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>Headphone purchase advice

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I realize this is the headphone general, but I don't wanna start a whole new thread and you guys probably can help.

I have a pair of speakers that can handle 500w continuous (likely only really good for 300w but whatever). I wanna stick them in my living room for home theater and listening to my record player.

All I need is an amp that can handle ~300wpc and a receiver with HDMI or bluetooth right?
How much will the receiver effect the sound if it's not powering them and is just moving channels around?
Or would it be better to get a mixer since I'll have a dedicated amp?

>Speakers: Cerwin Vega XLS-215's
>Turntable: Technics 1200 clone
>HTPC: RasPi 3 B w/ OSMC

Looking at a Yamaha MX-1000 amp (maybe M-85 but old and components might be hard to find if need be), no idea what receiver/mixer to get.

>HTPC: RasPi 3 B w/ OSMC

it's like you hate video quality.
It will affect the sound but not by much, depends how picky you are. Do a research to learn how neutral receiver is.

Phone, computer,etc
>Type of headphone
Full Size
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Would prefer to wear for long periods of time
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
Skullcandy Crushers (pls no bully)
Soundmagic E80S

Missed on that. Are the HD 600 still a great alternative> They're only $60 amrican shekls more.

AKG K550, K553 or K545 would be your best bet

A bit over budget M40X+HM5 leather pads.

Thanks, famlam

100 dollars
Notebook laptop and Iphone SE
>Type of headphone
full size
>Open or closed
doesn't matter
>Comfort level
as comfy as possible
>Sound signature
Something bass-y, without overwhelming other parts of the music. Perhaps a slight v shape. Also needs a decent soundstage for gaming
>Past headphones
Koss Portapros

My projector is only 1080p and I honestly rarely notice encoding. I'll watch anything that isn't a cam or in SD for the most part.

Thanks, any specific features or brands to look for in receivers?

DT 990, would EQ the treble if it's too much for you. My 250ohm DT 880 work fine from my iPhone but I'm sure you could get a cheap amp if you want some headroom.

What should my next headphone be after owning HD 650s? I love them and prefer owning more bassy headphones, I was thinking maybe the Audeze LCD-2

I don't have an EQ though

Just install Equalizer APO on your laptop.

it won't cause any distortion considering my source is a shitty realtek hd audio card?

fuck, is the worth on my hd650 gonna go down? I'm running the black drivers, should I sell now, or has it already taken the blow?

Well you sure as hell aren't going to be adding gain to the DT 990 unless you go for the upper midrange dip, so no.

do AKG 712's need an amp, or is it just recommended?

Nothing that'd be more noticeable than your source being shit.

There is static when I use my hd600 with magni2 (source is laptop audio out)
Now if I put my hand on the amp static/buzzing subsides. Why is this happening? If I buy external dac will this issue dissapear, tbqh this doesnt seem like dac related problem

Sounds like a grounding problem.

Stop putting your phone on them.

just get x2s, they are much comfier than lcds

>shitty realtek hd audio card
they have built in eq in drivers, look for it

X2s are worse than HD650s.

How do I ground it? I live an apartment and there are literally no metal parts of the building accesable

then you do not want bassier headphones
stick with 650 till the end of times, it's a world of great diminishing returns after them

Easy way to achieve X2 sloppy mudbass on the HD650 is to get a tube amp with stupid high output impedance.

is cable thick enough?
also keep your phones,fm radio, landline radio phone(if you still have such devices) far from it

What cable?

>on ear
>foldable, portable
>not garbage
>$100 +/- $50

I think I phrased my question weirdly what I meant to say is not that I want bassier headphones, but a higher end headphone with a similar sound signature to the 650s

'higher end' doesn't really mean much, HD650 are already the best you can get with that signature, bar maybe the Utopia but those still have some etchy treble.

I'm a budget, so could I get anything decent for under 20? I'm looking for bass and loudness

where would ER-4S sit in terms of detail, compared to full size headphones

the one that comes from pc to amp

Rock Zircon. Biggest Niggerest bass you'd ever get for


>Compares the Rock Zircons to the bassiest SE846

"higher-end" usually means weigh like a brick, cost $1800 and have 4% better fq response

Why is this allowed on the wiki?

>and have 4% better fq response
This isn't true considering the fact that 99% of 'higher-end' headphones sound worse than the HD650.

really? Cant find them

>expecting quality

they would solder tincan speakers if they could but ricing is all they care about so no

Its just a standart 3.5 to RCA splitter from amazon. Its pretty much the same thickness as my hd600 cable

try moving it and see if it has static worse or quiter
if anything changes get yourself another $15-20 cable

PC, maudio mobilepre audio interface.
>Type of headphone
Full Size
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
comfortable for long sessions
>Sound signature
Neutral, exceptional bass response
>Past headphones
sony mdr xb 500
koss ksc75
jvc HA-S500-Z

Was looking between the sennheiser 598 and the 600 and 650 and 6xx. I want good soundstage, and good bass. It's fine if it's neutral though, I may use it for monitoring purposes.

Are there any good speakers guides? Is the Z-Reviews guide actually any good?

650 and 6xx basically the same thing. And no, nobass sennheiser isn't a meme. So you can't expect exceptional bass response from it.

