Thanks japmoot

Thanks japmoot

what makes you think you're welcome here, phone nigger?

>hey here's a bag full of worthless anime crap crap from shows you don't like that'll be $20 :^)

fuck grab bags


Thank you, Jackie Sup Forums.

>not using 1blocker

Poor fag pls

I thought jlist dumped advertising here

> J-List left us, must use intrusive malware ads
> J-List is back for no good reason, but we will keep the intrusive malware ads

fucking chinese moot

Does that J-list mascot have a searchable name?

fucking depraved

Diggers who use iPhone, safari and don't know how to block ads without using a one click method should be sent to gas chambers

No results,

Search in nihongo

fucking degenerate rapist

Click the link and if you're a weeb buy shit you want. Support Sup Forums.

>not using nori

Just one way of saying 'phonefags gtfo', aka get a pc and adblock like the rest of us.


>not using mbooru

your own fault for not using content blockers desu

Life-like texture ;_;

>"prease don't use ad brocker, Sup Forums very expensive"
>sure thing, I don't mind the J-List ads and anime bullshit
>get this instead

If you want me to turn off my ad blocker then don't put this shit on the site

>still have the bullshit on the bottom
>can't see announcements

put this in your custom css
not a full fix, but better than nothing

#bannerCnt, .ad-plea, #blotter, .ad-cnt, #globalMessage, #toggleMsgBtn, hr.belowLeaderboard, hr.aboveMidAd, #ctrl-top hr, hr#op, .belowLeaderboard, .ad-plea-top, .adg-rects, .center.middlead, .center:nth-of-type(5), .center:nth-of-type(10) {display: none;}

>to gay to own a non homosexual product
>to gay to control their phone
>to poor to hire a poo in loo to create a Sup Forums app for you,and pay 300 a year to have it on the appstore

Go back to the kingdom of retardia

>Go back to the kingdom of retardia
He's on Sup Forums; he never left.

>you are actually not h(uman)

Are you fucking kidding me? I feel like I just read the title for an Onion article


Can iPhone even into custom CSS?

>Whining about J-List
Of all fucking ads on this site

finally J-list is back

epic shitpost