how do you guys download videos from youtube,xvideos etc
How do you guys download videos from youtube,xvideos etc
Other urls found in this thread:
You can download directly from both xvideos and xhamster
>downloading pornography
Are you afraid that the internet is going to disappear soon?
this seems preety fucking complicated
you need an account
youtube-dl url
to download or
mpv --ytdl url
to just watch it
>this seems complicated
>hurr durr, I need a gui for everything
Do you know where you are?
for searching/browsing youtube from the terminal, mpsyt
im sorry i didnt choose to be retarded. it is possible to do with no programming knowledge?
no. expert hackers only. fuck off
Yes, you just type the commands into the terminal. It's just as easy as a gui, there just aren't any shiny buttons to press.
see You just type 'youtube-dl
Yes. Install gentoo first
type it into where
>command line application
You should probably learn the basics before posting on Sup Forums
change the youtube link to
im sorry can you just tell me how to do it if its so simple?
[your preferred search engine]?
Goy, you need to stop expecting to be spoonfed everything. Take some initiative.
ok this worked thank you so much man
lierally :
mpv url
ftfy, and yw ;J
Yeah. Open a command line and type youtube-dl videourl
I tried this but it keeps giving me an error message. Where do I put the title of the video I want?
You were told how to do it. If you're so illiterate that you don't understand, guess you're out of luck.
...Did you download the program? Do you even know how to run a program on your computer?
Yeah, you just type it into the box
are you using windows
No, I'm using Google.
pics or it didnt happen
Then run the program and tell it which video to download.
OK, I took a picture. How do I get the picture on to my computer?
When I type your code into the box, it looks different.
Then you didn't download it or don't know how to run a program.
What are you talking about? I run programs everyday. Just tell me what to do. I really want to download this video. I told Kayla that I would and now she's going to hate me. Fuck
Then run the program and give it the URL as an argument.
I don't want an argument. I just want help.
yt-dl can make use of ffmpeg
get ffmpeg and put yt-dl in it's bin folder
then cd to that dir and do youtube-dl pornhub/video
Who`s Kayla?
tits or gtfo
for windoz
Fuck off Drumpfkin
because it's open source, written in java (portable), supports premium databases for *free* premium accounts.
troll. You're pretending to be retarded.
Nah he's retarded all right
i wasnt pretending this guy
already gave me the answer so the thread can guy die now although i still dont know how to download from porn sites
You mean it's never happened to you? I'm still looking for an erotic interactive story from and it's been gone 4 years now.
jdownloader is easy enough
it will soon, you can thank trump, screencap this
I used to do this when my parents unplugged router from me because I was addict.
Irony is that both of them are intetnet addicts now (first it started with news, then with online shopping and then they created Shitbook) kek
>all lowercase
>question without a question mark
>you need to know how to program to use youtube-dl
>"I didn't choose to be a retard!" - free will doesn't exist?
Fuck off, nigger.
A plugin called flashgot for Firefox
It's odd that a "download video" feature isn't integrated into browsers.
If your browser is playing the video, it should easily be able to save it on your computer right?
>this seems preety fucking complicated
lol what?
I email the web administrator
>this seems preety fucking complicated
Fuck off back to lreeddit
non-flash stuff should be doable quite easily i'd imagine
>video has been removed at the request of the copyright owner
Look at that filthy prostitute showing her eyes and her feet!
I'd switch browsers if one had this capability.
one does, Firefox.
It's the only thing I use Firefox for at this point really. The AddOn is called Video DownloadHelper, there are others too but this one seems the most reliable. Anytime a video is loaded/playing it shows up in the little dropdown as available to save in whatever quality i want. and it works on any site i've ever tried, flash sites included
It just works family.
youtube-dl, user
in terms of porn,
chrome addon: Flash Video Downloader
Firefox addon: Ant Video Downloader
is what i use to download videos from porn sites.
For youtube, theres a million different ways.