What would you do with a $5 raspi zero?

What would you do with a $5 raspi zero?

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Maybe I'll make it into a sport coat

mine bitcoin

Make an alarm that notifies me via an Android app when people are near my desk at work while I'm not there (little laser switch). Would probably progress to connecting cameras. Then I'd build the same setup for my apartment, but with more cameras and laser switches.

build a missile guidance system


Install Solus.

>1GHz single core ARM
Do these things emulate SNES well?
I feel like building a retropie box and getting a decent bluetooth controller instead of spending $60 on that overrated mini NES that doesn't even have my favorite game.

im using my pi zero for a homebridge server, it acts a third party homekit enabled device so i can yell at siri to turn lights on and off

yes, they handle SNES perfectly fine, same goes for GBA. its retard tier easy to set up retropie on it as well. you load the IMG onto the SD card and boot it up and its done.

I'd love to learn how to use these for robotics.

Get an arduino and play around with it for sensors/actuators/robotics while you shitpost on Sup Forums from your Pi, and then work on integrating those same projects with the Pi so you can use things like web interfaces and GUI's for them (which you can do with arduinos currently, just much, much more difficultly).

Can I just copy roms to the microSD card, or do I have to connect it to wifi and use an ftp server?

Get the orange pi pc 2 for 20 dollars, or one of the mini orange pis around 10 dollars.

They're quad core and much more powerful.

Too bad they arent $5 in the USA
more like $25-$30

Sell it for $20.

Best $30 doorstop I've ever bought

How does it do with emulation?

turn it into a web server

got one as a security cam in my room, except since I never really go out, it's just there doing nothing.

Install Android and it'll perform great.
The pi pc 2 has the mali m450 mp6 gpu so it's got decent horsepower for something so cheap, and the cpu is just a quad core a52 ARM iirc.
It does have hardware support for shit like 4k h265/h264 and htpc stuff though.

Easily more worth it than a pi zero.

>Too bad they arent $5 in the USA
but they are


Is this board actually filled with nothing but fucking retards?

Explain, in your own words, why this would dissuade someone from buying the orange pi

Except they don't most good SNES games use onboard chips on the carts and they emulate that like dog shit.

Good like playing even Mario Kart.

That's nice but how does it affect me?

It's not like I am going to use Orange Pis as my main computer. I'm not even going to install much on it.

Also, just install a different build.

>Cheap ass Serial Interface/Programer board.
>Centralized Home Authentication Server
>Room Mood Lighting and Music Player
>Cheap AF Sensor Grid.
>Weather Monitoring Station

Basically anything with home automation.

>emulate that like dog shit.
You mean they run better than on the real hardware?

Because superfx SNES games run like shit on an SNES.

>$10 with shipping at least

wipe my ass and buy an odroid

Can't tell if B8 or legitimately retarded...

Home music server which also can be listened to through internet via your phone

so what? obviously they won't ship it for free
and $10 is still much less than $25-30

it's not $5

got one for a dollar at microcenter.

On the card

It was just a joke, maybe you are the one softly retarded

wait until you discover that you'll also have to buy at least a sd card and a power supply to get it running
if you are already that butt hurt about having to pay for shipping

mfw I get two Raspi Zeros from work.
mfw I have no idea what to do with them.
Guess they'll go in the drawer with my normal Raspis, sensehat, and my microbit.

Was considering setting one up for emulation but eh. Wouldn't particularly want to unless I was able to somehow make it portable.

my raspi B+ is running 24/7 headless deluge torrent daemon and downloading to a 3TB hard disk,
all set up with RSS feeds to autofetch new episodes of shows/anime I'm watching.

Pretty sure a Zero would be enough.

Literary waste of power consumption, space and money. You don't need the performance then why?

Downclock it.

>No spare mSD card
> No extra phone/tablet/generic usb adapter
I'm sure someone could find a way to afford it.

No Ethernet on a Zero.

so what, a wifi dongle is 3$

then you'll also need an USB hub

good point.

