgrade) may be better than the $999 Razer. But that's the only case I can imagine.

chink shit

man u are dumb

delete this

Nice augmentation.

man if she complain about wheight i doubt she needs an external monitor

The zenbooks are great (except the core m one, that one was a mistake) but for the money they're asking the should have better specs.

Jesus chirst it's user upgradable as far as I know. Just put a extra stick in...

How's the keyboard, pal?


low spec models are locked at 8gb unless you take the whole thing apart and void your warranty

Serious question, what scenarios have you used more than 8 gigs of Random Access Memes?

How's the display of this?
Hows the display of the XPS 15?

Running servers and VMs maybe? (not him)

A bit silly to do that on an ultrabook though.

That's what I was thinking and that was my reaction as well.

>It is not acceptable to already be a 6'3, 210 lbs American
stop giving a fuck about what others think about you. you bought a ticket for the train, therefore you're entitled to ride the train. what are you gonna do with your life if all you do is worry about some irrelevant fucks' opinion of you?

Is that a metal case or just plastic?

Have you been to Tokyo? I lived there for a few years and the constant vibe of not being welcome is pretty harsh. You learn to blend in as much as possible, and not breaking social norms is an easy way to at least not draw any unneeded negativity(not taking up room on the train is very much part of this)

It's anodized aluminum. Very nice feel. Sturdier than an XPS, though I'd say some of the other features feel just slightly less "premium".

Then I want it


This. Get it. My employer recently got a few of these and so far I'm loving it.

It's thin (not quite as thin as the macbook air), really light, screen is decent, and it runs a lot cooler than most other laptops I've used. Some older laptops I had would get cook-an-egg hot just playing youtube. This one was able to do that and play a few games and felt only maybe 5-10 degrees warmer. When it's doing simple tasks, like browsing websites, it hardly feels warm at all.

>gaming notebooks

Not him but Oracle+VS+Chrome+Corporate required antivirus need more than 8 gigs to run smoothly.

Automatic brightness (1080p model), soldered ram.
Somewhat prone to coil whine.

>low-end i5 on the XPS vs the i7 on the Razer
Not much of a difference between the low voltage processors (7200U and 7500U).

All laptops are shit right now
>Reasonable price
>Great everything
>A fucking matte display or is overpriced/overkill/touchscreen

Sure, maybe in your use case scenario, it works, but in mine, a matte display is a detriment/negative. If the starting Dell XPS 15($999.99) was glossy, It'd be fucking perfect. But no one, not a SINGLE company makes a 15 inch glossy screen laptop that isn't touchscreen and is actually nice to look-at.

It isn't for gaming. That's why it's so retarded that it's better than the in class competition.

It competes with the XPS 13 and MacBook. It's way better than both for cheaper. If fucking razer is doing better than dell and apple they're really not doing the smart thing.

how is it better than XPS 13 do tell t
or how is it better than thinkpads and yogas
or latitudes?
or hp elitebooks?

and where the fuck did you get the "cheaper" part?

why on earth would you want a glossy display on a laptop. Glossy displays are for desktops where you know you'll be able to control the light in the room, so you won't be staring at a reflection of a window in the middle of your screen all the time.

Cheaper for same specs as dell.

Show me any of your list that have 8+ hrs battery, a screen above 1080p, under 4 pounds, 7200 or 7500u, 16gb ram, nvme drive, aluminum body, all below $1200. Doesn't exist. Same specs from Dell are $1850.

MSI's Latest laptops are legit tho... and are not as overpriced as Razer's laptops

xps 13 and thinkpads
I ma not fucking looking shit up of your
and show me where you get razer with those specs for $1200 you ubber faggot

Razer tanked their prices when they upgraded to Kaby lake and are ultra competitive now.

Razer blade stealth. Second tier qhd model. They regularly have coupons. I got $150 off on mine. Even without its 1200 and change.

>they're making gaming laptops with mechanical keyboards now
>I'll never be able to get one without the SLI 100W GPUs and massive serving of rice

it's like all there is now are super-thin, ultra-low-power macbook clones, and giant 21" gaymen laptops with LEDs and housefire components. Why can't I get anything in the middle?

nigger link or shut the fuck up
quick amazon look up gives lower tier for $1450

The regular blade actually rocks this tier too. $2000 for light weight 16gb ram gtx 1060 and a nice quad core i7.