The top


$350 / whatever i can sell my 650s with cardas cable for
Audio-GD Fun, or Fiio E10K
>Type of headphone
Full size
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Use for 4+ consecutive hours
>Sound signature
Analytical or neutral
>Past headphones
HD650 with cardas cable
AKG Q701, kind of want to move back to these

>I want good soundstage, and good bass
Then get the HD 6XX if it's basically the HD650 but for less money

HD600/650 are pretty infamous for having no soundstage.

sennheiser hd 280 good for pg gaming?

Really? I've listened to both the HD600/650 and seriously wonder why they would be infamous for that. The soundstage isn't mindblowing but it's pretty good

$100 CAD (about 75-80 USD)
Android, computer, TV
>Type of headphone
Full Size, Wireless Bluetooth
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Somewhat comfy I guess
>Sound signature

Compared to most other open headphones they're pretty underwhelming in that regard.

am I actually going to get my 37 dollar akg 712's?

Keep checking if your bank account if it deducts. If it doesn't uhm too bad.

PC, OG Moto X
>Type of Headphone
Doesn't matter
>Open or Closed
>Comfort Level
Would wear for long periods of time
>Sound Signature
About neutral, maybe a V-shaped. Would prefer decent but not overpowering bass
>Past Headphones
V-Moda XS

can onboard motherboard audio run 64 ohm impedence headphones?

How about stating a relevant spec like sensitivity.

Most likely yes.

I'm incredibly new to audio technology. Say I bought a DT 770 250 ohms, and for DAC I bought an FiiO E10K. Besides a computer and audio files, what else would I need to be able to listen to my music?

A usb cable (which I assumes comes with the fiio) and some music player software like foobar. That's about it.

Just picked up used Focal Elears (great condition) for $830... How'd I do? :)

~200 dollars
Axon 7
>Type of headphone
full size, portable
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
as comfy as possible
>Sound signature
Bassy and soundstage are top priority
>Past headphones
Koss Portapros, MDR-7506

Please help

terribly, hd650 are much cheaper and much better

How dare you even compare....

I'm a plebian with a $30 gaming headset, and I'm tired of low quality listening. Right now my player is AIMP. Do I need something better?

At least try out foobar. It's highly customizable, lots of plugins, etc.

I hate Sup Forums so much.

fuck off you stupid shill.

Alright, thanks.

More than one opinion would be nice. If anyone else thinks differently, please say so

HD650 is shit lol. HD600 sounds 1000000% better. Fuck your muddy earholes lol

>picked up used

hygiene item under several countries laws, it's like buying used toothbrush
do you know how well your ears connected to your mouth? and all that was in those headphones slowly getting into you

I thought the two were similar? And how do they compare to the hd 598s and the AT m50x?

talks about mud when he shills the elear LOL

You can actually hear the music with the HD600. HD650, its hard to distinguish (aka senheisser veil).

Vocals on HD600 are deadly good and there is much more detail compared to the HD650.

Faggot can't afford $1000 headphones. Hey, go buy an HD600 off of amazon you cheap little fucking weasel. It's $150 cheaper than usual at the moment,

paying $1000 for shit doesn't make them any less shit

HD600 is more 'lush' and 'wet'. I love it.

You can't compare to M50x. Whole different ball park.

I think their soundstage is small for an opening headphone, but the positioning and separation are very good. AKG-type soundstage is unnatural to me.

Your mother needs to hear those words cause the last time I went to Vegas, she was asking for twice that.

> Having an opinion on something he never heard.

What's a good set of phones for studio monitoring? Price between 100-200 bucks.

Are the 650/6XX bassier than 600? I'm using 600 right now and I feel like there isn't enough.

Yes, they are. But, you will lose the sweet treble of the 600. Also, I consider the 650 'muddy'.

How can you even listen to headphones with that fedora on?

Does Sennheiser put the two on the same level or is the 650 considered a lesser product than 600?

They're bassier but the sound signature is still very similar, just warmer and with less treble energy. I prefer the HD600. If you want a lot more bass you should probably look elsewhere.

I'm using 600s after 598, I think soundstage is different but not by much, can play stealth games perfectly just like before. Things should not sound far away to determine distance of one from another, no idea how to explain this better. Basically in games I can still hear things that happen behind the wall.


650 is considered, and is, the superior product.

They're on the same level, basically sister headphones with different tunings, one more analytical and one more "fun"

they sell it for more, but since 600s more popular they changed that with 6xx

They're just designed for people with different tastes. The ideal thing to do is get them from Amazon (make sure its prime or fulfilled by amazon) and return the one you don't like (you can get free returns if you select 'did not match site description').

I'm afraid if I look for actual bass headphones, I'm going to lose that 600 feeling.

[citation needed]

seinheiser 280hd vs 380hd
arent they just the same thing?

What is the best bang for your buck you can get for below $20 in regard to portables? I have a pair of the KSC-75s already. Pretty good but don't really hold on at all. Been debating the KZ IEMs, even though I sort of dislike IEMs.

How can you shove your head up your ass with yours on?

never understood that
how is analytical not fun? how is muddy bass more fun? how is closing off some frequencies with bass is more fun?