>speedial and sidebar features are tight
>built in adblocker/VPN
>you can download extensions from Google web store
>drastic increase in speed and computer performance
why should I not be using this?
>speedial and sidebar features are tight
>built in adblocker/VPN
>you can download extensions from Google web store
>drastic increase in speed and computer performance
why should I not be using this?
Russian botnet
You will most likely hear two things:
1. Chinese botnet
2. I despite opera because I loved it once and they don't use Presto anymore
>speedial and sidebar features are tight
I never use them.
>built in adblocker/VPN
adblocker is a plus, but it lacks fine-grained control like uBlock origin does. The VPN is pure botnet, avoid.
>you can download extensions from Google web store
>drastic increase in speed and computer performance
If you're a developer, you'll find it cannot deal with self-signed certificates or other types of certificates that don't validate properly. You can make a temporary exception, but it randomly won't load certain page resources. This makes development involving security certificates difficult.
It's a fine browser any other way though, and it would've been my primary browser if not for the above flaw.
>he thinks Lagfox is faster
The delusion is real.
you forgot to mention mouse gestures
it sucks that they diminished them, but they are still there ++
Chrome. Chrome never changes, no matter the amount of lipstick you paint it.
Also, a better UI:
- Integration with Windows 10 and macOS
- Better download indicator / menu unlike that stupid toolbar in Chrome
- A cozy Bookmarks manager
Also, Sync for all your shit.
Upgrade your RAM, pajeet.
I'm waiting for opera to release their bookmarks stuff as a chrome extension (it all really is just that) on google webstore.
I'm commited to my google overlord, the only and true Bot master.
This chink laptop cant take more than 16GB. Meaning 80-100 tabs open at best (slightly less with opera, because all that fluff adds even more bloat to chrome).
Presto, please come back and halp and save us.
How the fuck is this not mentioned more often, it makes webdevelopment a fucking hell when a bunch of css/js files don't fucking load. And constantly having to fuck around with root certificates just to get it working isn't exactly secure.
>Windows 10
fucking retard
Desktop version is a bit raw, but opera mini for phones is fucking awesome.
Best mobile browser I've ever used.
mini still uses presto (but renders the pages server side).
fastest (and data efficient) mobile browser definitely.
too bad it can't really cope web-jquery-boostrap-pajeet-4.0 crap because it isn't chrome.
nobody said a thing about Firefox, pussy
>not using a valid cert in your dev environment
- get a free domain from freenom
- get a free cert from let's encrypt
- put ::1 (or if you're an ipv4 pleb) yourdomain in /etc/hosts
But you're not denying that you use it.
I'm just other person faggot.
You just simply Firefox hater.
>You just simply Firefox hater.
Speak English, pajeet. And do you have a point?
The point is you're the fucking moron, putting words in someone mouth about Lagfox/ChromeBotnet/ChineseBotnet/etc,
and 'm not pajeet, but English isn't my native language, Eastern Europe here.
Opera is best desktop browser to date, maybe vivaldi is little bit better
The vpn is actually just a proxy...
But i use opera too
Yeah it's neat. It's too bad that currently all major browsers basically behave the same in terms of speed, robustness and resource allocation.
(don't believe the autists, user, Gecko and WebKit are fundamentally interchangeable for 99% of use cases)
Or perhaps it's a boon. The difference between them is mostly in interface features and extensions, so it boils down to taste.
I tried out Rainbow Lollipop (which is again a WebKit wrapper) the other day, the idea behind it is very cute imho but the browser itself is broken as fuck.
What about Vivaldi? It's like opera, but without the botnet. It's completely open source now.
Thought I could smell cabbage
Not him but c'mon user, ad hominem? You're better than this
Is Bravo any fucking good? I would love to get some free BTC just for browsing. Any idea how much they pay?
I'm really not