Let's get an uptime thread going.
Post your uptime
>windows server
nice meme
>Still on 2012
>chastises op for using Windows Server
>posts uptime from Windows Server
>comfy extended support until 2023
>he used an adobe product to make this image
prove me wrong
Can I take Sup Forums to the ball now?
i should get a screenshot of a xp machine we have in the lab that's used for data acquisition from pressure transducers. it had to be restarted frequently due to a problem that we have since solved, and since then we keep it on for months at a time until it freezes up or gets a BSOD.
then again taking a screenshot would require transferring it to a usb drive since the machine doesn't have internet and that risks infecting the machine.
can i join u windowz guise
this is windows 10 kid, not server
>implying they are actually different OS's.
yes, different kernels to be precise
who are you quoting, dumbfuck?
Also with that kind of logic it's a miracle you haven't forgotten how to breathe or walk
same lmao
have you forgotten this is Sup Forums?
This is a laptop that I take with me everywhere. I'm honestly surprised it has reached 2 days days.
> uptime
> not using superior updog
> 0:49 up 7 days, 11:55, 2 users, load averages: 1.53 1.63 1.70
Chrome causes kernel panics when i open it occasionally. So i havent quit chrome in a week.
3 days 7 hours on my "server" with win7 ultimate. Wind knocked out the power. That or a drunk driver.
Up Time 0:05:39:07
tfw no L3 Cache
what's updog?
oy vey
Boring I know.
1 hour 40 minutes
Not bad, uptime isn't really important for me though
15:04:56 up 24 days, 13:37, 2 users, load average: 0.47, 0.48, 0.48
>tfw had to reboot my raspberry pi because I mysteriously wasn't able to ssh into it anymore
I had close to a year of uptime
1450:55:45 - 2 months, Vista laptop
04:54:13 up 706 days, 14:14, 2 users, load average: 0.12, 0.04, 0.05
12:58 up 17 days, 15:04, 2 users, load averages: 1.04 1.20 1.30
Windows XP forever in our hearts.
holy shit
10:11PM up 204 days, 8:42, 1 user, load averages: 0.11, 0.09, 0.08
>tfw almost exactly 1 day apart
Literally are you me?
forgot to quote
Also >30 users
What is that?
23:30:56 up 417 days, 14:50, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
23:30:18 up 4 days, 3:16, 1 user, load average: 0.76, 0.59, 0.49
>417 days
Nice. Which OS?
Debian 8, desktop runs testing
>Debian not updated kernel
the server previously had much more uptime but oh well
stopped reading there
> (You)
>forgot to quote
>Also >30 users
>What is that?
An important server.
This computer was my toilet computer.
I used to read web comics on it while taking a dump.
It didn't matter that it ran Swedish Windows XP.
FX 8300/32GB ram. All I need.
>800 days without power going out once
It's a laptop that was probably mostly asleep.
Been installing updates this month so it's only 9 days