/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/ we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon

>Discord channel

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki:

>Chink Shit Infographic v1.4 [work in progress]
qt.vidyagam.es/IcDmsJb.jpg (embed) (embed)

• user wants to know if Xiaomi segway is dangerous; it isn't because Xiaomi are godlike and pay me really well to shill them! • user gets Ohuehuehue branded BM-800, chinks throw in a crappy USB sound card • /csg/ still reeling from the sudden arrival of /diy/ celebrity Bunkerbro • user gets a bunch of stocking stuffers including a cute Totoro • Horrifying chink mask (?) spotted • Infographic weighs in, says he may make infographic a website in future • Link to old Somakes from user who successfully bought one • Geekbuying RN3P guy still complaining • non-Yank gets a Don't Tread On Me meme flag • user asks about DW accessories on behalf of his "gf" • user gets key holder, some female mini usb ports, and an external hdd enclosure • user buys chink make-up for his wife, she screamed and collapsed when applied, only a smoking skull left • White Zircons confirmed for homos • Vocaroo of BM-800 and old Somake posted, doesn't sound too bad >Previous thread

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t. butthurt

Lithuania is the world's greatest country

Please change the name of this general to Chinese Shopping General, that way you can still be /csg/ without being offensive and racist.








Is there a recommended phantom power to buy for the bm800?

neweer phantom power, search it "phantom power supply" on ebay to find it.

Get out.

stop samefagging, racist

Bruh, they're out of stock for another three weeks - just cancel the order.

what said
or if youre really feeling special, get an audio interface like the Focusrite Scarlett [second gen]
you get nice controls like gain and shit, along with phantom power

though they are a decent bit more costly unless you find one second hand


that's the worst bait i've seen in a while here, and that says a lot


16 replies, 14 posters

grow some skin, faggot.


Thanks! I'm just going to go with the Neweer phantom power. I don't really have a need for all the Focusrite Scarlett controls for now.

Some of you are alright, don't buy Xeons from Ebay tommorow.


that's because the first three posts were all him samefagging because Lithuanian = Chinese Shopping autist. Note how the IP count doesn't go up next time.

Don't you mean chink shopping autist?


>unique posters doesn't budge again
top kek, he's right

its true though
Lithuanians have no culture or education so they don't understand how to shop, so they go to their primal instinct of shitposting.

Lets just blame all opinions you dont like on this imaginary lithuanian


>I cannot tell the difference between 16 and 17


Your skin is to thin. Maybe you aren't cut out for this world.

It's funny how whenever someone brings up the Lithuanian autist there's always a Lithuanian Defense Force waiting with magical Unique Poster dodging powers.

Posting again, does anyone have the 1.7 update for the ruizu x02 that they could link? When I try to download it on the website I get 404'd

Got my Xiaomi Notebook air 13.3

Its pretty nice. Didn't know chink power adapters were just American sockets without holes drilled in them. Kek

Had to do a clean install of Windows 10 since installing a language pack and changing region didn't fully turn my system into English. I think it had something to so with the version of windows 10 that comes with the laptop by default.

On the bright side cortana was disabled. It's still disabled after changing the region back to China (for kicks and giggles). Need to look into how I can set the date format to yyyy/mm/dd

When it comes to Chinese shopping, nobody knows Chinese shopping better than me. I have the best condenser microphones. The best. But look folks, the Lithuanians have been definetely outsmarting our shitposters at memeing. It's terrible. When Lithuania sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing infographics. They're bringing non-video reviews. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. We need to build a firewall. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Lithuania. I love Lithuania. I have great relationships with the Lithuanian people. But what they have been doing to our general and Discord is just... terrible. Terrible. Sad! Don't worry though, folks. Comfy Tech Reviews is going to come back. And it's going to come back greater and stronger than ever before. It's gonna be yuge, believe me. We're going to make shitposting great again.

Got chinked on my shoes, $18.99 and they sent me this fucking shit.

What's the build quality like? It looks nice but I fear it might feel cheap/plastic-y.

4 Packages! Today was a good day.
What did I get?

So how many of you have already finished your christmas shopping?
I spent $120 for every member of my family, hope it all arrives in time.

This is my first time gifting chinkshit, I hope they don't notice how cheap it all was.


Put it on user

Whats the deal with shit coming from cambodia lately? I had two packages like that the other day

>bought the MEIZU PRO 6
>every phone site and written review reports that it comes with NFC
>phone arrived today
>it does not have fucking NFC
can i return this fucker and get a full refund?

Tools or something?

4 prostate massagers

If it said on the sales page that it has NFC and it doesn't, yeah you can get a full refund if you send it back.

What do you need NFC for though?
I've never used it once.

I'm from Europe. Where can I buy xiaomi phones to try them? I'm not sure about the redmi 4 right now. I want to be able to send them back if I don't want them after all.

lmao you're so paranoid comfy

Seems it's disappeared off the internet so your options are either install the 1.6 update or hope some user has it and is kind enough to upload it somewhere

Yeah, gonna wrap it round muh dick later.

