Why is Solaris so bad? Months ago, I tried it on my new PC. Today, I tried it on an old PC.
Solaris is consistently shit. Are the other System V Unix OSes any better?
Why is Solaris so bad? Months ago, I tried it on my new PC. Today, I tried it on an old PC
what the fuck were you expecting? it hasn't been a desktop operating system for over a decade like pretty much every other SysV, it's really only useful in that role if you're interested in development/learning
I only expected it to be able to shut down my computer without kernel panics.
>he doesn't know how to manually carry on with the multiple steps involved in shutting down a computer
It's not the OS' fault that you're ignorant to be honest. Just stick to Windows faggot.
>it's not the OS's fault that shutdown doesn't work
nice b8 m8
sounds like fucky hardware, just virtualize it like everyone else
But two entirely different PCs had the same issue.
and I've run it on bare metal numerous times without problem, it's just anecdotes against anecdotes
what the fuck are you even running it on?
Modern IBM PC clone from 2012. AMD
Not so modern IBM PC clone from 2006. Intel
> Why is Solaris so bad?
> Oracle
that's... a lot of different kinds of possible hardware configurations that may or may not be well supported, you might as well have just said "a computer" and saved yourself some time
Firstly, why did you even bother with Solaris in the first place? Most UNIX OSes aren't designed with desktop usage in mind.
Also OpenSolaris could have been the UNIX for the masses, sadly Oracle put an end to that pretty quickly.
It's the only Unix that runs Catia though.
Not sure why it's alive still desu.
To learn about System V, as I usually use BSD.
> Most UNIX OSes aren't designed with desktop usage in mind
This. And it shows.
Make desktop computing great again, help to release Haiku R1 earlier.
>running Solaris on anything but a SPARC enterprise server
>sucking Larry Ellisons little Jewish dick
>current year
You might have better luck with OpenIndiana, which is the community project forked from OpenSolaris when it was given the ax.
Solaris and solus are different dumbfriend.
Why openindiana is shit?
I mean why can't we just make solaris more like ubuntu.
Fucking with drivers, broken packet manager, display, 3 hours and only bearly run out of the box.