Why do GNU/Linux users have so bad fashion sense compared to Mac OS X users?

Why do GNU/Linux users have so bad fashion sense compared to Mac OS X users?

Is it even possible to like free software without dressing like an autistic hobo?

i think autism is a prerequisite for being a zealot about shit.

on Sup Forums people seem to think that the hipster with the scarf is a zealot. the truth is he just uses apple shit and some autistic zealots get triggered by that.

Note how stallman is not a homosexual, unlike the guy on the right and you

Ugly hobo neckbeards
Trendy metrosexual nu-males
Real-life anime.


Your pick.

the guy on the right doesn't eat his toejam

Already lost


I stay with GNU, obviously.

Neither of look good. First of all, let me point out the age difference between both. You're comparing a man who's over 60's fashion style with the style of an teenager.

Stallman's style is plain, and to a certain level, it has a childrish feel to it. He doesn't try to be elaborate, and there's no "style" of his that stands out. It's almost always a red shirt and a pair of pants.

The young lad, on the other hand.. He does look better - a lot better, but he's almost entering the metrosexual territory. You could put those clothes on a girl and...you'd get a boner. It's a style which best works on girls.

I'm not saying men should be like Stallman - but be more fucking subtle with your clothes, so you don't end up looking like a faggot. There's a delicate balance between looking like a faggot, and looking manly.

all men in stockholm and oslo dress like that, it's nothing gay about it

I honestly don't know what you could wear so it looks more gay than it does now. It looks fcking gay. And people in Stockholm are... retarded? Even other Swedish people hate people from stockholm lel

Hipster metrosexual, speaks of mental issues
Feminine body, and clothes, clearly not comfortable with who he is, has body dysphoria
Super self conscious in regards to looks, so does everything he can to look "good", and is what he thinks most about
>super unconfident pose

Has stuff to do so wears normal clothes and doesn't care.

stalman ran a comb through his hair and tied it back and groomed his beard, he would look professional, not a face that if you found out he had a rape dungeon you just just nod along saying 'yea, i can see him doing that'

They sound like gay countries tbqh :^)

This is obvious bait but I'm bored so;
Stallman just doesn't give a shit about fashion. That said, he looks like your average professor.
The "guy" on the right looks like he's dug cloths out of a trashcan. That shirt should be tucked, sleeves should be shortened, pants loosened, and scarves are never really that nice looking.

ahh, the skinny jeans are really highlighting his lack of muscle

don't dress like a fag, jeans and tshirt classic and flawless

And OSS users/devs called as autists... Pity.

>all men in stockholm
>nothing gay

Holy shit.

Fucking Sweden, holy shit.

>taking /fa/ advice form Sup Forums

Really, though - almost every board sucks at what it's made for. Off-topic discussions tend to be the best discussions they'll ever get.

Totally technology.

dude I didn't make the thread, target OP

Nice meme.

>implying he didn't literally buy that shirt when he was a teenager himself

Kys :^)

>Linux cafe

Here's the real question- Why are you so caught up on physical appearance OP?
Is it because you have nothing else to offer?

Fashion advice rom /fa/ is worse desu.



RMS doesn't use GNU/Linux, asswipe

Mactoddler RECC'D

The most accurate post you'll see on Sup Forums for awhile.

I get a warning for a real tech issue and this shit is still up

calling you out mr./ms. janitor, seriously?

Why does everyone who works with computers do this?

because comfy>fashionable

>this screenshot
You're everything wrong with Sup Forums.
Chrome, two game stores, Windows 10, Reddit, Facebook, "Apps"?

So even more reason he's a loser

What kern does he use?



I just did a clean install, give me a break

also reddit is useful for quick aggregate news

jeans and turtlenecks just werk.

Therefore he uses GNU/Linux, asswipe.

haha, so if you have steam you are unwelcome in Sup Forums? jesus, why do you people push this weirdo edgy bullshit

Most men in Oslo are Swedish. We Norwegians don't dress like "partysvensker"

That shows that you are normie, Reddit is your place.

What part of
>Sup Forums is NOT your personal tech support team
do you not understand?

well before that faggot moot quit this shithole you could post technology questions in the technology forum and not get fucking warned because some new rule says blah blah blah ads everywhere clickbait faggot janitor bullshit

seriously this has gotten so out of control

>fat fuck rms
>implying all Linux users act or dress like him, or even really like him.
>random skinny hipster that may not even use OS X
>implying all Mac users are skinny hipsters and not fat autists like the one in the cringe compilation talking about sucking dick to buy an iPod

Bill is most effay

Both of you fuck off. The second one - take that "normie" world and shove it up your ass. The word is "normalfag".

Stallman actually looks good while the guy on the right is extremely self-conscious.

reminder that this thread is still up for some reason, good job janitor

>I LOOK identical to Stallman but without the compensating intelligence

>poasting in stallman thread with a botnet inside a botnet
lol you must be new here

>21st century fashion
>piling on more and more layers of scarves to look like a sand person from the middle east and/or how US soldiers are told to dress in the middle east because it suites the climate and is more culturally appropriate in the middle east; thus, when the pictures are sent back home everyone sees the 'cool marine' or otherwise with their sand person scarves on and because humans are fuckin stupid they begin wearing scarves even when it isn't appropriate at all like on some street while they are carrying a purse in their open button up shirt in the middle of summer



I'm pretty sure he is wearing a scarf because it is cold

>tfw scarves are another thing appropriated by the homosexual fashion industry complex

Usually when it is cold the first thing you put on is something that will keep your body warm like a coat instead of first putting 3-4 scarves on
Perhaps he is hiding a neckbrace because he is ashamed of his injuries? That is perfectly reasonable

>uses linux kernel so must use gnu

>using the smiley with a carat nose