/hpg/ - Headphone General


>Headphone purchase advice

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.
If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

>Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Sony-MDRMA100-Headphones-Discontinued-Manufacturer/dp/B007BY3PBO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1479419844&sr=8-1&keywords=sony mdr-ma100
amazon.com/Nobsound-NS-08E-Integrated-Amplifier-Headphone/dp/B014FASL1A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1479429773&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=tube headphone amp#customerReviews

I have those headphones, they're sweet.

best replacement pads for those/v6? do different material pads change the sound?

Which would you buy, Portpros or Superlux HD668B?

Portability not a factor. Just sound and comfort.

Thank you.

Reading the reviews I've discovered the HD559 don't have a quarter inch to 3.5mm adapter (WTF Sennheiser? Have you gone full jewish?), so I had to rule them out.

Up to £50
>Type of headphone
In ear
>Open or closed
In ear
>Comfort level
Comfy enough, not wanting to go jogging in them or anything
>Sound signature
Preferably bassy for hip hop songs, also a heavy drum n bass listener
>Past headphones
Sound magic e10s, Sony mdr xb50/70ap etc

Planar magnetic master race reporting in.

Nice junk planars. I bet you modded them too because someone told it's going to make them sound better.

are Beyerdynamic dt 770 worth the money?

They're pretty gud for monitoring and tracking. For mix and master, (or just listening for pleasure) you'll appreciate a decent set of open backs.

The HD 598 meme cans blew me away the first time I compared them

DISCLAIMER: Headphones never replace a good set of monitors for mix/master

Oneplus 2, sorry guys.

hi i don't feel like getting cucked and I don't have ear autism

what headphones should I buy? I was looking at the sony MDREX10LP's

Been using these since high school.Rate

Auray Sheek Skin Pads, the velour ones have a bit of trouble creating a good seal, which in turns makes the bass less prominent, the sheep skin ones also change the sound a bit, bass get's a bit more prominent than on the stock pads, but that's a fair trade when you consider that these pads also increase isolation in general, are more comfortable and much more durable than the stock ones.
>Portability not a factor
HD668 it is, i was going to say that the Portapro counds better imo, but i guess you can just EQ the bass on the HD668 to you liking.
Try filling the request form, it really helps getting better suggestions.

>tube amp
Enjoying the distortion?

I got them pretty recently and I really like them; They're my first "good" pair of headphones and they've played a part in my recent discovery of music. I do occasionally notice some sibilance problems, though, especially with choral music and symbols.

I've heard the popular brainwavz replacement pads work, though I haven't done it myself. Not sure whether it would still be able to fold up for travel though.

pls respond.
I read that they sound same as ath-m40x

It's a retarded question and no they don't sound alike.

what are the options for replacement pads for the MDR-CD900ST? other than the DT250, Auray Sheek Skin and velour pads. As much as possible I want the sound to remain unchanged

I put brainwavz pads on mine but put the stock pads back on after a few weeks
Brainwavz are extremely comfortable but spread the drivers too far away from the ear, muddies the sound a fair bit

You're going to want pads which squish down considerably

Is there any sennheiser rs195 owner owner here? How worse it is comparing with the hd 600?

>Inb4 wireless

I think so

If you like mio just buy akgs :^)


yes, i actually was already planning to get the K701 but before i do i wanted to get another set of CD900ST pads that'll last long ;w;

I have an old pair of ATH-M50 headphones with the non-detachable coiled cable. I love these cans but the cable is a nightmare and has been drovokge nits for years. Is it worth the money/time to remove the cable and add a good 3.5mm jack in its place?

>what.cd closes
should I sell all my headphones?

Yes, if you still use them even almost as daily then it's worth it for the convenience

BestBuy had Senn 598's on Sale.

Did I do gud?

no, you should pay for your music

I do, but many of the things I listen to aren't available.
Back to scavenging Discogs I guess.

depends on how much you got them for exactly

New pads, added a mic for VoIP, probably going to perform some minimal mods to the cups just to improve the enclosure. "Improve the sound" might be relative, but the advantages of a solif driver enclosure are indisputable.

Love it. If I didn't I would have bought solid state.

After Taxes? 102.08 US

Hey /hpg/, doing some research on headphones and gaming, problem is, whille there are plenty of measurements of headphones by trusted audio companies (Senn, Beyer, AKG etc) it's simply hard as hell to find anything about popular gaming headsets other than subjective reviews. Now, i know how those measurements probably look like, but for the purpose of this research it would really help to actually see measurements headphones and headsets marketed for gamers. Do you guys know of any measurement made from any gaming headset?

i guess it's going to hurt me a bit too as i went there to download shit which simply isn't available anywhere.

heaps gud, nice snag

How good are the B&O H6 for general music listening at home? It's noisy here so no open backs for me.