Razer is on point since they dropped their prices and were the first to uptake the new hardware.

There's a reason no one makes this. They suck. I'd rather look at the content than a reflection of myself lol

Razer website. New razer blade stealth.

That works on my phone. Not sure if the page translates to desktop. It's the 256gb qhd. $1250 and there are usually coupons available site wide for razer.

Has anyone actually got one of these here?

I've been impressed with Xaoimi gadgets in the past and I am certainly tempted by this.

the page blinks for a second, then goes to shop and I cant find notebook offering there


seems the yuros like it

>core m was a mistake
actually runs pretty good user. Has god tier battery life even on windows. Got one of those for my folks they are really happy with it.

Neat. I just remembered custom charges exist though. So much for that.

You're fucking retarded..
For 15" you have the UX501 and if you want smaller you have the ZenBook 3

some user got one of these trhough gearbest, he wasn't that crazy about it.
I wouldn't expect for it tu be that great, after all it's some chinkshit. Worst part is that it probably has some malware/backdoors in it on hardware and on top of that Botnet10 in chinknese. Good luck with linux support or avoiding whatever backdoor it has in it's innards.

Yeah also if it breaks down enjoy shipping it to china/singapore/ hong kong for support and waiting for 3-5 weeks.

core m is no more

core m buyers are like core duo buyers: early adopters that had to buy laptops, because the dekstop chips don't exist.

it's all about custom conf'd i3/i5/i7 now, same shit, different label, your shit is "legacy" in 2017 kthxbai

Fair point.

Then what does have Iris Pro graphics and a thunderbolt 3 port for eGPU support?

chillax friendo, as I told yu I got one of those for my folks. It's their current shitposting/web browsing machine. It werks. Also good battery life.
Yeah in the long run i3/i5/i7 are better but it wasn't that bad for a cheap low powered cpu, in fact it doesn't have any active cooling and works fine.

nono, you don't understand, I don't say that i3/i5/i7 is better in the long run, I am saying that there is no more m processors. the best m3 at the moment will be the last forever.
then you'll get fanless i3/i5/i7 devices that are clocked like the core m cpus from today

enjoy having lost your credibility to your folks because you sold them deprecated shit

>enjoy having lost your credibility to your folks because you sold them deprecated shit
what the hell are you talking about nigger? I don't sell shit to my parents, I bought that as a gift. What are you even talking about? Why are you sperging so much about it? Would you feel better if I tell you "I'm dumb, I fell for the m core crap"? Is your life so shitty that you need that? Geez friendo, you actually need to go out or something. As I said before. R E L A X

>not buying a T430, upgrading to a quad core CPU and using the expresscard port for an external GPU

consumerfags, when will they ever learn?

>not using mini pci-e to connect the graphics

top kek

>1x PCI-E speed

I don't get it... what's so wrong with the logo?
Is this a meme?

So long as you don't mind waiting longer for shit to load and a mild fps drop for gpu-intensive games, seems a reasonable tradeoff.

eGPU user here
The bottleneck is honestly not that bad with Expresscard.

you mean PCI-e 2.0 x1, which is 5Gbps
And it's more than enough for entry-tier cards like 750ti/950/1050ti, as long as you don't try to play on the internal screen


PCIe slots are so undersaturated nowadays it's ridiclous

it looks silly

5Gbps is actually not enough for AMD cards, you know.
nvidia has it's optimus technology with bandwidth compression

looks like some shit a 12 year old came up with. Which makes sense since the whole company is built on shit chink taste.
Good thing is they were trying to copy a macbook and buit a black one.

I'm running an R9 Fury non-X through EC just fine.

What the fuck are you talking about dawg? You can change hdd n ram n shit without voiding warranty you fuckin idiot. Just buy the lowest tier novel, change out the 32gb meme ssd with a bigger one and reinstall OS on that. Need more ram? Just fucking out some in pal, easy as shit.

I bet you also attend furry conventions and masturbate to sh0ta

Just got a xps 15 2 days ago, display is fucking great dawg. Colors on point. 1920*1080 version that is

I got the XPS 15 couple of days ago, haven't seen automatic brightness at all. Soldered ram? The fuck have you smoked, need more ram just fucking plunk it in dawg.

the xps 13 it's soldered

only the xps 15 is upgradeable

where the hell did you buy one??

yeah its better minimalistic shit :/