Is seagate still shitgate? Pls respond

Is seagate still shitgate? Pls respond.



i don't know


Seagate more like Seeyagate, because that's what you'll be saying to your anime collection once it gives up the ghost.

Fucking hell she's vile

wtf she has wider shoulders than me


they still have higher return rates

so your drive is like 2~4% likely to be defective rather than 1~2% if we account for people who don't return them

basically, not a big deal. if you see a seagate on sale for a good price and you happen to need a HDD, get it.

>so your drive is like 2~4% likely to be defective rather than 1~2%
source bby
newegg is currently selling a 5tb external for $109

Fuck I don't wanna see that
I'm trying to eat here dammit

You just restore from your backups, idiot.

gotta eat big to get big cmon

Please stop, unless you (or someone else I guess) is going to start shooping dicks or cumshots into them


She's become a miniature Hillary what the fuck

Is this shopped? how come some of you spergs find this shit attractive?

>implying she wouldn't eat your entire dick




she's still a cutie




so Canvios are better than WD Ultras?
Really made me think

This is shopped, right?

nobody knows at this point

Seagate is the most improved in this graph though, it's even better than WD by far and the same level as Toshiba

Examine arms for pixels for solid 2 minutes. Notice baggage guy.

Here's the cropped original

I'm sorry man...

There's a pajeet in the background on the picture. Is it you?

>doesn't know of Pablo the Harrowed


>that no antialiasing
>those fucking clear as fucking day edges and lines, in no way related to the blurriness of the original image


>Chloe Roidrage: The Post

Has always been
Don't fuckin get a Seagate

u w0t m8?

Goal body

Using ST1000DM003 as a games/chink movies drive since 2012. Works so far, SMART shows nothing to worry about.

>he eats at his computer
good way to ruin nice peripherals

Underrated post