>Battle Stations

Show me some your guys' battle stations. Also, rate mine?

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Its alright.
Bit Sup Forums to me.
U in a flat?

nah I'm actually in a dorm room at my university. also, forgive me for being a little bit of a newfag but what exactly do you mean by a bit Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is the video game boards. He is saying it looks Gaymur ish


Am I doing it right :DDDD

go back and undraw it

rather basic but comfy enough for a dorm room

you are not a cute anime girl. but kudos for trying to be. bonus for dual socket

you have a giant TV, speakers, three computers, and an external hard drive, but you apparently lack a camera of any sort. Go step on a lego.

>Hard Drive in 5 1/4 bay
Usually People would get mad at that, but I did this countless times as well. So good on ya, mate.

name it /bst/ god damn

>Go step on a lego.
wow harsh


shit old monitors and a oculus, what kind of meme is this?

is there even a way to make a Sup Forums approved battlestation?

Yeah, it's called killing yourself.

Am I the only one who prefers looking at cobbled together stations like rather than perfect Ikea branded stations?

I enjoy both a lot desu. Seeing how people with similar interests organize their desks and computers is very interesting. I definitely see the appeal of the less sterile looking stations, though. They require a finer eye to appreciate. A normie can drool over a clean desk and matching colors, but not everyone will appreciate stuff like a model m or ThinkPad in someone's picture.

Apparently it's very hard to do for some people. We call these people "special" and put them together in homes with carers.

new speakers very soonish



i just went vertical. is there any program i can use to more easily manage having several programs open on one monitor. you know like sizing and shit.


still no time for updated pic

>Tfw moving soon, and have to re-run my ethernet, audio, and power cables, and rebuild my floating shelves

Feels badman


is that a microKORG I see there?

Could be a good opportunity to change things up a bit.

Sure is

Maybe. I'm thinking about going multi-tiered with my shelves, this time. Gotta find a way to make them aesthetic, though. My wife hates the functional look of the ones I have now, and they will be pretty permanent

Throw back


Chair finally made it even though UPS never updated. Can't wait to get the rest of my furniture. Trashing this flimsy Staples desk.

>He didn't put /bst/ in the title
And I thought I was the retard here

my shitposting station

cant wait until u all die irl haha

>die irl

How else can we die?

>bonus for dual socket
Yea, no.

Who else is excited for Black Friday?


what is that? a jailcell?

how the hell do you have time to post here then?

you need to show your thighs in the picture or its not cute

what the hell went through your head when you thought that was a good picture?

I decided myself on which keyboard I'm gonna get : CM masterkeys L with browns, and probably RGB too, cuz why not. That'll wait until the end of the year though.

As another user mentionned in a previous thread, a mug really helps with that comfy vibe.

Too bad you don't have a few more white accents in there.

I think I'm gonna replace my monitor arm just so I can set a vertical monitor like that, instead of verticaly centered. Yeah I bought a really shitty one.


havent posted here in a while.
got some cheap rgb led strips for the case, they never match the case leds but meh, phanteks not getting that led strip tax!

Is guys obsession with showing off their stuff some kinda vestigial instinct to attract mates?

> teacher is literally nigger
wew lad


I genuinely don't know if these people are serious

>tux doll
>windows 10

I have used Linux in the past user, I like and appreciate it.

Whenever I get a Laptop my OS of choice is going to be Linux.

you know you could just dual boot it

Dual-booting is stupid, no point at all, I have done it before.

Beamspring is on the way to me all the way from Canada, sure is taking its sweet time!

Also going to be ordering an FSSK inner assembly so I can basically turn one of my Model M SSK's in to a Model F!


im actually going to get two seperate monitor arms for my setup so that i can put my monitors like that.

its better to fap not facing the door, cuz if you get busted you dont have to look them in the eyes while cumming.

gay and boring
I miss you case ;_;
back to tumblr
clean your shit, before posting.
Hi friend
>shitty and boring wallpaper
>no anime wallpaper
>Shitty case
>gaymu headset
>bulk bed

>I miss you case ;_;
but user, my case is shit.

>back to tumblr
god damn good eyes senpai

This is unbelievably fucking comfy. Studying EE? or just a hobby?

women care about material possessions and men care about beauty


Not studying EE yet, but I'll be starting that next year. Currently doing an internship as a requirement for studying EE. I have no formal education in electronics or machines, and my boss wants me to automate parts of the production line.
Shit's genuinely fun.

>studying EE

>doesn't even have an oscilloscope, logic analyzer, or signal generator
.... uhhh

What's your job and current credentials?

He's one of them dumb 65% meme topre gayboard fans that fap to anime all day.

What is the painting

imagine being this mad at people living a different life then you

imagine paying 300 for rubber domes

that too.



I'm an intern at a small company that makes certain input devices (it's quite specific, so I hope you don't mind if I don't go into detail).
I'm mainly working on two machines, one to mount o-rings and one to melt plastic (in order to attach small metal parts).
It's been not quite a month now, so far I've been sketching out and trying out ideas and seeing what works, in the process of which I've optimized the 3D printing at work. The machines should be fully automatic, so getting the parts into the correct orientation and feeding them into the mounting area is also part of the whole machinery, the way I've got things sketched out now, it'll probably involve at least two robotic arms.

I graduated from gymnasium (, that, and a 3 months introductory course into basic electronics and CAD.

I don't really know a whole lot about mechanics or electronics. Most of my designs are based on mechanisms that I saw when we went to visit different factories as a part of that aforementioned course.

I'd try to refute you, but literally everything in that post is spot-on.

*bullies you* :~3


It's "living a different life -from- you"

are you sure?


Where did the snow go..


you're retarded.

still here

use GNU+Linux in a VM

Fix your sagging desk you dumb piece of meme tier trash

where did you get the pink case/who makes it?
pls :+3

sure, but seems vestigial in the sense that there aren't many women here and you're all anonymous

and half of us are gay

its just to show off personality and stuff to get more (you)'s



Its back up to average 7c here.

Where do you live user?

Did some renovation, what do you guys think?


we got 2c here atm and its been raining a little but we still got snow.

wow that looks really uncomfortable.

he can afford an imac, but not a chair


Middle of Europe.

Left-handed or is that just a mirror image?

£50 desk from Ikea

7 y/o laptop I threw up on when I was drunk a few years back hence the exposed look.

1 working usb slot.

Still runs great.


n-nice oranges

I'm left handed.

i finally nailed it fuckers

It's a comfortable chair. I prefer wooden ones to office chairs.

your body doesn't