/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

grief's not over, better watch some kino edition

Old bread:>New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

Ladder climbing: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uflqB2YGAQjvfSue25j9ryGuxm1UylHEsOKaEqIi0KQ/edit#gid=0

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Know the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before, though most claims of being staff are false
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you that cheating can be evaded. It can't and you will be banned and everyone will laugh at you
>people claim to report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned. french are cucks
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time

Other urls found in this thread:


shit op you fucking faggot

No more RPG for the public plebs

>emp account disabled because of inactivity

>Waiting for an answer

I called martin and left a message


About /ptg/?

no development is taking place
we're just a fbi honeypot


Reminder that I made 2k American dollaroos selling my buffer on whatcd

>paid to pirate

one of my masterpieces that sold for 20 bux, and seemed to make whatcd homos upset, drawing heat and causing them to crack down on bounty exploitation in their new rules

>this nigger seeding at 32B/s

i want to ban this fag

report him
if it is a cabal tracker they will at least warn him

Lmao. You made some shit tracks with Audacity and sold it to them via requests. How many of the pleb bought your crap?

Now that all is over I should confess that I made this same trick some times

But I only made 100 bucks

This Artifaxx guy is retarded...

whats a sw

Maybe 100 people. Maybe less because some of them bought multiple "albums," some quite dutifully for each request with an "ON IT!" Not an insignificant amount was made from albums being bought by multiple people trying to beat each other to the bounty reward.

Also they are most certainly not shit. I consider them to be masterpieces in aural aesthetics.

t. stump

idk how to change color
stump ?
I'm aware
can you change color?
I don't fuck with those
I usually just nuke colors
I have Mac


>I have Mac

I never used what cd, what was this trick you did? people wanted to pay for a certain album and you sold em fake files?

Do you understand private trackers at all?
It's obvious.

No I don't really understand private trackers; I know there's a big push for archiving as much music as possible and getting perfect flacs, at least for what.cd, is the scam convincing people that there's alot of demand for a certain album/song so that someone buys it and uploads it?

Private tracker users can use there accumulated upload credit and offer it to another user for a specific torrent to be uploaded.
With wcd being very difficult to obtain upload credit in the first place, This essentially give a cash value to upload via the request system.


oh nice, thx

also I know this has probably been talked to death, but is there any idea of what people will be moving to in the foreseeable future besides using rutracker/tpb/soulseek? Is some site going to come up out of the ashes like how wcd came from oink, I've heard some people talk about "waffles", is that a new site?

Nice mate. I was going to do this but I was too much of a pussy and thought I'd get b& if they caught me.

There is a wiki in the OP for this exact reason.
You clearly know nothing about private trackers, Why are you asking. I find it very hard to believe you are a wcd refugee.

Can we have a pricate tracker without shitskins and cucks?

Where did I ever say I was a wcd refugee?

see my post: >"I never used what cd"

$20 is too much for a single album. Don't blow your load next time. Instead, make multiple $5 EPs and I doubt you'll get caught.

They simply changed the rules, so I didn't get to sell that last 500 gb I was planning to sell.

I was receiving passive aggressive rippies, maybe some were from staff. HAHA


you sure showed those cucks, amirite

How did they change the rules? I don't see how this process can be stopped if the request system still exists desu


They made some announcement about people making a profit off the community, and they changed the wording in their rules to be more specific, so I didn't do it again even though I had some files prepared to sell but didn't get around to making the requests.

The reason it worked was because of WCD's broken economy. They have only themselves to blame.

who is qt on left?


I paid 12 bucks for 1 month seedbox usage during the Halloween/Birthday freeleech picks, and made 2 tb from it, plus made tons of buffer on other sites with the seedbox. I did it again during the Christmas one but only made a few hundred gb. I used justseedit for a lot of freeleech events and it worked out pretty well before justseedit changed their policies. Altogether I had over 3tb buffer for around 30 bucks.

I mean, that's a lot cheaper than spotify or buying the albums yourself, and actually I made a big profit from it ;-) People were buying my buffer for about 1 dollar a gb.

>I paid 12 bucks for 1 month seedbox usage

>retard too proud to buy a cheap seedbox
>struggles for upload crumbs
>meanwhile I sold my buffer for 6500% what I paid overall

When will What.replacement be up and when can I sign up?

lmao if you even need to ask this you'll never be allowed in

Then how do you start? You weren't born into a private tracker.


Reminder that 312c and his lackeys are monitoring this thread 24/7 and spreading bullshit anti-nostream propaganda.

No one gives a fuck about the NoStream meme. it certainly isn't going to replace WCD, that's for sure.

spaghetti and azathoth will make /ptg/ great again

delete this


You're not allowed to mention Exigo's name in public. You see even though you are not a member on that sekret klub it's imperative that you follow their rules. Or else the staff will be forced to tell their mommies on you.

Please, stop posting "Exigo"

Thank you!

Exigo Staff

imogen gay poots

posted what?

How about FSC??

Should I dump all Exigo chat logs? Shit is gay anyways?


"haha what I'm totally not using their git or anything what are you talking about?"
spaghetti is not involved

>realize i'm missing some albums from an obscure swedish artist i really like
>open up a new tab

oh yeah great porn tracker for scat fetishists such as myself


/ptg/ is falling apart

PT's are falling apart



Of course

Is bB becoming the next what?

Don't trust trackers popping up. Right now no coordinated effort has been made by high ranking what users to set up a new tracker. Any plans will be made public once they have finalised. Stop seeding what torrents but save the data for future use.

I can answer some questions. TM+ here

becoming the next what?

wcd you nigger


>I can answer some questions. TM+ here

why it hurts when i pee?

Where do you even begin on the ladder now that WCD is dead?

I've been hanging out on niche trackers. Gonna see if i can't snag invites that way.

So what do we know about nostream?

the next what

Shouldn't you be sucking 312c's dong right now?

it's shit and a honeypot

wrong board

gay poots word filters to "gay poots" now?

Is it metal? metal.iplay.ro
If you really like them, buy them.

Who is coding it?
Some dumb Pajeet that does not know what he is doing?


Guy's name is Björn Olsson.

Like this.

2 competent devs of an established tracker from Sup Forums were on the team along with old WCD staff, found out everyone else on the team was shit and everyone except the founders jumped ship.


Will niggers be allowed on the new site?

There's plenty of reason not to trust several of the people involved. Me and spaghetti both bailed for that reason.

Hope I'm wrong, and I'd love to see it succeed, though. Hopefully with a less retarded name.

fuck off and kill yourself faggot

Desi.CD is the future

sour grapes

You're azathoth, how can I trust you're not shitposting?

Bailed from what?

no the what replacement

I can post a really great log if you want.


If I was shitposting, I'd be doing it as anonymous like usual.

>tfw on AnimeBytes and O*******e
>tfw /setforlife/

the what replacement?

lads, this is the end of the line. pack up your bags and head

This guy is fake



fuck off