So we're going with Sup Forums this year and we turning Sup Forums-tan into a trap with the help of a Sup Forums drawfag.
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So we're going with Sup Forums this year and we turning Sup Forums-tan into a trap with the help of a Sup Forums drawfag.
Previous Thread
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That's right.
add megane
A couple suggestions from last thread.
No. Reported for off topic.
>Sup Forums-tan
I never agreed to this.
Also, poll for going with Sup Forums?
not calling BS or even not approving, but the poll decides all.
Sup Forums-tan became a trap programmer.
Also in the previous thread it was originally 50/50 in the post between going or not, but ended up being mainly okay with going with Sup Forums.
You are aware that Sup Forums is a long time trap right?
2 traps at once sounds fun though.
Biggest, stupidest, most pointless circlejerk on Sup Forums outside the soccer games. try reddit
Ya, it was thrown around a little bit, honestly I find it pretty interesting and hilarious if two traps go to the ball together.
Give her T420 thinkpad in hand and top jacket button coloured in red.
>no fun
Just to reiterated here, Sup Forums is a trap as in girl(male).
We don't need two trap boards. The reason it made sense on Sup Forums was the users' "I wanna be the little girl" fantasies.
This, too. Comments aren't enough. I'd like a poll.
Longer hair, thigh socks not over-knee socks, and improve the top.
Also what's his hair and eye color?
but everybody knows traps are better programmers
I think the pol drawfag will be back in around an hour or so to help us with this new iteration of Sup Forums-tan.
If someone wants to make a strawpoll for this, go ahead.
Please fix her foots.
Zettai ryōiki - Grade A - Thigh High over-knee socks.
B-but I was taught that wearing a skirt makes your program better
I like the suggestion of giving him a red thinkpad clit as one of his buttons on his shirt.
Good morning, Sup Forums.
I've added the latest suggestions, and added a "look B" for a longer hairstyle.
Also poll for going with Sup Forums.
I come in offering additions:
>long rainbow socks
>Redmi Note 3 with a contact FiiO E5 amp
fags, bet you would open up your mouth instantly if I slapped my hard dick on your faces too, like the degenerates you are
Looks great.
I want to cuddle Sup Forums-tan (=^・^=)
>Sup Forums achieved their dream of being a trap programmer that looks like Maki.
Well no wonder we used to go out with /lgbt/ one time if I remember correctly.
Also, one of our writefags posted last thread, thinking of doing a piece where the board-tans meet eachother.
What's Sup Forums-tan's general personality?
We got
>can't drive
>muh four freedoms
>likes Chinese
>kys: the thread
Is this the Sup Forums trap thread?
Newfags pls go
I hate glasses.
Pretty cute
Last time that was updated was 2014.
Think we can get a general consensus of her (current year) personality?
Bipolar. Honestly, this reflects Sup Forums's state pretty well, especially this year.
Fuck off degenerate weeb. Nips are the niggers of asia. Keep your shitty gook cartoons in your containment boards.
Where do you think you are? Fuck off.
Fuck off cuck, go prep the bull while you wait to die a virgin.
>Sup Forumsspeak
Read again.
I hate to tell you but board-tans and the winter ball are Sup Forums culture
GTFO weeb niggers.
This thread isn't about cellphones, video cards, or Solus
>hating Sup Forums on a Sup Forums site
Libcuckold lurk for two more years before posting.
Fuck off Mike.
and see if they take you back
I'm not Mike and I don't go to /ic/
We want /tg/. We love cute nerds.
Hatred of Sup Forums has nothing to do with politics. Hatred of Sup Forums is entirely because Sup Forums has no ability to keep to itself and spills over into every other board non stop.
Not anymore they're not. This site is becoming redpilled and alt right. Most anime is degenerate trash only social parasites like weeb neets like.
>t. SJW
You have to go back. Stay triggered there.
Nigger I'm right wing
>You have to go back. Stay triggered there.
Let me help you:
0 self awareness.
Yes, you're a (((right wing))) cuckservative.
When you go back to tumblr and complain about how ebil Sup Forums is when it's always been like this.
This is why you don't belong here. Denial retard who spread the same bullshit 24/7.
I do belong here, you don't own this site nigger. I helped Sup Forums get trump elected and un-pozzing the internet with the AIDS from race mixing, faggotry, and liberalism the kikes keep promoting. YOU don't belong here, go back to re.ddit.
In case you aren't baiting, which I suspect you are, you might be the dumbest Sup Forumsfag ever. No one cares that you hate niggers and Jews, what we care about is that you talk about this off your fucking board. I don't go to Sup Forums to talk about tech so don't come to Sup Forums to talk about politics. When I want to talk about politics, I'll go to the Sup Forums for it.
Jesus Christ, you can't have been here more than a year. You certainly act like a new fag.
Only newfags call others newfags, you have to go back.
>idiots rage about Sup Forums being Sup Forums
>Sup Forumstards feed on the reaction and double down on the faggotry
you are the kind of retard to try to extinguish fire with gasoline
>be on Sup Forums since 2006
>never hear of the Winter Ball because I don't care about anime shit
Get this shit off this board, now - before you make me mad.
>you have to go back
To Sup Forums where I've been for years?
This is not fucking anime shit you fucking dense faggot.
It happens on every board, every year
Oh look, more fag shit the kikes are trying to normalize. This is disgusting and it should surprise nobody that the kikes have begun to push race mixing into anime recently.
Fuck off kike shill. Faggotry is not normal.
How about you shut your whore mouth?
Not on Sup Forums, now get the fuck out of here
Did you look at OP's pic and actually read any of the thread? It's all anime bullshit.
But Sup Forums is a jap board.
Sup Forums needs cargo pants and a linux beard, wtf is this trap shit
>I don't know what's going on but I'll bitch anyway
Definitely not a technology thread, not sure why the fuck you weebs think it's acceptable to knock a good thread off page 10
>another trap
When can't have normal boards-tan.
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
>current year
>not using the catalog
Looks like you're just here to be offended.
lol Sup Forums 2.0fag
I'm still using frames you stupid ape.
Ignoring the free bumps from my fellow Sup Forumsfags.
Here's the final design to Sup Forums-tan.
Final thoughts or suggestions? Stormweenies need not apply.
I love it.
Stormweenie here, I like it.
Her expression feels a bit bland. The body and the overall design are good, but something...feels off.
I would personally like to see a choker there, but unless people approve of that, don't draw one.
>using frame
>calling some stupid
Fucking good bait.
Where is the SICP book?
It's the newfags who post these ball shit threads, and you're a newfag amongst newfags for not knowing. This is no older than 8 years.
They're prob draw her(him) with the book.
Looking good
Where's her ThinkPad?
It's a girl, not some subhuman trap, and she's white.
Won't a T420 be too heavy for his delicate hands?
Should we give her an x220 instead?