/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man
$ info
$ help

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Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as searx, ixquick or startpage.

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I have a new laptop and the resolution is getting on my tits. I've mananged to get the system fonts and firefox fonts to be a reasonable size but I'm still coming across programs which use their own size and are far too small. I don't know what to do, I have tried to change the resolution but the next size down looks fucking awful.

So I'm about to do a fresh install of kubuntu, but I know for sure I will want to play around with another distro or two, namely arch, but maybe debian centos and MAYBE gentoo some months down the track when I'm not a total retard.

if I want these distros to be on a partition and not just run on a VM, how much space should I save for them to play around with? Would say 20gig be plenty?

Fixed your image. No need to thank me.

Write a script to display the time every 15 seconds. Read the date man page and display the time, using the %r field descriptor. Clear the window (using the clear command) each time before you display the time.


depends on how much crap you plan on installing
10gb for each system partition is very safe, 5gb each is probably safe
for reference my debian stable is currently at 1.5gb, but i like my systems with no frills
my first debian install was 7gb at its largest so better safe than sorry

What the fuck??????

while :; do printf '\ec%(%T)T\n' -1; sleep 15; done
52 chars

Actually 50.
while :; do printf '\ec%(%T)T' -1; sleep 15; done

watch -tn 15 date +%T

Just removed all the communist imagery staining your image

Well I pretty much only use my computer for the internet and making webms so i don't have a huge amount of software i need, I'll go with 10 gig and just make 3-4 of them.

also someone needs to fix that last part.
>Cryptography is not a crime!
how the fuck does this even matter?
even if it were a crime that wouldn't make it bad

watch -tn15 date +%T

sudo kys yourself

Do you even math? It's 18.

>le gommunism is ebil meem XDDDDDD
Fuck off.


got dizzy reading that green part but i saw something like meme le and xd


Nobody cares, stop shitting up our thread with your pathetic bait.

simple test here:
are you a communist, socialist or [insert obscure leftist ideology here]?
see the first part of my post and apply it to yourself and your shitty ideology

>can't math
>tell others they cant math

oh and by the way
this isn't your anarcho-syndicalist utopia so you can fuck off with using "our" and similar words
as a matter of fact, this thread now belongs to me by divine right and you are banished from it.

or come here
All linux users are communist by default

Yes, I stand for the working class. You defend the non-working wealthy ruling elites. Fuck off you filthy fascist.

s 1
u 2
d 3
o 4
k 6
y 7
s 8
y 10
o 11
u 12
r 13
s 14
e 15
l 16
f 17
\0 18
$ wc -m

this statement is untrue
i am a linux user and not a communist
somethings fucken wrong with your "hypothesis" as you would call it since you do not understand how these sorts of statements work lel

>implying i'm leftist scum
this is my thread by divine right and you are not allowed here anymore. please deport yourself back to the shithole you came from. i am assuming it's somewhere in the lists in these posts:

apple and MS would be capitalist

what would that make gnu/linux?
free, shared, every contributes....

off to the gulags with you comrade

>All linux users are communist by default

>implying the fsf doesn't employ people paying them a wage and """"""extracting surplus value"""""" as you fuckers like to say
proceed to leave this thread immediately. the anti-shit militia will soon be formed and you will be forcefully deported if you do not comply with my demands voluntarily

all these newfriends

oh and yeah
no need to add this SHIT to linux

Android is Linux, you know

can't we just pretend that all that
>stallmanist jew
>fuck off
>toe eating commie
>sjw hipster shut up
etc already happend and more on...

how can i run the windows autorun function from wine? i'm trying to install a windows program from an ISO -- i've set up a folder with the ISO in it, mounted it to my linux filesystem, and told wine that the folder is actually a CD drive, but can't figure out how to start wine without explicitly telling it something to run. i'm going to eventually have to "switch CD's" but first off i'm just trying to get it to run. anyone have any ideas?

you are paying for hardware

but how can someone who will be deporting your ass very soon be your friend?
that doesnt make sense much like your ideology
this is the final warning. i am forming the militia any second now so leave the thread or you will be forcefully deported and all your possessions will be seized for my personal use lmfao
by joining the militia. we have the best guys here who can help a brother out
but that is so oppressive :D
just kidding. mark this one for deportation too guys!

