Ok fa/g/s
Speedtest thread. Lets see who has god tier fiber and who lives in the third world.
We'll start with my incredibly mediocre internet
Ok fa/g/s
Speedtest thread. Lets see who has god tier fiber and who lives in the third world.
We'll start with my incredibly mediocre internet
Other urls found in this thread:
You know what's funny? Third worlders have faster internet as their infrastructures are newer.
Of course there's a lot of exception, but in general you know it's true.
Brazil (i live on northeast)
Net Virtua
HFC "Hybrid Fiber Coax"
cancuck here
Worth mentioning here is how much you're paying for it too.
>not building an antenna to steal your universities internet
w/o vpn
w/ vpn
30 euro-shekels
+ extra 35 US-shekels annually
This one is without VPN
This one is with VPN
$85 unlimited data
>still using flash based speedtest
beta.speedtest.net is their beta site for the HTML 5 speedtest.
stills asks for permission to use flash.
same outcome too
not too bad
Then how am i running it in a browser with flash disabled?
>use flash blocking extension
>goes to speedtest.net
>test is blocked with an icon to unblock it if I want
>goes to beta.speedtest.net
>runs instantly with HTML5 not flash
you're wrong I just checked as well and it's not using flash.
There's command line too.
I know
Fiber capped at 50 down 50 up
Just a python script, have a basic linux install, make sure you have python if you don't already have it for something else, then install the speedtest-cli script from repositories or download from github and make the package and install it yourself.
Pretty happy
Around 467 mbps with vpn. 40 euro / 44$. Free spotify and tv. Unlimited, no caps.
hm ... probably implementing it in conky as a one time request at startup would be nice .. I will try to work my way through that thanks
No problem, i have noticed it is less advanced at selecting the best server for you however, I get better latency and download speed using the beta.speedtest.net site.
Not significantly better, but noticeably better.
No bandwidth cap. I really wish I had more upload speed.
low speed here, but that ping...
> country
Czech Repubilc
> type
wifi + VPN
I'm idiot I forgot on this...
Fuck the ISPs that give you shit upload speeds
so that you don't host anything or file share.
1ms ping generally just means your ISP is hosting a speedtest.net server in their server facility, or they're both hosted by different companies in the same building.
actually, I'm working for my ISP, I know that we don't host anything like that
Then you also know how the speed of light works and realize that the only explanation is there is a server within a few km, most likely connected with minimal routers in between to reduce latency.
Like I said, it's either hosted by the ISP themselves, or in a data center very close by.
I bet nobody here can beat my upload
I already did
AT least I get good internet while I'm paying for university with my kidneys
you are right, it's probably connected to the same provider as we are
Do they block P2P and other connections to make the speed mostly useless for anything but steam downloads?
You could upload YouTube videos faster than actually watching them with that internet wtf
>people still use flash
for what purpose?
I can't torrent, and VPNs don't fix it, but I go home every few weeks so I get my torrents out of the way then.
Can't host servers that can be reached outside of FAU's network, so if I felt like it I could set up WAMP or some shit and it would only be accessible by other students.
I can upload to YouTube and other sites. And I can download Skyrim in a matter of minutes.
finfag here
30euro standard here in Germany
beta.speedtest.net is HTML5
also speedof.me has shit servers for upload, always cap me at 100mbps on the east coast US. even though I can upload torrents at my full 150mbps without issue.
Yup here is my result.
Once again, it capped at ~100mbps (107mbps) and couldn't go higher despite the fact I have the available bandwidth (verified by uploading torrents)
I don't feel comfortable knowing another Sup Forums poster lives so close to me, and uses the same BT Infinity package as me...
But I'm getting better speeds
can they block sFTP?
I'm not on the Infinity 2 pack.
I'm supposed to get upto 52mb/s
You should be getting upto 76mb/s
I don't know what upload speed you should be getting.
FTTP. $75/month promo rate.
ah, Yeah I'm supposed to be getting 79/20
Hey I got 158mbps internet, I know this because I can plug my laptop directly into the router in the basement and speedtest it. But my room is on the top floor and if I use the Ethernet wall plug up there I get 69mbps. I think this house uses cat5e cables, so is it the length of cord that causes me to lose 30mbps?
Not unless you have an obscene amount of CAT5e cables
I have ~50m between my router and my computer and I get my full 150mbps
pls no bully
Hi Australia
this makes me feel so bad for you
especially when was the post before you
Have 1000/500 at home but not there at the moment
Not Australia, American South. I have to pay over $100/month for internet because it's either what I have now or dial-up, which I couldn't even upgrade from until 2013.
nice IP friend
>Not living in a country where most towns and cities have access to Gigabit internet
>tfw france
>tfw living near Paris but no fiber
>tfw I have 200 ms of ping when I use 100% of my shitty upload
>When you work for the local Bell ISP branch and you put your neighbourhood to the top of the fiber rollout list
>mfw this is considered extremely good internet in aus
>That feel when comcast/timewarner buys industrial fiber supplier to you University (then rapes the speed).
>Work at said University to get free Masters.
>Local cable monopoly makes me pay 78USD for 30mbps.
Pay for 100/100 but my ISP doesn't seem to care about their own caps.
Fucking jesus
1gb down 200mbps up for 12 euros, a new company introduced 1gb down and 500up for 9 euros so I'll probably change
Guess my country
Not bad if I must say
Y'all cucks!
best i can get atm
No data caps and a tv cable, 30 eurodidoos a month. Feels good man.
although it was actually like half of this for the last decade so i could be worse
>type $99 unlimited
dafuq is this shit?
You win
Ok, where do you keep yo grandma?
ur cunt?