Is there any defense against a forkbomb on Linux?

Is there any defense against a forkbomb on Linux?

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Care to elaborate?

Don't execute them.

Not using linux


overwrite the bin files that are executed or replace keyword functionality for the operators with functionality that works on a condition.

"Don't do it" isn't a defense. That's like telling an attacker "don't attack my system", then telling your boss "the system is safe".


It works like this in real life to. If they do attack its illigal and you should sue

Install OpenBSD

You can limit user processes so that a forkbomb won't clog up the system.

Reboot the machine

Just make a kernel module that limits the number of processes that can share a PPID.

If the attacker is already on your machine, you're already fucked.

Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it can't happen to you


asuka is a whore


The ability to run a program that is detrimental to your system is not an attack. That's like claiming the ability to shut down your PC is an attack.

On shared systems you use resource limits.

Declaring your system a "forkbomb-free zone" doesn't really work.

not using bash doesn't mean you're protected against forkbomb

limits.conf or ulimit

Looks like someone is lurking in
plebbit and parroting shit.

Make forkbombs an alias for something harmless?

How does it exactly work?
I mean, what do those semicolons mean?

:() { ... }
Defines a function called ":"

; ends the previous statement (in order to do two commands on one line).

: calls the function named :

As for the content of the function


This calls the function : and pipes whatever output (nothing) into a new : call

& means that the statement is forked and ran in the background

So in other words, it's a recursive function that forks every time it's called and calls itself.


If someone can run a forkbomb on your machine, it already means they have shell access/local code execution.

You should only run code from sources you trust. A forkbomb is the last thing an attacker would attempt on your machine. The question is meaningless.


>what are you gonna do, shoot me? Hah, can't you see that's illegal! You'll be sued!


cgroups, oom killer

Well, try it, you'll see.
>Hint: It won't be so easy

if you are not retarded you wouldn't execute what you don't understand