Anyone want to make some drivers with me for FreeBSD? I want to bring better drivers to BSD.

BSD general I suppose

Other urls found in this thread:

Make a driver for bcm43142

Better drivers, or more drivers?

It's hard to get better drivers than what's in BSD, with the exception of video & audio drivers. The issue BSD has is generally NOT quality, it's quantity. Your favorite hardware might not have drivers in BSD. Porting one from Linux is probably not going to be the way to solve that problem either.

enjoy no games, cuckold

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I am saying to bring more drivers.

> no games
some ppl actually have other things to do, son

Humm. I think the best way to do this, would be to bone up on your coding skills, and start writing. Or, if you're like me and don't have those chops, raise money to donate to one of the BSDs earmarked for development of whatever drivers you're interested in.

People who are up to the task of actually writing drivers are pretty darned rare.

Here is your driver:

Oh boy, games already available on Linux. It'll go great with OpenMEMEsd lack of security. At least FreeBSD has security, try breaking out of their jails.

Oh boy, a shitpost

I'm just asking for a partner. I know what I'm doing.

As long as I have wesnoth I don't need anything else.

He just said he is going to work on writing drivers, don't you think he is already past the "MUHH GAYYYYYMES" phase.

fun game for everyone, go to any Sup Forums archive and search for OpenMEMEsd and count the posts

I know some C, and I've used freebsd a fair amount, but I don't really know how to write a driver. Sorry.

Why did you even bother replying you fucking gimp?

Honestly low level stuff like this is really interesting but I'd never know where to start.

I will if you have experience with it. Have plenty of C/C++, FreeBSD experience, but never done anything with the kernel (well, not in terms of programming.) Always in the mood to learn; love FreeBSD.

If interested leave an email or discord or something.

Also, what device do you plan to write drivers for? Are we talking a GPU or a USB dongle or something?

Driver for bcm43xxx is WIP by landonf:

>vaguely asks for drivers
I'll design the logo.
But what do you mean, OP? What drivers?

I keep seeing these BSD threads. Is there any advantage to OpenBSD over Free? I'm might try them out on a VM.

they're almost completely different operating systems with different purposes


fuck off

FreeBSD? Oh, okay, thanks for the recommendation user!

>asks for drivers
>he says he wants to make drivers

the fuck are you on you dumb shitter