You can't help normies. Normie Story Thread

You fucking can't help these fuckers, senpai.

Last week, I had a conversation with a bunch of friends about their phones and the subject of what they're buying next came up. All Samsung outside of the one iphone douche.

While I don't really have an issue with anyone buying a Samsung phone, I really think the lot of them deserved to know the alternatives.

I spent about fifteen minutes explaining budget and mid-tier phones, how ripped off carriers usually are and how one can finance through methods like paypal rather than a carrier to get an unlocked phone rather than being on contract, saving hundreds if not thousands of dollars over the long term.

"Oh we're just going to upgrade"

Am I the fucking wrong one!? I just told you that I could save you fucking money. You get the same goddamn thing, if not better and you save money!

Fuck everything. Fuck Ghandi, even. We're so doomed, man.

your friends vote for trump, OP?

Normies are lazy fucks. Unless something is completely broken, they won't try to change. Anything involving using any additional brain power whatsoever will be ignored in the name of convenience.

Y'all are ridiculous

You can't bring a horse to water and make them drink.
They think they're getting a deal by upgrading and see no purpose in fiddling with their contract.

>ugh! i hate how the battery on this iphone is so shit!
>user help me pick out a new phone! i just want one with good battery life!
>show her several links to phone databases and articles
>recommend a few that are well known to have amazing battery life
>iphone is consistently bottom of barrel on charts due to its utter shit tiny battery
>she buys another iphone

cd code
cd ..
cd ..
cd ..
cd ..
cd ..
cd code

you have to consider that most normies upgrade smartphones so they can uprade their shallow character

>women can """""code"""" too!

>tfw using unix when horribly, horribly drunk


What did she mean by this


But this can be shown in a simple Excel/googlesheet calculation.

Retail for new phone + 24 x prepaid service


Retail for new phone at carrier + 24 x contract


>need usb mini cable for my calculator to load program for test tomorrow
> go to campus supply store
> look around for 5 minutes. Can't find one
>ask lady at tech area desk " do you have any usb mini cables?"
> she looks at me like As if I was speaking another language "... Do you mean like a flash drive?"
> ThisBitch.jpg
> I try to explain " you know like one end is normal usb that goes into computer and the other end is mini usb"
> she picks up hdmi cable "one of these?"
> She eventually directs me to the wall I had been looking at before and leaves me with the "if we would have one, it would be here"
I shit you not I ended up having to buy a $15 usb mini cable at Best Buy because the only mini cable at Walmart came in a $20 super adapter pack.

This stuff always ends up this way OP

I don't know why you even try lmfao

So a Sup Forums is autistic thread?
Why do you care what others do with their money?

is this the new
3 4?

I don't

which is why I'm telling OP he's retarded for trying ^:)

This is cancer. You just reminded me I have to get a usb mini too and I'm going to go to my campus store hoping I have a better experience. Will update in few mins

But samsung is the best,dumbass

>inb4 xiaosperging

I am satisfied with my s5.
Whats wrong with it.

>"normies" give opinions
>OP gives his opinion
>Normies disagree
>OP spergs and comes to a Mongolian knitting forum to complain that people disagree with him

i keked way too much at this


I kind of miss my old job where I was the "IT wizard" and got payed to fix printer problems rather than do my actual job. While it was annoying at times it was also super comfy. They gave me my own desk with a PC that had an unmonitored DSL connection so I could just do whatever. I'd download torrents as it was faster than my home connection. I'd also rip DVDs and Music CDs since we dealt with customer returns (basically an Amazon copy cat company).


This is how the world works. Normies spend £60/month on an iPhone and complain that Pokemon Go keeps draining their battery and 1GB monthly allowance, then smash it in a rage at upgrade time and start again. Carrier and Apple pocket a lot of money, keeping the economy going.

Truly sensible people save up £16.66/month for 24 months, buy a new Oneplus outright for £399, sell their old one for £100, and pay £10/month for 4GB of data along with £16.66 for their next one.

Normie says they're always broke and blames capitalism.

It's 15 dollars here too ugh

Welcome to consumerism.

Save money yourself, it'll give you a leg-up over your peers.

I used to buy unlocked android phones and be a jew with money. Then I grew up and bought an iPhone on contract.

>t. iToddler

Keep contributing to your oligarchs. It's people like you that keep the system going! :^)

Enjoy having less to spend on other gadgets / beer / whatever and getting shafted by Apple's denial of antennagate / bendgate / touch disease / whatever they're going to fuck up this time

One of my classmates from high school was like that. He was a applecuck too. He lives in one of my rental houses and pays my mortgage for me now.

