/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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yeah ive seen this fuckeR!!
just shot a few bullets right through his nose LOL!!

1. Is anyone running an alternative init system other than systemd?
2. If so, with what distro?
3. Is systemd literally an nsa backdoor?


The problems people have with systemd are not about security, it's more about its design. Systemd is free software.

I want a unicode hostname. How to set such a thing?
If its not possible, how to make any instance of the hostname(in the shell, polkit authentication agent, etc etc) appear as some unicode

yeah, openrc
gentoo linux
>using meaningless meme gnuwords like "free software"
remove yourself from the gene pool

*shitposts about shitgnu*

Free software means software that respects the user's freedom.

There are four essential freedoms that the user of software should always have:

Freedom 0 is the freedom to run the program however you wish.
Freedom 1 is the freedom to study the source code of the program and change it to make the program do as you wish.
Freedom 2 is the freedom to distribute copies of the program to others when you wish. This includes republication of the program.
Freedom 3 is the freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others when you wish. This includes republication.

If you have all four of these essential freedoms, then the program is free software, which means that the social system of the distribution of the program is an ethical system that respects the freedom and community of the users.

If one of these freedoms is missing, then the program is proprietary software, meaning that it keeps the users divided and helpless, and gives the developer power over the users. This is an injustice. Proprietary software should not exist and should not be used.

If you want to have freedom, the only way you can have it while using computers is by rejecting proprietary software.

didnt even read your shitpost
go die somewhere lol

Does anyone use clang as their default compiler in Gentoo? Apart from having a gcc backup environment, anything I should be wary of?

Has anyone taken a look at GoboLinux?

I know there are aspects of it that can look a bit offputting at first (like uppercase letters in the naming convention)
But when you get right down to it, it actually looks like their design solves tons of issues with Linux package management.

It's not a very popular distro at all though so I wonder if I'm missing something here. Is there some glaring problem with Gobo that I'm not seeing?

Is it possible for such a setup to still have dependency hell? You can install any number of different versions of applications and libraries, but it uses symlinks for backward compatibility and has a "Current" symlink for the version being used. Could GoboLinux have its own kind of dependency hell due to that fact?

I'm made a script but it always asks for my password due to the sudo command, is there a way to have the script input it automatically?
I always have to download the library every time I start the program due to some 64 bit fuckery

The script is

sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0:i386
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/pulse

Why not just actually run it as root?

>I always have to download the library every time I start the program due to some 64 bit fuckery
That's your actual problem. Stop writing bad workarounds.

Sometimes other people use the computer, so I have multiple accounts. Or is there a way to have the script always run as root?
New to Linux

Well the program doesn't support 64 bits. Don't want to switch to 32 bits just because of this.

If you run it at regular times you can just set it as a cron job for root

>answer to the question asked
make it a setuid program.

>whole situation
what the fuck are you doing senpai

I'm tempted to. Don't think anything bad should happen if you have a gcc fallback

Perfect just what I was looking for!
The program doesn't support 64bits... And I'm too much of a retard to get openConnect working

Meh, had to reinstall my system. I guess i'll try to update this time without changing the kernel.

>Perfect just what I was looking for!

You should know that the setuid bit is ignored for shell scripts (all interpreted executable actually). So when I said "make it a setuid program", I really meant write a C program that calls system() for everything needed. So, uhh, bust out your K&R I guess.

Seriously though, your problem is a symptom. You should fix the actual issue, not construct crazy fuckery to work around it.

Linux, GNU, Arch, Debian, Systemd any more words to avoid in /fglt/?


basically any distro name

Well fuck me then.
Again the problem is that the program doesn't support 64bit distros.
I'll try to get openConnect working, until then this is letting me keep working...

>using this piece of shit "distro"

nice meme, can I save it?

>using this piece of shit "kernel"
>not using based Windows NT


What is the original problem you're trying to solve (what you "need" openconnect for)?

