
Why can't someone on Sup Forums who is a programming wizard jailbreak the latest version of iOS?

Surely a bunch of cunts who won't put a dedicated graphics card in 80% of their 'pro' laptops can't have security that is THAT good?

>wait over a year for a jailbreak
>don't update in hope it happens
>lose hope
>fuck it, might as well update to iOS 10 beta and see what it's all about
>a week later a jailbreak comes out
>didn't save an iOS 9 backup before I updated so if I downgraded I would lose all my data
>now stuck on iOS 10 which probably won't see a jailbreak for at least another year

Because anyone with a brain won't touch applel products. You see OP there are two groups on this board, shitposting visitors from reddit who always shill for Apple and the rest of us who understand technology and use android.

>shitposting visitors from reddit who always shill for Apple
>the rest of us who understand technology and use android.
Oh my fuck. kys

Not shilling for them by any means, I want to jailbreak my phone so I can actually make it look like a good phone and not the same as it did in 2007
Android is far from perfect but for someone who isn't half retarded it is probably better than iOS in every case

Enjoy using sailfish os retard.

>Because anyone with a brain won't touch applel products

Actually I can think of a few counter-examples where the opposite is true. They're used by people who definitely used to shitpost like you're doing when they were much younger but have since grown-up and don't want to fight their devices anymore because they have much bigger shit to compare with their jobs and families.

In general the only people I see use the "I use Android/Linux because I understand technology" line are typically ones who have the time to care that much about the platform they're using in the first place rather than what they're getting done with it. When you get a job in the real world and not same entry-level sys admin/tech support bullshit you'll see how little any of this matters. If you need another OS you're spinning up a VM anyways. Phones are just phones.

I used to do some iOS hacking. I know enough about the system that I could probably pick up where I left off and shit out something tethered in a week. I just don't care enough. I'm also not going to waste my money and time on Applel crap just so some reddit cucks can shit on me for whatever reason. Also, I don't want to deal with the publicity of it all. Myself and most other mobile devs are happy with Android. It's easier to work with and the XDA community is nice.

>You're a baby so you wouldn't understand
> it didn't even matter in the long run
Just keep telling yourself that.

Give me a spell. People jailbreak because they don't have basic functionality without it like download direct to the device which is infuriating to say the least. I can download a file without having to install CM or root so don't piss on me and tell me it's raining.

Wrong board.

>Owning a device which you can't control/downgrade

Ive owned a iOS device since an ipod touch. Ive jailbroken every single iOS device i have, im starting wonder what the fuck is the point anymore, apple just takes the best of jailbreaking and puts it in their phone months later. Im not a manchild so i don't need GBA emulators on my phone, i don't need themes that rape my entire battery with bullshit. Jailbreaking cant even do shit like bring my pre-IOS9 music browser back. It takes a year to get a new JB and it ends up making my shit laggy as fuck and feel like an android shit phone.

Just use an Android.
Why would you jailbreak an Apple device anyway?


Jailbreaking maybe served a purpose years ago. Now, it only makes your device hella vulnerable as fuck. Why bother any more?

>xda community is nice
>buggy city full of pajeets

Release an untethered iOS 10 one for the lads
b-but I'm trying to do something to gain control and improve functionality over my device?? Not my fault it comes out of the box with 124142342 baby locks coded in
>wonder what the fuck the point is anymore
I just want a sleek looking lockscreen, new set of icons, certain shit removed from control centre, more icons per pages, smaller sized icons, fast as fuck animations (no wait time) and I'm sure there's a million different tweaks which add a little thing here and there which is useful as fuck that I'd never thought of
>Just use an Android.
On a contract atm with an iPhone so it's not an option as of yet. Definitely going Android on my next device though, wish something like the pixel existed that wasn't ugly, didn't have a massive chin/forehead and was waterproof
>Why would you jailbreak an Apple device anyway?
explained above, pretty much to gain decent functionality, gain access to a whole community of programmers who make cool, useful shit for your phone, make the phone look way nicer, even can do shit to improve battery life and let the phone last longer
How does it make your phone vulnerable as fuck? Just download tweaks from trusted programmers/repos

because of the sweet, sweet bounty

What breed is that?

>fight their devices
stopped reading here. you ARE a brainlet if you can't get android to do exactly what you want.

Entlebucher Mountain Dog
I just wish there was a stock Android phone that was like 5.5", screen pretty much all glass with barely any bezels, decent front facing camera, amazing rear camera, waterproof, decent speakers, amazing battery life, QHD resolution (anything better than 1080p), sd card slot, somewhat thin (doesn't have to be crazy, just anything like an iPhone with a standard case around it, decent specs to be able to run the OS and any tasks snappy as fuck, fingerprint scanner would be nice as well - sums up my perfect smartphone tbqh

Display of an S7, build quality of an iPhone, specs + OS of a Pixel, camera of an S7 + Pixel laser focus shit, batterylife of an oldschool Nokia on standby and pricetag of a Nexus - the person who makes this would make millions

Samsung's phones come pretty close but they don't run stock Android, and their products are exploding as of late

Anything is better than Apple's products lately. their tendency to put shit hardware in their devices, lock down all their software and charge a fucking arm and leg for it has got a bit out of control

>Not my fault it comes out of the box with 124142342 baby locks coded in
no but it is your fault for buying a phone knowing that it comes locked like that, dumbfuck.

sorry we don't all have the amazing foresight of you oh wise one

>i'm a brainlet!!
okay and?

>Anything is better than Apple's products lately.
Lel. Actually all their phones were complete and utter garbage that were missing basic features of any android phone up util 6/6S/SE/7 - coincidentally after Jobs died. People call him a great innovator yet he was the main reason his phones were lacking basic fucking features.