
What in the ACTUAL NIGGING FUCK is going on in JavaScript land right now?

Who the fuck thought it would be smart to just continually fork the last stupid fucking framework until it became the programming world's biggest clusterfuck ever?

Just what is the fucking point? Can't all these pajeet fuckers just agree on one that is cutting edge and then go back to pooing outside of the loo?

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> Who the fuck thought it would be smart to just continually fork the last stupid fucking framework until it became the programming world's biggest clusterfuck ever?

Hi Angular 2

>Just what is the fucking point?

Stockholm syndrome. People trying to "fix" a broken language ... by using that language.

Similiar effect to "if you vote a third party you throw away your vote". Most people can't think for themselves, so they bandwagon on something making it all self-fulfilling prophecy, no matter how terrible it is.

This is why we need fascism instead of manufactured consensus. Sorry for /pol rambling.

Javascript was designed over the years by web developers. Web developers have no fucking concept of how hardware works (or even the OS for that matter). This is why it's a shithouse.

ECMA6 is making some JS frameworks obsolete

No, you need direct elections like many European countries have. So you can have 12+ parties in the senate who are forced to cooperate.

This tbqh.

Also: web dev is meme central where everybody is rushing to put the latest/greatest thing on their resume. It's like being a liberal in DC. Your status depends on how many names you can drop.

And: web devs are suckered by hype. Every new thing is going to revolutionize web development, just you wait and see. They don't realize that NewShit 1.0 is no more productive than OldShit 3.5, and the act of transitioning to NewShit 1.0 costs more man hours than AnyShit could ever save.

I hate the modern web.

>No, you need direct elections like many European countries have. So you can have 12+ parties in the senate who are forced to cooperate.
As a European, this is wrong. More parties = more special interest agendas, less unity. A fascist government with the people's (as a whole) interests in mind is objectively superior. It's a shame that fascism as a political system is seen as "wrong" because of historical occurrences.

This is actually what we have in web dev. Every fucking Pajeet thinks he can play a pivotal role in some new damn js framework. At the end of the day you need to mesh together a dozen languages and paradigms.

You don't see this shit at Apple (for example) because ONE entity controls the API for macOS/iOS development. It's Cocoa or GTFO. Microsoft is some where in between because while they control the manner in which you develop for Windows they themselves are meme-of-the-week, so there are twenty ways to accomplish a task in a native Windows application.

You don't see it in C/C++ either, nor Python for that matter. Webdevs hate Python (I assume because of its strict structure) and couldn't hope to program in C/C++. Java is somewhat fragmented but nothing like JS.

what the actual fuck

meme-ridden flunky complaining about javascript. things never change, do they

>tfw needing a js job with no professional experience

So is ReactJS the best way to do web dev?

guys it's fine we're gonna be fine

JavaScript devs are relearning everything php and python devs already took years learning. But faster, at least.

But rejoice. WebAssembly is coming soon.

Lol the worst part about JS is Electron. It's highly malignant cancer.

Yet another piece of shit on the web browser plate to have to deal with. Amazing.

And before you say "but this will be better!" tell me when that was ever the case.

You don't have to 'deal' with anything, you'll be able to write C/C++/Java instead of JavaScript if you want to. That's it fucko.

It's infinitely better than shitty "native" toolkits like Gtk or Cocoa.

>What is Qt

A bloated pile steaming sepples crap.

You don't necessarily need hardware experience to write a good programming language.

The problem is that web developers have no concept of how actual development works.

Nice utopia what you got there.

This was for sanitizing inputs. Not that it isn't retarded.

>he can't into C++

I hardly outlined a fascist society. I guess you just don't like fascism (probably have no clue what it means, but suspect it is 'bad' for some reason), hence your snarky reply.

The "anything is an object mentality" makes input sanitation that much worse. In C and related languages you would have something to catch an error on trying to put any other value into an integer.

>go to demo page

>web assembly

I wish people would stop putting shit in when they can't even get the basic stuff working right.

Now I know how mechanics feel working on modern cars.

Phoneposter or Safariposter?

I'm using fucking Firefox on desktop.

Point is, a 'wide range of platforms' it's aiming for isn't working on current browsers, let alone older ones that others might use.

Who cares. Only fucking retards use frameworks in the first place.

>demo is a shit game with a shit engine

WebAssembly has already failed.

Using Chrome here and it tells me to enable the flag for it.

The "anything is an object" mentality has nothing to do with input sanitization you idiot. User inputs are going to be strings in C++ or Javascript.

>User inputs are going to be strings in C++ or Javascript.
No, they aren't dipshit. In C++ you would have declared an integer variable, never use a string for integer input.

And what's going to happen if the user types in 'fuck you faggot' instead of a number into the text box?

It will fail to be assigned and break the operation.

And crash the entire application? What a great design!

Guess what Try..Catch statements do....

