>want to use Mac OS X for the simple, beautiful looking OS that gets no viruses
>want to use Windows for games
>want to use Linux for anonymity

I just want to play games with a nice computer OS, get no viruses, and be anonymous.
Literally what do?

Other urls found in this thread:

install macOS, you get games too

gentoo + KDE


I want an OS that looks as good as MacOS Sierra and hard to get viruses, plays Windows games, and have the customization ability as a Linux.
g help pls


Is Hackintosh actually worth it? Seems like a potential pain in the ass and I don't want to buy new hardware for my desktop. Does Hackintosh run smoothly?

as long as your hardware is supported then everything just werks


The answer is always to use whatever you like the most.

macOS or Linux + WINE
Windows + cygwin

Both work for what you want.

I think you should install Gentoo first of all, then everything else will come together.


then i think that answers ur question baka

A Hackintosh is marginally more difficult than getting, say, Gentoo working on a modern PC.
But a 'leet hacker like you should relish the challenge, right? Lots of others have done it. Why not you, Bobo?

completely false lol, installing arch is harder than setting up a hackintosh

Linux is beautiful, simple AND customizable.
As for winkek go use GPU passthrough and contain that abomination in KVM.

Linux is your only option


You're joking, right?

>and have the customization ability as a linux

Well no, it is. It lets you configure to your taste unlike macshit or windows

you know you can run full linux wms on macOS, right? you could have a riced out i3 setup while still being able to use all your mac programs, actual adobe software, etc

Please give me ONE example of Linux being ((beautiful)).

I have yet to see ONE.

Let's see your desktop, I'll compare with mine

You are joking, right?

These are not examples.

Give me your desktop with your file manager open

Why not

So you admit that Linux is ugly? Beauty is not a relative term. Showing that another OS is uglier than Linux does not prove that Linux is not ugly.

When did I say that? I said to post yours and you are too pussy to do it since you know yours look like garbage compared to mine

this looks like poop

>Not posting own
This is how I know yours look like puke inducing

im not even the girl you were arguing with

Buy a MacBook Pro, build a Winderps gaymen rig and get some old jizz encrusted TwinkPad from eBay and put Loonix on it.


Nigger I already fucking told you yours looks like garbage.

I will repeat my request:

ONE example of Linux being beautiful. ONE.

>im not even the girl you were arguing with

This is the most original laff I've had on Sup Forums for a long time.

see What? Already too afraid to post your garbage here? lel

wh-whats so funny?


>that font
>those windows
>literally everything

Linux users are fucking disgusting.

yea wtf is this, like some shitty "artsy" pape with like nothing customized at all. you literally just changed a wallpaper.

>STILL too afraid to post own piece of shit ""desktop""
hehehehe cry harder with your ugly desktop lmfao

Run Cube OS... Easy super secure and you can easily run both Windows and OSX inside it for different purposes.


Show yours

>Mount denial
haha are you, by any chance a mactoddler?

is that opera? is that fucking opera i see?

calm down lad no one cares about your desktop

btfu faggot


this looks like poop

>asks for good looking desktop
>post one
>"it's shit"
>ask for his desktop to compare
>"Noooo I know mine looks like vomit so I won't"

kek mactoddler spotted

for the second time nerd, im not the one you were arguing with
your throwing a fit over some people on Sup Forums not liking you're desktop just lol
take a step back and chill

>I got owned: the post

atleast i put effort into it, unlike your garbage ass. "haha mines the fucking BEST" shut up and actually do something with linux.

im u fr*cking baka just calm down nerd geez
im not the person u were arguing with

That was not your desktop idiot

>I-I'm not him

Then whos is it?


Solus is pretty good

Your next post:
"I din't change elements, I swear"

lol mactard

first god damn answer that isn't a bunch of Sup Forums cunts yelling at each other. thank, the, fucking, gods.

dont reply to me anymore baka i might catch the stupid
