How long should I expect the lifetime of a PSU and a hard drive to be...

How long should I expect the lifetime of a PSU and a hard drive to be? I've pretty much replaced every part in my computer by this point with new shit other than the harddrive and PSU that I've had for like five years. I'm too lazy to transfer all my shit or upload it to a cloud, and I really don't want to have to strip the PSU out and rewire everything.

You should be doing regular backups regardless.

PSUs degrade over time. It's probably only putting out 80% or less of its rated max power at this point. Hard drives vary by brand and model, but at five years you should at least be keeping good backups.

>at 5 years you should be keeping good backups
>at 5 years


I didn't say you shouldn't be keeping backups regardless. My point is that OP should at least be prepared for his HD to die because at 5 years it's not unlikely.

protip: backup all of your really important shit to BD-R blu-ray discs. You can get 1.2TB spindle (50x25GB) for $40 on amazon. These fuckers will last you forever and you never have to worry about corrupting the data on them since they just tell you to fuck off if you try to write data to them again.

So backup all your shit to blu-ray and only replace your hard drive as it dies. As for your PSU, they vary depending on what company you get them from. Generally seasonic ones will last you the longest. Though again I'd say only replace it after your old ones fail.

Not answering your question exactly, but topic related: just had my os on my 1tb SSD BSOD on me, but did an image backup 5 months ago, so it's cool; on top of that, I did a backup this morning of individual files which are vital to me prior to playing some games and stuff. Do it now, man. Never too early.

I've got a Seagate 500GB that had a couple bad sectors but 8 years and still going strong.

>using a hard drive so long the smart power-on counter resets

They don't make em like they used too. Big, bulky behemoths keep on spinning.

>PSUs degrade over time
OK, but why?

Because entropy, retard

>not just spending the $40 on 4 1TB SSDs

Fucking retard now i remember why i left Sup Forums

So you have no idea. As I thought.

Capacitor values drift with age and the power supply as a result wont meet its target values in output power efficiency etc etc. I wouldn't begin to worry if its 5 years old I see a lot of electronics with capacitors still within spec at this age. Start to worry if its about 8 years old or more.

>80% after 5 years
I think you're just pulling numbers out of your ass.

Please oh magical god of deals show me where I can get something this magnificent and I'll chop off my dick and mail it to you. Make sure it won't fail within the first 60 days ty

Where are you getting these adds from

SSD not adds


wow he sure tricked us sad now

Tfw not smart enough to not get tricked by tricky tricksters

Fuck you

delete your post!

>he deleted it

Thank you, i feel much better now!

PSUs tend to be one of the first things to break OP. I've had one GPU and one mobo but I've had about 6? PSU just die in some way.

With continuous use I'd probably expect about 5 years with a psu and if it lasts to that point and you keep using it 7-8 is pushing it hard and you should really be using a new one unless you don't care about what it's powering.

>lifetime of a PSU

In my experience, the length of the warranty, plus about one month.

>but I've had about 6? PSU just die in some way.

Jesus Christ, buy a Seasonic, man.

4 were Seasonic.

The one in my main is Seasonic right now and it is having issues after only a year. Seasonic are good but they often have issues just like the others. Some Seasonic PSUs are known for having issues.

We are talking over a period of like 15 years and a few computers running not just my main computer at once. There's usually at least two.

fans die first

I have this 700w nonbranded chink psu for 8 years when i set up my own torrent box when i was highschool, 80mm fan died and replaced it and it still werkz

Any PSU that is good enough for you to consider buying: 5-10 years, no problem

Any hard disk: always actually plan for it to die a little later today

Buy an UPS, you're having serious electrical power problems if your electric line kills that many PSU.

I've had my HX1000W since 2008 and it's still going stronk.

No, it is common to see PSUs start to die around the 5 year mark.

I've built computers since 1998 and I've never had a PSU fail me.
You have a power grid with spikes or live in a country with shit electricity.

>You have a power grid with spikes or live in a country with shit electricity.
This, you need to get your electrical system checked out. It might be something as simple as a high load or a malfunctioning device polluting the course your PC is on. Yes, electrical pollution is a real thing and not just something audiophiles have invented to sell you magical lumps of iron. The iron doesn't work, by the way, so you need to either fix the problem or get a UPS like the other user suggested.

No, I'm 100% on these not being what is going on.

Also, we're talking a fair amount of computers a lot more are lasting than dying. You could chalk it up to just "bad luck with psu's" but I'd expect a PSU to go bad before anything else regardless.

Then why did you ask in the first place? Dipshit.

There is no reason a power supply would go bad. The caps in it might go bad, but only if they're garbage. You can replace them. I have a power supply from 2009 still in daily use and I don't expect to get rid of it any time soon.

1tb hdds are not worth buying anymore, i have 4 which i'll upgrade to a 8tb server drive

Psu is the last thibg that should go bad

>I'm 100% on these not being
What makes you so sure? Have you measured it with an oscilloscope? Are you a certified electrician?

Check your shit or buy a filter. Shouldn't cost too much.

I am actually a certified electrician.

Would that mean that it's a good idea to buy a PSU with more capacity than you need, so you can account for this down the line? Say you could make do with a 500W but buy a 650W so it'll still give you 500W after 10 years?

One billion years