If I want to get passive speakers + a speaker amp and a dac/headphone combo does it need to be with pre-amp or no pre-amp regular RCA input?
So speakers to output speaker amp to dac/headphone amplifier rca. I'm confused whether I should use preamp inputs, this way it will not use the amp of the dac/headphone amp just the dac and the amp of the speaker amp?

are these any good or should I go with something else? a local retailer is selling them for like 25 bucks, for some reason there's no testing allowed on headphones.

amazon.com/Sony-MDRMA100-Headphones-Discontinued-Manufacturer/dp/B007BY3PBO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1479419844&sr=8-1&keywords=sony mdr-ma100

DJ Khaled approved! Even good wearing them backwards.

To be fair by wearing the headphones on the right side he would have an inverted pan perception than the crowd, so by listening like this, when changing something from his left to his right, the audience would be perceiving the sound as coming from the same direction as he is hearing it, instead of the other way around.
Not saying it's a good or bad thing, just that it could make sense if he thinks it helps.

hey guys i made this out of two pairs of broken skullcandy earbuds
am i cool

I'll repeat this again, though this really needs to be part of the sticky. You're much, much better off just buying a good pair of headphones that meet your needs and preferences and adding a mic. Bam, perfect headset done.

I used the Antlion ModMic and it's a great product.

If you're really set on a "gaming headset" for some weird misguided reason the HyperX Cloud is supposed to be one of the best sounding.

soft £100, don't mind going a bit over for quality but anything less is fine too

UK, rules out a few of the purchase guides on the wiki (Philips SHP9500 are listed as $70 but will be >£100 to import in the UK, impossible to find in EU for instance)

asus xonar dgx, supposedly around 10 ohms output impedance, didn't seem to have a problem driving my previous akg 242hd's which had 55 ohms impedance (nor did any onboard audio I've tried)

>Type of headphone
full sized/over ear

>Open or closed
open or semi-open (a la akg)

>Comfort level
don't mind but I need something to fit a big head which rules out a lot of headphones surprisingly

>Sound signature
warm/neutral/bright, I'd prefer something on the warm/neutral side as I tend to listen to metal which can have a lot of treble at times, especially on open/semi-open headphones

>Past headphones
akg 242hd which have been fine but I've had them going on for 5 years and have had to resolder on a new cable several times, I'm looking for a new pair because the cable has currently broke again and I'm not sure how many more times I'll be able to fix them up (can't quite fix them up for a while either), 2 sets of goldring dr150s (lasted about a year each before the headband broke because they're a little too small)

basically all I'm looking for is something durable and that will fit on a large head (around 60cm circumference), as a result something with a detachable cable is a must, but if not something with a little more space so I can solder in a female 3.5mm jack should they break outside of warranty

I get user, and i actually agree with you, what i'm looking however is not for a headset, but rather fore headset measurements for a research, it seems no one measure thouse, even if for the sole reason of showing that they suck for the price.

Hmm, can't help you then. Seems like nobody with measurement gear is spending any time on headsets.

Build a test rig and start abusing some return policies. The best research is first hand.

is a dac/amp helpful for korg k240s?

will I notice a difference?

I do a lot of desktop and mobile listening.

>oh man i watch Zeos am i an audiophile yet?

uh I hate you mcdonalds freedom bastards

>has tube amp
>has a space heater
how hot do you want your room to be user?

tfw got lightdims for the LEDs on my DAC

OnePlus 2 (a pretty good android phone, I don't know what kind of output impedance it has, but it sounded loud on my Sony mdr-XB450 which is at 24ohm)
>Type of headphone
full sized. i'd actually love to get the beyerdynamics dt770 pro, i'm just wondering if 80ohm is right.
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
i listen to music a lottttt. i need them to be really comfortable
>Sound signature
i don't quite know. i want to enjoy heavy (like really really heavy) bass without any distortion or weird noises in the BG, while still keeping good sound quality in the mids and highs
>Past headphones
i cant quite remember. i never had decent headphones i don't think. the last pair i had, i broke it in 4 months. it was a pair of sony mdr xb450, they were the worst in terms of comfort, but pretty decent for sound quality (i find)

hope you guys can help me out!

Those are the 558 on sale. Unless they had the 598 on sale also, but doesn't show that.

$200 max
Laptop and android phone
>Type of headphone
full sized,
>Open or closed
preferably closed at least semi-open
>Comfort level
I'm okay with meh comfortability
>Sound signature
neutral, versatile headphones preferred
>Past headphones
Monoprice 8323, Xiaomi Piston 3, Superlux HD668b

Own three V6
One needs a new cable and pads...

