Does anyone outside of Sup Forums use this?

does anyone outside of Sup Forums use this?



My dad does.


Many people.

Of course, retard.

>trusting duckduckjew.
>made by a jew
>the guy is know for selling his database of userdata from previous projects.
>even suggests another search engine if you really want to have privacy
Yeah, no.
Nobody should.
I have my machines running a P2P webcrawler and searchengine YaCy all day and night.

My dad does too. is a meta searchengine solution for people who want some more accurate results though.

Good for you, turbosperg.

Thanks, pal.

I think so. My mother does, so...

no one *inside* Sup Forums uses it, so who cares?

Pedophiles and drug dealers

>Sup Forums
>using this

> Implying Sup Forums knows whats going on outside.

My 48 yo femaly biology teacher used it in my last year of highschool.
She was completely technologically illeterate, not even knowíng what a vga cable was.
But she used Duck Duck Go because even she realised that the botnet exists


What about startpage anyone uses it?

yes one big reason to use it is botnets trying to hide it so people cant find it as easy.

thats why i chose it.

Does anyone here use this?

The only truly free search engine is Veronica.

Startpage is what you use if you know the truth about duckduckgo's owner.

then again we should all jump ship to another image board considering hiro's past.

Startpage is garbage. It has safesearch on by default.

google it

Why would I when is a thing?


If you're browsing porn sites you're already part of the botnet with all the shit that's on them.

You can have more than one searchengine

How about StartPage?


have another one, it's on the house

It's not porn that just gets blocked, but anything explicit. It gives you shitty results with it on.

This is what sane people use.

google is what the sane people use

No, that's what the sheeple use.

And my mom.

yeah i do


i use it but only on mobile. Google on mobile saves everything you search so as soon as you tap on the search bar all your previous searches show up which is embarassing and there is no way to disable it. So i just use duck duck go which allows me to browse in peace.