Why do most companies always seek for profit and not free knowledge?
Why do most companies always seek for profit and not free knowledge?
Try going to a store and paying with knowledge.
Honestly, it would be nice if you could use labor in exchange for goods. Exchanging items/knowledge wouldn't work out too well as those have varying degrees of worth.
Because free knowledge doesn't pay the bills.
donations, my friend
>he actually believes it's possible to get the same amount of money getting donations than through mandatory payment
>implying someone will donate at all
Top kek.
>he thinks I should pay for knowledge
Top kek.
Actually you do, but not so much as for the raw knowledge, but for the work that was performed to put the information together for others. So you either pay, or get the fuck out and be on your own, it's that simple.
Why not just fuck a woman instead?
Sex is gross and unnatural.
you know that it would actually be quite easy to go through codecademy's entire curriculum within 1-2 months, right?
>it would be nice if you could use labor in exchange for goods
Then tell me what the fuck working is sperglord.
>Thinks someone trying to improve their situation on their own merit shouldn't be free.
Go to saudi and fuck off
All knowledge is free if you seek it.
Do you really need some stupid site to teach you how to code in JS/CSS/HTML ?
Find a book on amazon and search it on google + pdf download.
Wow look at all that free knowledge
Are you retarded?
Companies exist to make a profit. That's their entire purpose.
Money is saved up labor dummy
code academy sucks dude
>i have 0 reading comprehension
Are all open sores fags this blind?
Thanks for the criticism. I think non raw knowledge should have an option to be paid for and not forced.
I meant information
Capitalism. Also, Codecademy isn't that good. You can learn the basics, but for anything beyond that you're going to need more.
>it would be nice if you could use labor in exchange for goods
you already can, money is a good, and you can work specific job situations that by the end of the job, will give you a laptop for your work. It can all be negotiated.
I'm not an economist but I know that our current system flows around the exchange of goods or services and money. Knowledge combined with skill can be used to create a good or a service. Knowledge alone has limited value. Applying that knowledge to create something useful makes it a hundred times more valuable.
However, I do believe that we have a long way to go with consumer rights, specifically when it comes to food and technology. I think that the end user has the right to see all of the source code for whatever runs on their device, even if they have to pay extra for that. I also think that anti-consumer horse shit like security screws, firmware signing windows, bootloader locking, and a lack of hardware documentation should be illegal.
TLDR it's fine to make a profit as long as you don't treat the customer like shit.
Because companies exist to make money.
If that would be true then why would there be companies going bankrupt
Because free knowledge doesn't feed their kids.
What a retard question op... It explains for it selfie... What do you understand by "company" well there u got the answer...
>what is tuition
Not enough profits. You don't see companies going bankrupt from not enough free knowledge.
I agree with this.