Scala is better than Java in every way

Scala is better than Java in every way.

Prove me wrong

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Of course I can't disprove the truth.

Python is better than Visual Basic. Prove me wrong

erlang is better than fortran.
Prove me wrong

We should rank up the JVM languages:

Clojure >Scala > Kotlin > Groovy > Java8

scheme > common lisp > java8 > rest

Nonsense, fortran is superior

euphoria is better than c/c++. prove me wrong

>moving from meme to another
Why do they do this?


even brainfuck is better than java

It's like comparing a paki to a pajeet both are basically the same thing.
Now please do the needfull, and get back to the designated workstation.

No it isn't..

It has some nice ideas, but also a bunch of problems. Do your own research.

Also Scala can be problemetic for companies since it's way to powerfull. I heard stories about people leaving "funky" scala legacy code behind, that you couldn't change afterwards since they used some high-level features nobody really understood. It was more efficient to just put up "here be dragons!" signs and change everything arround the specific code, since it was so hard to understand. And that's not how it should be. The goal of programmign is to produce readable and maintainable code, not this "look at my code, it's art!" attitude. Keep the Hasklel's in their ivory tower where they belong.

>muh AbstractBeanAbstractFactoryBeanFactory

Logo, Basic and literal coprolites are better than Java OP not sure what you're driving at

>way to powerful

What does that even mean, Vinjay?

Scala = Java + reflection + crutches + shit
How do you expect it to perform in the real world? Of course some Twitter-like companies with billions can afford clusters with 100 servers, but for any other company it will be just way too much expensive. Moreover, with java 8 there are even few reasons to learn scala. Who the heck needs all the features of functional programming for the sake of performance, maintainability? You need to have both OOP and functional background to write good in Scala. Again, you will need to hire the best of the best - not every company can afford and find them.

Scala should not be seen as a replacement for Java, but as a supplement to.
There are times where functional programming makes sense. There are times where functional programming doesn't make sense.

The benefit of Scala and F# is that they are both compiled to a common intermediary bytecode so they are directly interfaceable with Java and C# respectively.

The only reason to use Scala in industry is job security.

Way less job opportunities.
Hold your autism.

It doesn't even have a finished compiler.

every language has shitty "funky" legacy code. Scala can be really bad if someone is abusing implicits or misusing akka, but intellij has gotten really good with scala recently.

I've been working with scala for about 3 years now, it's been at my company for at least 6. It's bad, but for the most part, I find any legacy code that I don't understand, I can usually easily re-write.

Too be honest, I have a much harder time with shit like this than I do with
>Implicit class Wrapper(b:B) extends GenericWrapper [B, M[_]] {
> def something(implicit somethinger CanDoSomething[B, M[A]]): M[A] = somethinger(b)

Kicking a cripple isn't hard user.

Scala is great. I think the JVM languages are in an ideal state right now where each one holds a niche and attracts a different kind of programmer.

what's so bad about java8

never heard of it

scala is great if you're trying to work at amazon, since they're about the only place you can reliably find a scala job.

I got a job coding in scala instead of java straight out of college. You are wrong.

This is truth.

Clojure is superb.