I'm still mad at them for not releasing a $7.50 pi zero+
with integrated wifi and two full size USB ports
would have been so much more versatile

>no octa-core FX-8350

Snes roms run better on emulators


Put it on ebay for $10


hanging it off my desk lamp and let it collect weather data from around and inside the house.

lmao who care

jokes aren't allowed on the internet anymore, you can only be stupid or trolling (or both).

What about jokes from 9gag?

He covered stupid already.

I plan on buying one in the future and use it as a portable computer ( im going to hollow out a old hard cover book and use it as a case, with a tiny monitor and a keyboard ).
Also, PoisonTap.

What I do with my OG RPI, put it in a draw for 3-4 years and forget about it

Does it handle Yoshi's Island SNES and PS1 games at full speed?


> $5

these shits go for >$30 around here, not kidding.

no, not the full pie, the one you burgers can get for 5.
it's insane.
there's no way I gonna pay that much for that one.

IoT dildo

where do you live?
pimoroni has pretty affordable international shipping
and sells them for 4£

That's what you get for not installing gentoo.

Consider yourself lucky, over here the cheapest you can find them on the internet is $100. Its cheaper to just import it, but it takes a long ass time to arrive because customs hold it for forever. And you have the chance of being wrongly taxed for another $60.

>letting anyone get physical access to you're laptop.
Anyone who does this doesnt have a password on it anyways or it is 123456.

DNS/ssh tunneling.

How do I tunnel ssh through DNS and why do I need this?

Backdoor the hell out of everybody.


Use them as comfy web server or nas if you don't have epic ideas

use it to flash coreboot on your thinkpad

I'd hook it to a VT510 and--
oh wait. I already did that.

build a cluster that can maybe barely out-perform a system from ten years ago

A war kitteh.

>a cluster
>with no network interfaces

Underrated post

>What would you do with a $5 raspi zero?

Flat panel kitchen PC, mounted to the wall of my kitchen next to my fridge.

Recipes galore. I cook like a monster so I'm always referencing a tablet when I cook. I'd probably use a pi3, though. Zero is only useful for small devices and/or being a russian spy.

like what? temperature humidity what other kind of data could you collect from inside the house?

for now yes.
Trying to add a 433Mhz transmitter now to control remote wall plugs via smartphone

dust collector

What said.

Arduinos are much better for robotic stuff, beginner and advanced.

Pi's are still a fun way to get introduced to super basic servers though, which is what I used mine for.

Id just look at and hope one day i can use it in conversation.
"Hey guys what do you think about the rassberry pi", said a group of ppl.
"Hey i have one", said the guy walking by.

You just got yourself a job at Raytheon, good job

I don't know but I somewhat regret not buying it for 0.99 USD.

i thought they were discontinued?

Do you live in the Deus Ex universe?

Use it for Fencing so whenever someone gets a touch it makes a noise.

Can you elaborate? This looks interesting.

spotted the aussie cuck

Console yourself by jerking it to how tolerant and progressive your country is. But don't sprain your wrist patting your righteous selves on the back.

take the $3.00 sticker off your keyboard, you lazy fuck

this desu

As if the $3.00 sticker is the only issue with that photo. Using a laptop box as a desk. Nasty residue on enter and shift. Edge of mattress in shot. Smells like basement from here








I've actually got an old Raspberry pi 2 sitting around collecting dust
At first I was thinking of making it into a little games console, but I wouldnt really use it.
My current idea is to connect it to mains and a little LCD display, and load onto it a genetic algorithm teaching a little bot to walk or something.
Keep it running for ages, I can always see its progress, and yeh, thats pretty much it

Pay 60 bucks for peripherals only to realize there are much better and more cost efficient alternatives to rPi and it's just a meme brand. Now I have a $65 dust collector.

Solder it on my penis to attract young geeky girls!

wtf did you try to make this hole with

>already spent the money on the product
>a product that, even if inferior, has endless possibilities as to how you can use it
>lets it collect dust instead of doing something with it