How do you choose your usernames, Sup Forums?
How do you choose your usernames, Sup Forums?
waifu name
sit on keyboard
I jizz on a pile of sand, then examine the grains for certain patterns.
Yea this is what I do.
recently I've been making all my usernames Jewish, like Hilel_Goldstein (not actually used yet you can use that one) for good luck and maximum troll power
I improvise, i dont really think about it. something like dangling_apples or someshit
Either abbreviate my real name (!) or come up/copy some phrase I think is cool.
Yeah, I'm not gonna make my username "scootaloo101010".
>abbreviate my real name
this kills the privacy
>He likes the chicken horse
>He likes the little marshmallow horse
arise chikun
I don't like horses at all.
>he knows who the chicken horse is
>he claims to not like horses at all
I think we have a contradiction.
You see, Putin, the thing is that faggots were spamming chickun on Sup Forums years ago.
You'd know that if you weren't a newfag, newfag.
I usually just choose one of my nicknames or something.
I'm a namefag by nature so privacy isn't really a concern for me
tr -cd [:alnum:] < /dev/urandom | head -c 8; echo
randomly generated string
That's not me And I don't like any of the little ones, they're all shit
I use the same name everywhere.