>few months back
>need a displayport for the extra monitor I picked up
>drive to nearby best buy
>go to cable section
>No displayports
>walk 2 feet and get pestered by female staff """""techie"""""
>"need any help?"
>ask for displayport
>"what do you mean by that?
>you know, like a VGA or a DVI, but modern
>"oh, you mean like an adapter? We have a displayport VGA adapter"
>No, I need an actual Displayport Cable
>"I don't think we have any of those"
>she calls a fellow employee
>"do we have any displayport cables?"
>"I think we have a couple of adapters, they're right here"
>No, I need an actual displayport cable
>"Oh, we don't have any of those here."


>Best Buy
You're kidding, right?

>going to a thick'n'mortal store for anything technical


Microcenter is still brick-and-mortar.

Admittedly I'm a britfag, we have literally one non-shit brick-and-mortar computer store (Scan in Bolton) in the whole country. Good if you have more over in Trumpland

>dont see item on shelf
>"lol must be in some magical other place that the salesman can pull out of their ass"


people spend £60 a month on a phone contract? seriously?! i think i pay £9 and i got a super comfy windows phone with it.



>what is a storeroom

i pay about 90 (for my line) on verizon wireless
50 bux for unlimited LTE with the best network in murrika


>sensible people
>using phones at all

cooking and someone to chill w

>call other people normies
>make another phone thread
lmao get out

When normies get a Computer Science degree & job and think they are gods of computers. pic related

My headphones are shitty but not broken

My rubber dome flexible keyboard is shitty but still usable

My coffee has caffeine but is shitty

And yet you are pretentious in the eyes of normies for modifying these to quality, just Sup Forums relevant examples

I agree, fuck Gandhi. Fuck him right up the ass.

How about tinfoil hat normies?

>Dude wants to build a new computer
>He asks me for help
>Tell him to just grab an i5 with mobo combo
>He wants me to come
>We go to store looking at parts
>Him "man this is all junk"
>"wheres all the good stuff? i swear i heard from my mate back in the 60's when he was working at the CIA they had quantillion quantum computers that could do everything in a split second"
>"haha 1600 bucks for this 10 core processor? man this was like grandma pentium computers to the CIA back in the 60's"
>he actually goes up to the counter
>"where you guys store all da good shit?"
>they tell him over in the glass cabinet where we just were
>"haha come on man im not buying chump stuff my rig at home sweep the floor with this stuff"
>stand back a bit to pretend i'm not with him
>as we're leaving he kicks some case and dents it
>guy at the store sees it and camera caught it
>they lock the door
>they grab him and me
>we have to pay for the case
>friend has no money on him
>he didn't evne bring his wallet
>I either have to pay now or leave them my drivers license
>pay them
>get to friends home
>look at his computer
>HP monitor 1024x768
>athlon 4800+
>3gb ram
>two 160gb hard drives
>radeon 6670
>275w no brand psu
>tells me he plays all the latest games on it fine
>he turns it on
>takes literally 3 minutes to turn on
>"its just all the hardware loading up i got a lot on her"
>he has pirated Adobe, Sony, Coral and other software suites on it
>he thinks he can sell it for $5,000+ because of all the software on it

Most of them just have parents with family plans that give them upgrades anyway, so there's no need to waste time finding deals on mid tier phones when their family just buys them the high end model anyway.

Also, there is convenience. Not everyone wants to go through the trouble of selling their old phone and looking up deals for a new one.


>spergs out about other people spending money to get what they want
>thinks normies are the problem
hahah ayy lmao

too many options, she wanted you to gloss over and pick one for her and help her get excited about it you dumb shit

"usb cable"
you look for the mini because she obviously didn't know. why would you waste your own time?

>involving a poor girl into your autistic breakdown when some shop didn't have a cable and told you multiple times that they don't.
I feel sorry for everyone around you

Sup Forums is a lot more autistic than I remember it being

If this is real, why didn't you just tell him he has no idea what he's talking about?

i've got another serious sam picture for you

To be fair, most of the world has moved on to usb-micro. The only things that still seem to use mini are graphing calculators and wii u pro controllers.

But from your story, I don't think she even knew about micro usb. Whenever I refer to micro usb around non techie people, I say "like for an Android or a Kindle".

This is not a friend, drop him immediately