Why does your current solution "fix" the problem you originally posted? (you can have multiarch / different arch versions of the same library installed, as well as lock a package at a specific version so that newer versions are ignored)

Why do you need to re-install the library every time?

No fucking clue why I need to reinstall the library every time.

I need this to connect to my work VPN. It's a Juniper VPN.

What distribution are you running?

ATM Mint. Tried it in Ubuntu but same problem.

Void, Solus, Alpine, LibreSSL, Lennart, Pottering, runit, open rc, devuan

First, see if this is applicable (same software?): askubuntu.com/questions/450369/how-to-install-juniper-vpn-on-ubuntu-14-04-lts

If not, post the output when you try to run the program and it fails.

What happens if you try to run it without re-installing that library? (why does this need to happen more than once)

If I just try to run it it does
error while loading shared libraries: libpulseui.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

>Calling an utter pile of horsecrap "kernel"
>Being in Sup Forums and admitting to be a wintoddler


>tfw i use manjaro and literally nothing you do can stop me

nice fud

Enjoy the distro you are most comfy with, user
See picture

>tfw i'm fucking retarded and nothing you do can stop me


Huh, something strange happened when I upgraded to debian sid.
tty1 just sits on a blinking cursor forever and accepts no input, but all the others work fine.

i think i just got cancer from yur post
please fucking delete it before someone suffers the same fate

no, the deserve every bit of radiation they get from it, 네가.

>using gookspeak
please stop before i literally get aids via the internet machines

Is Antergos a good distro?

enjoy your aids

stupid gook
get off this japanese website

its shite


ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ I will.
enjoy your trigger.

it has no reason to exist
its like a fucken gnutard

leave this japanese website
stop defiling it with your ugly gook presence

>it has no reason to exist

I still don't get it.
Why do you think it has no reason to exist?

i am obligated to stay if you continue responding.

it literally has no reason for existence when arch (also shite) exists

fine by me
just don't use gook "letters"
japanese and traditional chinese is also fine

Yeah, one could say Antergos is just an Arch installer.

And why do you think Arch is "shite"?

How about 'no'?

KYS weabous

< `∀´> kill all jap

yeah, literally no reason to exist as i have stated earlier
it has a piece of shit as its packaging "philosophy"
it has ratarded """"'"""""devs""""'""""

>m-muh quotes


This is the most cancerous general on Sup Forums I hope each and every one of you gets raped my niggers and commits suicide.

kys yourself zainichi piece of garbage lol
>anime stuttering
remove yourself from the gene pool 'mate'
what's your fucking point?


I think you also have a cuck fetish.

by my*

what if i'm an undead nigger?

>un dead
so your alive?


define 'un dead'

see (2nd part starting from "remove")

>y-you too

Fucking phone keyboard.

un - dictionary.com/browse/un-
dead - dictionary.com/browse/dead
negate dead ---> life
so your alive
i hate you

>what's your fucking point?

no ones judging you famine, but you better get raped my niggers and commits suicide too.

Fucking laptop keyboard.
lol! didn't see that one coming haha!

>no longer alive but animated by a supernatural force, as a vampire or zombie.
cool, cool

that doesn't make sense 'mate'
it just does not make sense that un + dead would be something dead
it just means your alive
this dictionary is obviously a fake!

oh kewl, kewl

define 'kewl kewl'


export kewl='kewl'

whats up youtube
just wanted to make a video today discussing why i choose to use arch linux

please do. better yet, someone make a mumble server or something where we can fight

T-thanks y-y-ou too

>This is CIA
>Today I'll teach you how to install Arch Linux


he's room is cool!

I miss spatry. RIP in piece.


How to deal with MS trolls?



>that stance
>those clothes

No fucking way.
Lotta loyalty for a hired Arch!

What's a fast and lightweight distribution of GNU plus Linux? I've tried Arch and Debian so far. Preferably something a little more user friendly then Arch and without Systemd please.