I'm going with velour, but what cable should I replace with?

Is what the wiki pastebin says about these true? I'm looking for comfortable over-ears with detachable cables in this kind of price range (these are £70)

1. Headphones are a solved problem.
2. 99% of the difference between headphones over $10 is placebo.
3. The pack-in earbuds for most flagship phones sound amazing and can be found for

Uh, I know that this is for headphone requests, but...
>I need an amp!

Standalone ODAC
>previous amps
>sound signature
Warm or neutral

>Build a test rig and start abusing some return policies
Yeah, i was afraid it would come to that, but i can't seem to find any alternative either, i guess it's better to start looking for guides on DIY dummy heads and the calculations to adjust raw measurements to some target curve...
>The best research is first hand.
Well, let's see if will work a all, lol, but yeah, it would be cool to do it by myself.

>citation needed

but does the dac still retain its signature up-front voicing and near black background despite your extensive modifications?

Hey that's my headphones, bought them after advice here. I drilled a hole in them, replaced the cable with a headphone jack and use a different cable.

Very happy with them, so thanks /hpg/

Newfag in headphones here,
what the fuck is a planar magnetic headphone?

So are the 598s babbies first headphones?

How hard are the AKG M220 to drive?

Wanting some over ears that are easier to use than my Stax and considering those since they're like $50 on Massdrop right now

Have you tried googling it at all

Google electrostatic while you're at it

>1. Headphones are a solved problem.
You can say that for many things in audio but the final end of the chain, headphones and loudspeakers, are far from a "solved" problem. Even if we create some "ideal headphone" or solve various problems in audio reproduction devices, it'll still take quite a while for the market to switch to using them.
>2. 99% of the difference between headphones over $10 is placebo.
That sentence makes no sense, it's hardly true in any way I could understand it and that's not how you use the word placebo. Price is a really irrelevant factor.
>3. The pack-in earbuds for most flagship phones sound amazing
They generally have a great bandwidth and low distortion. The cheap in-ear sound is mostly bassy or V-shaped with loads of resonances in the treble.

"Sounding amazing" is subjective. I've never found myself a good sounding or comfortable pair of cheap in-ears and they all break down after some time. The lack of replacement cable, tips and filters to prevent them from clogging up from earwax or moisture breaking the drivers makes them a product I simply avoid.
>4. If you want over-ear headphones then buying offbrand or Chinese is the best option for value.
Maybe for you but that's subjective, too. Not everything comes down to a simple matter of bang for the buck.

It's a type of dynamic transducer where the voice coil wiring spread flat across a (usually) thin plastic membrane(diaphragm). This diaphragm is suspended in a magnetic field created by one or two magnets on one or each side and it moves when current is passed through it. It's just a way to make a driver. Other common types are moving coil, electrostatic and balanced armature drivers. Piezoelectric drivers have been used too but there are no headphones in production right now which use that technology. If you are buying a pair of headphones this isn't of importance.

Considering getting pic related.
amazon.com/Nobsound-NS-08E-Integrated-Amplifier-Headphone/dp/B014FASL1A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1479429773&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=tube headphone amp#customerReviews
It's a hybrid amp, but I'm looking for something that carries a warmish sound signature.
Would this do? Pairing with odac

I'm very fond of these now. While they're a fair bit more pricey (top of my range) they look worth it. Reviews are scarce though, the ones I have read are just the generic "these are great and sound good" shit. Are they worth buying over the HM5s?

Forgot image

Also, can't find the Akai MPC version in the UK.

>near black

I don't usually frequent this thread, but I am desperately in need for decent headphones, hence I'm hoping one of you headphonefags can help me out with purchase advice:


180 Dollars




Standard 3.5 mm jack, smartphones, PC etc. Bluetooth is also fine.

>Type of headphone


>Open or closed

Closed, i like sound isolation

>Comfort level

I wear glasses, so it's important I can wear the headphones comfortabls with the glasses on

>Sound signature

Doesn't really matter as long as trebles aren't too bright.

>Past headphones

Nothing really notable, got Beats Solo gifted for birthday but they suck ass
First time purchasing quality headphones.


I'd like active noise cancelling, but I don't know if thats possible with my budget.

Thanks for the help anons.

Objective 2 amp. Fuck off to reddit if you get a tube meme.

O2 is a reddit meme

i have a pretty big head and big ears and use the KRK KNS 6400, it's pretty good I guess. Comfy for many hours. Only problem is pads have broken down after about a year of use, impossible to find replacements under £20. Bought them on amazon for £70. You can also get the model up, the 8400, but I don't know how much more it is.

