Coca-Cola Israel has developed a gizmo that makes selfie sticks look tame and normal in comparison...

Coca-Cola Israel has developed a gizmo that makes selfie sticks look tame and normal in comparison. The company attached a camera-equipped base to a 500 ml Coke to create what it calls the "world's first selfie bottle." It automatically takes photos when it detects a 70-degree tilt, and you can transfer photos through its USB port.

Truly the greatest invention of the century.

>Breaking news, massive DDOS by coke bottles

People are going to shop that coke with a big fat cock

I'm ready to die now.

you mean BBC

>Cuck a Cola


Why not BBT?

why not a big fat clit, you sexist!


>that makes selfie sticks look tame and normal in comparison
That's wrong though. Taking a sip from a bottle looks way more natural than holding a fucking stick in front of you to take a shot.

OMG. When I was first manipulating my ex-GF into anal sex, I got her into enemas. We'd do them using a water bottle. Primitive, but effective.

God, it's like a whole new kind of porn...

>uh israel?! YOU ZIONIST JEW KEK

I always wondered what I would look like if I were sucking cock.

>dildo cam

I want to cut a hole in the base and wear it on my dick.

What's the point though
>t. someone who lives there


get shekels for selling meaningless, worthless crap. i.e. your main hobby

That's the whole idea. Based Israel trolls hard again


What is the source

jej how's the housing market in Tel Aviv?


>mfw i cant drink cola without nonfree software

she is ugly. do you agree?

for a ukranian ashkenazi jew, yeah prety much

Sure, sorta. So are you tho

Can't wait to take a pic of myself with a Big Bottle of Coke in my mouth


>taste the feeling