He doesn't use mint

>he doesn't use mint
what possible excuse could you have?

im already using a superior OS

Mint is kill, everyone's on Solus now.

Cinnamon feels less buggy on Debian than in Mint.

Linux does not belong on a desktop

>using a deprecated fork of Debian

How can something "feel" more or less buggy? It either is or isn't

I use i3. Why use Mint when I could have just use Ubuntu and have Ubuntu's repos without the security flaws?

I've advanced past it but also my GTX 1060 won't recognize it for some reason.

My personal preference is open suse over mint.

Let me repharse that:
I've encountered less bugs using Cinnamon on Debian than in Mint.

And it's because I already dual boot Windows 7 and Debian.


>Let me repharse that:

Maybe you should rehearse that first.

Fuck off Kevin


Cinnamon mint 17.3 and now 18.
Zero bugs.

kevin u fucking nigger

Neon is better. That's why.

I'm comfortable using Antergos, and don't feel like switching. It's easy to use, fairly minimal, and I have access to the AUR.

No comp. Never heard of it. Dead.


reminder that the green OS is always best OS

I use Xubuntu like everyone that isn't a COMPLETE faggot.

looks like windows to me

Is this the new desktop thread?


is this the new desktop thread?

let me try again

is this the new desktop thread?

Mint user here. Mint uses Ubuntu repos

appropriating baby culture using Cinnamon in your hard distro. Don't forget that Cinnamon is the Mint DE.

The cancerous plague is first in yet another thread


>what possible excuse could you have?
I actually have good taste.

I did have mint on my laptop for a while but it was too much for it, so I use xubuntu now.



is this the new desktop thread?


Is this the new desktop thread?

How can you mispell Solus like this OP? Are you retarded?