>True generic support, not like Java's garbage
>Lambda expressions
>nullable types
>eventing built in
>operator overloading
>extension methods
>did I mention LINQ?
is C# the comfiest programming language every?
>True generic support, not like Java's garbage
>Lambda expressions
>nullable types
>eventing built in
>operator overloading
>extension methods
>did I mention LINQ?
is C# the comfiest programming language every?
Other urls found in this thread:
python is comfiest
>did I mention LINQ?
funnily enough I don't use C# much any more, but for nearly every single program that I've written, I download a LINQ for that language. It's just too fucking good.
>tfw LINQ is so comfy
I cum in my pants every time I write a LINQ one liner that would have taken 10+ lines of code. When I leave work my pants can no longer bend at the knees die to the amount of encrusted semen they've accumulated.
sounds like what you want is Haskell tbqh familia
If it's so great, why is everyone using Java?
Because C# and .Net only became completely open-source and multi-platform less than two years ago while Java has been multi-platform since the 90s.
you forgot that visual studio is coming to mac.
the post is now deleted but they are going to announce it at connect(); 2016.
hi rakesh
What do you program in, Pradeep? Lisp? Or are you a trendy Go fag?
>tab plays audio without my permission
It's very comfy, I'm it at work as a Pajeet and also as a scripting language. It's very good to get shit done fast. At home I'm using c for my toy projects.
Fuck off pajeet I had curry last night I don't want to smell it anymore
>requires 13GB wangblows only IDE in order to do any real development
Into the trash it goes, where it belongs.
One of the most useless feature of C#.
printf ++ | base64
>c# is shit.
yeah,thats why it is slowly replacing c++ in video game development.
>Ez 1-liner filtering
if c# is so good why the fuck does it still use manual namespaces
1,perfect doesnt exist.can chase cant ever catch
2,to make it easier for c and c++ fags to learn the language
You don't know what is LINQ. You're doing a confusion between the framework used by LINQ and LINQ itself.
Linq to objects is more than useful.
No, LINQ is totally useless.
Could somebody recommend me a good book on C#?
I've been going through this one, but I would probably understand the language more clearly if I went through a second book as well.
Truly, C programmers will write C code in any language.
you forgot
>requires 9gb of bloat to be installed
Wtf I didn't say or imply anything about C#, learn to read you shit head sand nigger
intellij , QT creator , android studio ,xcode and all the others require gigabytes too user.
and the things you call "bloat" are features like debugeer.
you are probably a web-dev fag who doesnt need real tools to do his job.let me guess, you use some shitty text editor for programming dont you.
Less than a gigabyte with the latest VS 15 preview.
C# is a goddamn wonderful language.
Easy to write, while still maintaining readability and sanity.
Static typing by default, dynamic when you want it to be.
Memory is managed by default, but you can take over if you want with unsafe.
The new features are going to make it even better. Inline functions, built-in tuples, and some pattern matching.
The yellow book.
Looks like it was updated recently, because there used to be a banana on the cover.
It's free, there's a PDF link on the page:
connect(); just started lads.
>If it's so great, why is everyone using Java?
better documentation (even if half of Java's stinks of late 90s' enterprise)
devs don't feel like it ties them to one shitty OS and ecosystem (yeah, it's sort of multiplatform these days)
devs don't feel like it ties them to a bloated, unstable editor with over 9000 useless "integrated" features that still needs ReSharper to have decent linting/intel and becomes (Not Responding) whenever one of those features needs to call home and the VPN is having a bad day
build tools that aren't retarded shit (MSBuild is XML cancer obviously made to be manageable only via said editor)
deployment, database administration, etc. with MS tools feels like working in a factory pushing buttons for the reptilian overlords
reeeee I missed the keynotes
Didn't know it was starting today.
Looks exactly like Xamarin Studio, which is like a a shitter version of Mono Develop.
It's just Xamarin Studio (which is shit) being rebranded as Visual Studio for the Mac.
you need to read a bit about java 8 and 9 op
IntelliJ is like 600mb
I wouldn't call C# the comfiest language ever but it's definitely a good language, and I like using it.
CLR also supports tail recursion elimination for mutually recursive functions, which is something that JVM does not.
>CLR also supports tail recursion elimination for mutually recursive functions
Where is it written in the spec?
>tfw you're an ex-C++ developer and you can't use all these functional niceties because you know what happens behind the scenes and why it's wasting a shitton of memory and performance
It truly is suffering.
Hello for loop my old friend.
So they're rebranding Xamarin Studio.
I'd rather use VSC.
Engines are only implementing C# support because they are trying to apeal to Unity devs.
C# is very stupid decision for game development, all those engines are written in C++ with a .NET/mono runtime embedded on them, and in both cases that was an after thought.
Lua should be the most popular game dev engine, but because the Unitidiots decided to use C# we are where we are.
>C# is very stupid decision for game development
If you don't need huge performance it's a decent choice.
unsafe mode
With that logic I ask you what language wouldn't be decent?
I still ask myself who thought .NET was a good idea for game development?
I mean, we had Lua. Lua was easier than C#, easier to embed on a C++ program and back when Unity was being made they where about as fast. I makes no sense.
That won't change linq's performance problems.
>needs a VM to work
Yeah, sure, if you install Java on your system, it's "multiplatform".
>no replies
Microshills BTFO
Clojure or Scala doesn't do TCO for mutual recursion while F# does.
They really want to do it in Scala but can't.
CIL has a specific opcode for tail recursion which JVM bytecode does not.
just because someone dont takes the time to write a lengthy explanation why you are wrong it doesnt mean you are right automatically.
Clojure has the recur operator that helps with boost the performance of tail calls with a somewhat elegant syntax.
But yeah, it's quite sad a Lisp like Clojure lacks TCO.
>implying the tiny performance hit matters all that much if it makes your code 10 time shorter, 10 times more understandable at a glance, and 10 times less buggy and fragile
not to mention that you can finish your project in month with c# and the same project will take years to make with c or c++.
>b-but c++ is faster...
only if you have super autist c++ gods to write the code and even then it takes insane amounts of time and brainpower to optimize.
if you dont have the best c and c++ programmers in the world your program is not going to be faster.
>search how to do x using c#
>hi sir you can do it in this LINQ statement
var result = myDict.SelectMany(x = new Result(x.item, x.item2)).Aggregate().Distinct().OrderByDescending(y => y.Year).ThenByDescending(m => m.month).ThenByDescending(d => d.day).Select(r => r.result).ToList().ToArray();
t. pajeet
That ain't LINQ.
thats obviously curryJS
You don't need to be a god to know how to optimize code well, it's no where near as hard as you describe it.
You're just retarded so it seems impossible to you.
LINQ is the only reason I get up in the morning.
And it is so painful to clean up after them!
>LINQ is cool but java 8's funnctioonnal interfaces are just superior.
>Maven still better than any other package management, except maybe Gradle
>better naming conventions. i.e. "doThis()" > "DoThis()" which requires shift for every damn function...
>to follow up, Intellisense was written by fucking indians shitters. Intellij IDEA makes Java so awesome to write it' snot even comparable to VS. Also it's not 25GB of bloat
>O P E N S O U R C E so you can see the actual code called behind the scenes instead of just headers
Also not microsoft-tied. Although I wish Oracle never touched java with its filthy hands...
But overall C# is still good.