It also says shipment failed when i track the order, anyone have any experience dealing with this?

Didn't even notice that it came from Cambodia, bought it all on Aliexpress.

I't a mp3 player (very cheap, about $1,5 but it has some cool features like a loudspeaker and a build in LED flash light), some LEDs in different sizes and colors (ran out of yellow ones so I ordered this set), some SMD capacitors and a practical joke device (a fake lighter which is actually a water gun)

bluetooth headphones. they automatically power no when i pair the phone using nfc otherwise i have to long press the flush sitting power button which is so much more inconvenient

>Whats the deal with shit coming from cambodia lately?
Cutting costs. China is becoming too expensive

your local store that has a good return policy.

I got something last week from Cambodia Post, first time ever. It wasn't too slow though so not bad.

Just popped my /csg/ cherry today. Martial arts gloves and a palm-sized flashlight.


Not the user that was complaining before, but what's up with Geekbuying selling items without stock? I bought a RN3P more than two weeks ago and it's still processing. How much time does it usually take them to receive the stock?

the rivalry of the ages

>Chinks won't send lasers or lighters to my cunt tree

>taking the Chinese bait

Dumb roundeyes

or the greatest love story of all time

I really hope people are buying these to leave at home in case of a power out or whatever.
For an actually portable flashlight I bought a nitecore keychain light, whatever it's called. It's bright as fuck, lasts a respectable amount of time and is microusb rechargeable.

mikoto is cute

which country?

I have ordered a few (including a 200mw module) for now while I still can. Even despite probably not ever going to have any need for it.

I would estimate the flashlight is about 250-300 lumens, which is more than good enough for the average person, not to mention I only paid $2.11 for it.

this one ?


When the "lithuanian" did it it was mildly entertaining
when comfy copied it it was just pathetic, but then expecting any creativity from a youtuber is probably a bit much

>putting this plug in your moth

So mildly entertaining it had to be reposted 20 times over three weeks?

these threads are about 80% reposts and talking about the same things anyway

I clip mine to my hat and use it's focus ability for working on engine bays or amps and shit when I cant get a decent angle with my desktop lights.

Guys help me find an aesthetic hoodie

Two of the things overdue actually arrived today, maybe it wasn't lost after all. Feels good. Now it's just 8 things left.

BM-800 vocaroo guy here
I ordered a Behringer U-Phoria UM2 to power the mic. Will update.

oh no, the 10µF +-10% capacitors are >40% off

Yeah, bought mine off fasttech about a year ago. Here's a size comparison next to a standard credit card.
I keep it on my keychain, it's lighter than a key but strong enough that it hasn't broken being on the keychain I throw around all the time, not that I'm even worried since it feels tough as well. What I was worried about was the button getting accidentally pressed while in my pocket, but it's a pretty solid button and it hasn't happened so far. Probably the best 5 dollars I've spent on chink shit.

I have the same mp3 model, total shit even for the price
>Background noise
>Doesn't suooort shuffle
>Build quality's crap
Better shell out some more money to buy ruizus instead

Same thing here, though I managed to find a lighter that did have shipping available to my country (probably by mistake). I'm expecting that it'll get stopped by customs anyway but worth trying, at worst I'll just get refunded

Has anyone here bought a chink headlamp? I need one for dumpster diving, since I am saving money on food to spend on chink stuff instead.

This looks good, right?

The ones with the plastic suck. They fall off since it doesnt grip and get your skin stuck. Elastic/fabric ones are better.

never got the point of those keychain lights,
they are not much brighter than the light build into your phone
and add unnecessary bulk to your pockets
would you mind giving a more detailed explanation for:
>Probably the best 5 dollars I've spent on chink shit.

Is it even worth ordering passive elements from ali, when they're already dirt cheap locally?

I don't hear any background noise, the sound is quite good. Totally fine to use it while working out for example.
I could hook it up to the oscilloscope with some test files and see what the output actually looks like, but from what I'm hearing it's really not bad.

I thought the plastic in the pic is just for display purposes? So the strap on top of the head stays up for the photo, The straps are clearly elastic?

>buying clothes from online chinkstores
I see you like to live dangerously. Lucky you, I remembered seeing a hoodie on today's GB sales page, so here you go:

No shipping, 37cent at Ali for 100 pcs 10uF X5R
so 0,37cent/piece, the cheaper online seller in my country wants 7cent/piece and the shipping is 5,60€

Oh yeah, i see that it can be removed. Just looked like it was a fixed part of it due to the bolt.
You can get em both ways I guess.
The one I got had it. Its like the stuff you see on welding masks/protective face shields

What's the best cheap chinkshit mini mech kb?

That sounds like shit. I'll watch out for that

Not him but that looks sick, thanks user

Magicforce 68
White one is 40 bucks on Amazon
Cheapest one with standard layout
Other 60%'s dont have standard layouts, though that might not matter to you if you dont want to change keycaps.

fuck you, csg

17cents/piece here, you're getting chinked by your own

Whats dangerous about clothes lol
That is nice though, thanks user