So you have to add additional statements to validate user input? And on top of that an extremely vague statement that gives no indication as to what went wrong?

great way to optimize app, can see your anti pajeet code with million try catches and only 20 lines of actual logic

No, if the catch fails, the input was incorrect. You throw an error based thereupon.

What do you think javascript has to do behind the scenes? Do you think the operations are some buttfuck magic?

Which input? What if there are multiple inputs in a form?

You've never programmed using a lower level language, have you? You have to build each of those items individually, you have to sanitize everything individually. Javascript has a shitton of prebuilt code that has to account for several situations whereas C/C++ would be very direct.

will return "You fucked up, not me, you use real language now, learn to be responsible" :D

ok wtf, you could have just made a fucking loop to do all of that in js.

if (parseInt(input) != NaN) {
// do stuff

Wow! So hard!

lol loops, in any language, 2016.

That's Javascript, asshat.

And is there an easier way to validate an integer input in C++?

No, but that goes along with what I was saying about prebuilt code. In C++ you would make a function to handle it (similar to what is built into Javascript) and then call it (similar to Javascript).

So having prebuilt code to perform input validations is now bad?

Here's what actually happens when you call parseInt in Javascript:

why do people use c++ vs js to prove a point? except js, c++ is only programming language I consider relevant in the current year (after learning at least 12 languages those 2 are what I chose) everything else is just a waste of time, good for something specific, but not worth investing time when you can do much more (timewise) with just those 2 (of course HTML,CSS and SQL are a must)

Seems to work as intended while accounting for all the possible edge cases. A few would definitely be missed if you were to write it yourself, and even atoi is not as robust.

C++ is the basis of structure for many other programming languages whereas JS just throws shit around.

>Those functions are implementation specific depending on browser, and are not written in JS (unless somebody's decided to write a browser engine in JS). The code is not guaranteed to be the same across environments, though they do have to (in theory) adhere to the ECMAScript specification for their behavior.

>answered Mar 20 '13 at 20:43, Ben McCormick

Try-catch would account for any edge cases unless there were a flaw in your compiler.

>not Sup Forums

>Still requires several more steps to verify

Try catch statements do not perform input validation. You're a fucking idiot.

>Being this retarded
Ok, let me break it down for the slower ones:

Assign input to integer....(fails)
Do something

And how are you assigning the input to an integer? Post actual C++ code that converts a string to an integer.

There is no conversion.

int input;
cin >> input;

And how does cin tell whether the user input is a number or not?

cin doesn't have to, the assignment either fails or does not fail.

Wow. And people say JS developers don't understand how computers work.

This is how I know you're a JS developer.

I'm an employed software developer who regularly writes projects in Javascript, Python, C++, and C#. If you think the C++ language just magically knows how to assign a stream of bytes to an integer value then you are fucking retarded.

Then you should be fired. cin provides an input stream that either succeeds in being assigned to the variable or fails. There's no magic to it, the string does not assign to the integer.

And what decides whether it succeeds in being assigned or not?

The type of variable that was declared. When the variable was declared a section of memory was assigned, if the thing you're trying to assign to the variable does not fit in the memory then it fails.

An int is 4 bytes. 4 characters is also 4 bytes. Are you saying if I type 'abc\n' then that will get assigned to the space reserved for the variable?

JS should die.

cin doesn't process strings directly, it's not a complex piece of code. You may be able to get away with one character which would be stored directly as a char code, it would otherwise fail.

So if I type '\n' into a cin directed to an integer what will it store?

and it will, when something better comes, but for now we are secured

he could have very well used a loop to generate that. the markup shown is just the chrome console, already delivered to the client.

You should die, queer.

huh. Well I made an ass out myself.


Thanks for proving you're a total idiot with absolutely no knowledge at all on what the fuck you are talking about. You could have at least tried it for yourself but you just had to make a fool out of yourself. I bet you couldn't even write and compile a hello world correctly.

Hey man, you can pretend to be a C++ developer online. It's cool, no one will question you.

I'm not pretending. It's sad that you still insist that you know how C++ works when you can't even compile a basic program.

It's sad that you argued for that long.

>hehe i was pretending to be retarded all along!

>Not being able to have called it earlier
Seriously? I still don't believe you're a C++ developer but if you are that's pathetic.

nice backtracking
back to india you go Pajesh

Stay mad bro.

Electron is the worst cancer ever made on the industry

There are actual arguments for voting third party, claiming people who are against it are incapable of independent thought is not one of them.

There are pros and cons to all voting strategies and that's where the conversation should start.

Not him but you're a fucking coward. Take that beat down on the chin and educate yourself.

No that's Qt.

I think you underestimate the ability of a troll with google.

Plz explain to us how "actual development works".

Every web developer I know has a CS degree and I got my start writing ASM for z/OS mainframes.

JavaScript devs ARE php and python devs.

There was no such thing as a full time JS developer 6 years ago.