>by joining the militia. we have the best guys here who can help a brother out
what are you even talking about?

>but that is so oppressive
sorry you're a mouth breather.
you are paying for the hardware, you are free to dl android free

no. i will not rest untill there is not a single one of their kind left in these threads. we will change the name if need be. i have a feeling this might be a long one.
i am currently forming a militia to deport all the communists in this thread. are you willing to join?
sorry but i could not read your "post"
please use proper English (American or British will be fine) next time and your good to go!

>i am currently forming a militia to deport all the communists in this thread. are you willing to join?
a giddy shitposter. great.

if the times demand it i'll be a criminal, shitposter, terrorist

we already have two active members ready to start deporting these kids
up for being the third one? we will help you with any Linux problem you have we have good guys here who are not fighters

I just installed elementary 0.4 on my x220 and my fan is blazing. Look at my cpu usage in htop I'm at max usage almost nonstop.
Internet says common issue with loki is not using the graphics card?
idk how to fix it

join the militia. we have opened the draft to everyone willing to join.
we have experienced people here who will be willing to help you out on your problem.

>trying to herd linux users
they'll just fork the militia 20 times because they will all disagree on what falvor jello the mess hall should serve

nevermind, it wasn't even hard. i've just never done this before. all i had to do was navigate to the mounted filesystem and run the setup.exe through wine. a lot less intimidating than it seemed

>linux is communism
>believing microsoft propaganda
why is this thread full of shit

the militia is effective because of its management and the men know it but EVEN if the soldiers decide to leave, which they are allowed to under our contract they will form militias of their own to fight communism in this thread or in others if we plan to go international
the anti communism is written deep into the source code which is too long for anyone to rewrite it to fight against us before the war is over.

Are you willing to take up arms and defend your thread from communism, my friend?
Join the militia if you don't like them. we have a real opportunity to kick them out of here once and for all.

okay. we have decided (I have) to rebrand. from now on we are not a militia but a PMC with multiple mostly decentralized and autonomous militias operating under it. we also plan to go international very soon to attract people from different places to fight this bullshit.

iptables or ufw?

It's indeed Microsoft propaganda, circlejerked by Steve 'Sweaty Balls' Ballmer himself back in 2000. theregister.co.uk/2000/07/31/ms_ballmer_linux_is_communism/

If you spread this propaganda, you're supporting Microsoft.

consider joining the militia, my friend.
indeed. a defense against microsoft and their ilk will be erected next after we are done with the imminent thread.

that's something a MS shill would post to throw people off track.

Nice try nutella

I may have called Linux a cancer but now I love it. zdnet.com/article/ballmer-i-may-have-called-linux-a-cancer-but-now-i-love-it/

is this the use of distraction tactics? I honestly do not understand where you are a communist, an ally or a neutral party
state your allegiance
>posting microsoft in these thread

it seems to be packagedkitd pid 1352
I stopped it at nothing crashed
problem solved?

i meant whether of course
that might be the case. consider switching to a better distribution. try out ubuntu and stay clear from mint if you are still new to Linux.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


can someone explain this new microsoft loves linux thing?

enjoy your communism

Anyone using ungoogled chromium and having issues installing extensions? I tried following the FAQ for installing extensions and it's not working for me.

execute this fat GNUTARD!!!
*multiple firearms fire in bursts of 3*
*the target is on the ground with holes all over it*
1 down!
wanna be next? deport yourself or we will have to do that for you. you can leave with your possessions if you pick the voluntary way. if not they will be seized to further the war effort
consider joining our PMC
we will fight both microsoft and GNUtards
that's it my friend. joining the PMC yet?

if you can't beat them join them

Isn't it ironic that the proprietary software developers call us communists? We are the ones who have provided for a free market, where they allow only monopoly. If the users chooses this proprietary software package, he then falls into this monopoly for support. The only way to escape from monopoly is to escape from proprietary software, and that is what the free software movement is all about. We want you to escape and our work is to help you escape. We hope you will escape to the free world. The free world is the new continent in cyberspace that we have built so we can live here in freedom. It's impossible to live in freedom in the old world of cyberspace, where every program has its feudal lord that bullies and mistreats the users. So, to live in freedom we have to build a new continent. Because this is a virtual continent, it has room for everyone, and there are no immigration restrictions. And because there were never indigenous peoples in cyberspace, there is also no issue of taking away their land. So everyone is welcome in the free world, come to the free world, live with us in freedom. The free software movement aims for the liberation of cyberspace and everyone in it.

