/ptg/ - Private Tracker Generalé

french are a bunch of cucks editions

Old bread:>New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

Ladder climbing: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uflqB2YGAQjvfSue25j9ryGuxm1UylHEsOKaEqIi0KQ/edit#gid=0

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Know the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before, though most claims of being staff are false
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you that cheating can be evaded. It can't and you will be banned and everyone will laugh at you
>people claim to report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned. french are cucks
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time

Other urls found in this thread:

usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/0gJ0OB6o/Screen Shot 2016-11-19 at 7.27.54 PM.png
usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/RZuhRs2m/Screen Shot 2016-11-19 at 7.28.40 PM.png

first for nostream is curry

second for killing myself

send invites
[email protected]

Lol... no you can't. Prove it.

>PTP tracker will likely be down for a week or two, no real eta. Sorry for the inconvenience.


>tfw $1k jacket but no bB account

[email protected]

I just took two dosses of NyQuil back to back.... wew lads my room is spinning... Ahhh weeeee :o)

why are people invite begging now

found my w.cd invitation mail, hope thats good enough....

Sent! ;-P

Fawk is that you???????

>no simple faq about ggn or waffles in the OP

Is this general just allergic to being informative or what?


Will Meteor Gazelle ever continue development?


Just found out What.cd got shut down.

What the fuck am I supposed to do now? This is bullshit. They had so much stuff.

>round avatars
god I hope not

I would wait a year for this

i would give you an invite fashun bro but i don't wanna get b& ;_;



Pedros or Exigo


You'll have to get a discounted Spotify subscription for black Friday


I'm launching my WCD replacement tracker on Sunday at 12:00 EST. Sup Forums has been alright, so reply with your emails and I'll send you an invite.

How do I check if a music file is a transcode?

No, fuck off.

use modded spotify.

I don't have a pic that properly expresses how angry I am. This will have to do.

waffles sure likes keeping people in suspense dont they

i'm guessing they're working on getting the site back up or they'd just announce they are shutting down completely

whats so bad about pedros and exigos?

caratboi you know im good for it

people are mad they can't get invites


nice try fbi


lmao spaghetti confirmed for a tryhard cunt

>still using gazelle
>not using luminance


check the frequency distribution or the spectrogram for a cutoff at ~16KHz

kill yourself

what does this mean

Dear 312c


Kry Yourself to Sleep

post yfw no more whatcucks on EMP


Can you mod spotify to download stuff?

This has been the worst month ever for me.

>Try to go on BlackCats to see if they have a game
>Try to go on Torrentz to see if they have game
>Shut down
>Go on TorrentFreak to look at news of the shutdowns
>Find out What.cd is gone for good AND Gazelle shut down

I don't think I've been this disappointed in a long time. Fuck me man, where am I supposed to get my obscure weeb music now? It's like the Museum of Irreplaceable Art got destroyed, and all so some music industry jews can make a few extra shekels.

Gibbering man ape

How do I recognize that username?

>This has been the worst month ever for me.
Does your entire life revolve around Private Trackers? Lmfao get a fucking life you pathetic nigger

Did you just slit your throat senpai



>acting like fags in a sekrit club
>lets upload everything to crap.cd w/o backups

serves you right

I get around.

yo, real talk, i just sharted myself.. never trust a fart lmao

No, really, where would I recognize it from?

< grohl> I'm inside Nostream right now. It seems.... empty.

glad my work inspired you

I don't know man. I had a Twitter account and I play CS:GO and shit it could've been a lot of places.

Most rare album/song you'vee downloaded from What.cd?

It's the funniest copy pasta i've seen in years

I plagiarized this guy:

the original draft was too long to post on here

So why did you get disabled?

how much does it usually go for?

>Lmfao get a fucking life you pathetic nigger

How? What do you do?

>acting like fags in a sekrit club

I didn't treat it like a secret club. It was more like a library for me.

>lets upload everything to crap.cd w/o backups

That's not really how torrents work.

Only 1 copy exists



I received an invite from ant man instead of chunky


How fucking long does it take to set up a damn tracker? These niggers need to start recruiting from low population trackers like bB and AHD.


I have unlimited invites

usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/0gJ0OB6o/Screen Shot 2016-11-19 at 7.27.54 PM.png

usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/0gJ0OB6o/Screen Shot 2016-11-19 at 7.27.54 PM.png

looks curry as fuck

usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/RZuhRs2m/Screen Shot 2016-11-19 at 7.28.40 PM.png

fuck this genaviv shit

You look curry Pajeet

usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/RZuhRs2m/Screen Shot 2016-11-19 at 7.28.40 PM.png

it's not like you can one click set up a tracker like you can a seedbox

Oh god, they are trying to clone what?

>You may want to put an image here
this is going to end badly



is this some sort of joke or Sup Forums meme?

Glim Spanky's Next One

It's not really that rare, but it's one of those Japanese bands whose CD's cost $50-70 to import and it's pretty obscure.

Looks functioning to me. If they restricted invites to Elite+ on bB they'd get a decent amount of people to start building the library up again. They can tinker with coding shit along the way.


those screens are real, confirmed with a friend

is EVERYONE lurking the /ptg/ threads? lmao

hypersleep hell no. Ptg is trash
Bunch of trolls

why the fuck is the interview prep site ded?

< grohl> Which one of you fuckers leaked my screenhots to #what-refuge?
< grohl> I didn't give anyone permission to do that. They were from thi schannel only.



>If they restricted invites to Elite+ on bB
>let's make another meme club, nothing can go wrong XD

I sent those screenshots to a few people who I had faith in.
Those were NOT supposed to go public.

o shit we accidentally saw the tracker before it was released guise ;^( hope they don't ban us for it

But then they won't have as many people to scam :^)

don't worry, site looks like utter shit

like oppaitime :dunno:

vanilla gazelle, who would have thought it

a tracker is not worth using if it's not gazelle :^)

>© 2016

What's the fucking point?

on this time and age yeah, though I don't get the overreacting on the leaks

That's just what gazelle does

Looks curry as fuck and still doesn't have bonus points

