What do you guys use to read RSS feeds?

What do you guys use to read RSS feeds?


a really simple syndication


Was thinking of writing my own lightweight feed reader since everything out there (at least on windows) is either full of bloat, not working or not free.

RSS are goat and really useful for countless shit.

Isn't that shit online and requiring an account?

QuiteRSS. The last few versions have been buggy but it's foss and the only client that allows opening via an external browser.

>Was thinking of writing my own lightweight feed reader
I'm interested.

yes, and by extension, greader while on droid.

I'm almost ready to release something. Make a slack/discord and I'll join
Yes the second api will be for all other clients.

not me But it's interesting to see someone else out there is working on it.

What language are you using?

Python flask and postgres 9.5+

Then I'm afraid I can't contribute in any way, atm.

What are you good at?
Can you make a front end or mobile client?

At the moment I mainly use C# and WPF
I've made some simple frontend, but nothing too complex.

You can't contribute in any way ATM soz

I meant interested in using, sorry. I can't contribute at the moment but if you share your github/whatever I'll stalk it.

Yeah soon

I like the ability to aggregate lots of different content without dealing with social media cancer.

I'll make the logo

The Old Reader

Fucking this so much
>hurrdurr news always twatter
I could use a whole branding package


Thunderbird because of the "open with..." add-on so I can play them videos with mpv

Protip: You can subscribe to YouTube channels via RSS. Just paste the channel URL into your favorite reader and it normally works (although I've run into a few channels which don't work for whatever reason)

I have found that adding YouTube subs in your reader really ruins the experience. I plan on making an "extension" which manages YouTube and creates something similar to the subscriptions page on YouTube but by scraping all the channels you add or your YouTube opml page etc.

I tried this but the open with icons don't appear in the toolbar or context menu like ff. Any ideas?

Palabre with Feedly Integration works for me


underrated firefox extension

Add-ons > Open with > Preferences > Main context menu (links) > Display as menu items


Well shit, It seems I have a limited menu and no matter what I chose nothing changes.

Thanks anyway.


antennapod and gpodder for podcast rss feeds.

newsbeuter and sparss for everything else.

will check out a few posted

I see now that does not work for youtube

If the developers here really mean to release something, please make it a thing.

I'll stick with quiterss, it's dead and buggy but at least it supports opening via external applications natively.

Tiny Tiny RSS.

There are usages besides reading news.
I primarily use them to autodownload torrents.

I use commafeed. You can host it yourself.

i wrote my own a few months ago.
im sorry but the code is proprietary

What is the point to read RSS ?
I never understood

what do you mean? it is used to keep track of sites you follow.

Instead of you going to websites
You hit a button

and all the websites come to you

RSS is a notice program.
It notifies you when a website has updated its content.
Content can be YouTube channels uploading a new video,
news articles on news sites,
novel chapters or blog posts on blogs and such,
new torrent releases,
new porn releases,
new picture uploads,
new program updates if you lack auto-update on some programs,
new social media posts,
even e-mail.

The program can be set up to filter these searches in various ways if you are using a standalone program like rational people do instead of browser shit.
You can set up filters for it to show or exclude based on header, article/post content, etc., you can set up specific sound notifications for specified sites and content also via the filter system, etc.

Opera Mail