holy shit

show me one proprietary software developer here and i will consider not shooting you
*shots are heard from the direction of the leader of the PMC*
*the second target is lying on the ground*
one more to the head just to be sure!
*1 more shot is fired*

I see, you're the *pulls down pants and shits everywhere* guy. Explains everything.

Well, guess it's time to move to BSD

but i'm not a communist. why would I shit in my own kindgom?
by the way, if you didn't read the posts above I am king by divine right and I rule over this thread now.


Nadella isn't Ballmer. People are still hesitant trusting their reasons of being more friendly (as they should be).

tl;dr they want to keep developers and they need developers to push their windows app store

Nobody here is a communist. Go back to school and learn what communism is.

>expecting people who fall for the "communism killed gorillions" meme to know what communism is

I am crowned king of this thread as of 15/11/2016
The current plans of my new "government":
- execute/deport all communists

- if that fails or takes longer than expected, consider a name change to decrease the influx of new communist rebels

-recruit more people to be soldiers of the newly established international PMC

see the posts above. there are clearly communists lurking among us
to quote a retard "a spectre is haunting /fglt/ - the spectre of communism"
posts i was referring to -
there are other posts too but they are not hard proof of someone falling into their animalistic way of thinking


execute this one! I will kill "gorillions"©reddit if need be.
*the filthy communist gets dragged and put down on his knees with his head hanging down*
off with his head!
*a militia member takes out a sword and cuts off the head of the filthy communist*
will you join the PMC? we need more people here. we have secret service jobs available as well, not just front line fighters

... and this is what happens when you add easy installers to your distro.

>he fell for the arch meme

What are some good linux subreddits?


I think both of you should leave.

just set up newsbeuter, what rss feeds does fglt follow?

there's no 15th month m8

found the communist.


why does umount only unmount one "loop" from a given mount point? i feel like there's a lot more i need to understand about linux filesystems

uh, no ty senpai
I'm satisfied, the issue is upstream or whatever
the fix'll make it's way down

one more long term plan is added as of 15/11/2016:
- dissolution of the government after the war with a clause that allows reestablishment whenever a communist threat is present

- establishing a permanent private security company to check the threads for a communist thread and report back to the King (me)

currently in need of a right hand man. anyone with the will to defeat the communists is fine by me. no fascists though since they are leftist scum as well who are allowed in the militia but can not hold positions of power and are always closely monitored since they have a propensity for coups.

here is the cipher for the agents already engaged.
see attachment.
okay my friend. consider joining the PMC though.
good. here, take this gun mate! *throws you a handgun*

Is there a win 7 version of XPQ4?

attachment #1
cipher for agents already engaged in operations:


schedule poster for an immediate tribunal!
*the trial begins in a makeshift court "room"*
your charges are - support of communism, support of weak fat fucks.
GUILTY! all counts!
*multiple firearms are pointed in his direction*
*shots fire*

I installed Ubuntu onto a little thinkpad I had lying around and while I can get around the OS, I don't feel like I'm making a lot of progress with understanding the ins and outs.

Should I have installed a different OS that's a little more hands on?

are these threads always autism world?

Hello. Consider joining the new PMC and swearing allegiance to our new monarch.
Regarding your actual question, Ubuntu is probably the best distro for new users. Don't bother with mint since it is basically ubuntu but with very bad security. You can try something new though. Just pick anything you're interested in!
And what do you mean by understanding the ins and outs? What exactly do you want to learn?
yes and they will stay this way until EVERY SINGLE drop of communism is removed from here.

extending my invitation to these posters right here.
Are you willing to join the resistance PMC formed not long ago? The goal is the extermination of communism in these threads.

More like time to run linux-libré and wait for a decent kernel.

Why not write one yourself?