>tfw i care more about headphones and sound quality more than the music itself
>"hmm maybe if i buy X i will finally be really invested in music"

Spotted the Schiit shill.

> i guess it's better to start looking for guides on DIY dummy heads and the calculations to adjust raw measurements to some target curve...
Research for its own sake? I can help with that.
But first, to what ends are you doing this for?

Are KZ ATE just a meme?

They're pretty good for $10. Nothing special other than that.

i've only owned a valhalla 2 and sys before, didn't like them

just return to reddit already

What headphones should I be looking at? I'm willing to spend in the neighborhood of $300-$500, I like good clean powerful bass and would prefer to be able to hear what's going on around me to some degree, so.. open back or on-ear I guess? Comfortable for up to 4 hours would be a plus. I can maybe spend more if they're really fucking well made or something. Any suggestions?

O2 is not a reddit headphone amp you fuck. It belongs on /hpg/.

oh forgot to mention these will be plugging into my Denon receiver, the option of a longer-than-3' cord would be a plus.

is he wearing them backwards

fuck off reddit

Fucking retard, stop saying go to reddit when I never been there. You belong there you fucking schiit.

Nice, that will help a lot! Thank you, user!
About the research, i'm currently working on my master's dissertation, it's a study on the role of audio for immersion on games, thing is, while most authors in the field agree that headphones help to create immersion they simple don't dive much further, and that's something i think could be interesting, i mean, sure, comfortable headphones help with immersion, the less discomfort the less the player thinks of it's onw body, and closed-bakc might help in noisy environments while open-back might sound more natural in quite environments (actually i think this can be tested with real gamers and a small guided evaluation) however what about different signatures? I'm not even saying different signatures diminish immersion (although it's not impossible), but rather that it may influence how the player perceives the world, too much bass might make exploses more movie like and too much mid/highs could make enemies stand out in the spectrum (which we used to see here when gamers came asking about the AD700 for Counter Striker) etc, none really realistic, but both work in favor of immersion.
Bottom line, i personally don't think it's that much of a difference, hell, i might find out headphones play a very unimportant part on it all, but i think it's worth looking in to it


3.5mm jack in my computer
>Type of headphone
Full sized
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
Neutral, but not terribly important
>Past headphones
Monoprice 108323, worked pretty good but the build quality is not holding up and it get uncomfortable after a couple hours, which is why I want new headphones

You go to reddit. You realize you're defending the original reply to Fucking retarded tube amp lover.

how do HD 598 memes compare to the ath-m50 memes?

see and stop advertising your reddit cancer

Can't say honestly. Never used the ath-m50's.
I can say you probably won't be disappointed by the Senns, but if I were you, I'd take a trip to guitar center and give them both a try

It ain't reddit cancer. All I hear from your fucking mouth is reddit reddit. You go to reddit and suck their cock. You ass.

Ultrasone pro 900
Worth the buy? What's a decent portable amp.
>Budget Location US
Phone (maybe portable amp?)
>Type Closed
>Comfort Will wear for hours at a time
>Music Black metal, death core, alot of trance, electronic.
>Past headphones
hd518, hd650, vsonic GR07 Classic, Bose sound true (so comfy)

Apologies for being a distracted illiterate. I'll do it right and proper this time:






Denon 3805

>Type of headphone

Full sized

>Open or closed

Open or on-ear? I'd prefer not to shut everything out.

>Comfort level

More comfy. Will be using anywhere from short duration up to 4 hours.

>Sound signature

Not entirely sure. I like bassy but not muddy/boomy. I think I'm a bit sensitive to sibilance.

>Past headphones

idk some junk. Right now I'm using some $25 USB logitech headset that actually sounds OK. bought some $80 JBLs on vacation for the flight home that sound kinda bad. I have some Sony xtra bass earphones that I find rather enjoyable, but they can't quite keep up with fast bass drums and the top end clarity isn't quite there.

Leather ear pads would be a plus but I understand I likely won't find real leather in this price range.

I mostly listen to dialogue, YouTube videos and the occasional video game with maybe 30% music consisting of classic rock, metal, rap, folk, pop, classical, other.

Again, sorry for my butt post earlier. If I'm leaving out helpful information I'd be happy to elaborate.

If any poorfags want wireless buds, these are pretty solid for $20. The bass is a little flat, but they otherwise sound surprisingly good for being so cheap. I've used them for a couple days after losing my wired Bose buds, and while they don't sound nearly as good as those did they're still surprisingly decent for casual listening.

The only space heater here user is the amp. That's just a fan.

At any rate, it's a big room with tile floor, 12ft ceiling at the high side, and an overhead fan. No heat problems here user.