Why the fuck pc components cost way more in Europe than America...

Why the fuck pc components cost way more in Europe than America? An amd rx 460 cost 120$ while in Europe it's sold at 150€. Wtf.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.it/gp/aw/d/B01JPAVZQI/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?__mk_it_IT=ÅMÅZÕÑ&qid=1479216115&sr=8-2&pi=SX200_QL40&keywords=rx 460 4gb&dpPl=1&dpID=41wCps64O-L&ref=plSrch
geizhals.eu/?fs=radeon 460&in=



American Companies make them so there's no import duties.

Thanks for reminding me to pick up some bits while I'm in the US for work in a few weeks. Appreciated.

2 years guarantee instead 1 year.

In Europe you automatically get a 2 year warranty on electronics by law and in America taxes aren't added to the advertised price yet.

Taxes. You pay out the ass on customs, import duties, and VAT.

Burgers don't even pay sales tax if they buy online from an out-of-state place that isn't Amazon.

it boggles my mind how Yuros sit back and let their governments take so much from them.

Still doesn't come anywhere near making up the gap.

For instance Gigabyte and Asus mobos & video cards and Intel CPUs are three year warranties. (Some are even five year.)

Samsung SSDs are either 3, 5, or 10 year warranties.

Also, depending on where you order from, you may not even pay tax on electronics in the US.

Worst case scenario is you live in Puerto Rico and get taxed 10.5%. 10.5% on $120 is still only $142, which is still less than the Euro equivalent even before conversion rates.

Looking up more warranties:
Crucial RAM: lifetime warranty
Crucial SSDs: 3 year

Corsair PSU warranties are 10 year.

That's pretty much an entire PC there.

Warranties are nearly worthless. That's the reason why (American, at least) retailers push them so hard - they're almost pure profit.

If it's not dead on arrival it's statistically likely to live a long life.

Berlusconi non aveva più di 9 miliardi qualche anno fa?
Cos'è successo?
C'entra il divorzio?

True but not the point of my post. The point was that Europeans' guaranteed two year warranty does not add value over American warranties.

(The value being that companies do increase cost of components due to longer warranties generally, to mitigate risk.)


My best guess is because they can. They'll say stuff about more regulation or "logistics," but they just really like the extra money because European retailers don't compete in the same way that American retailers do. It's why we have days like Black Friday.

cuckold tax, aka VAT

gotta pay for those muslims health insurance after all

Il suo patrimonio ha oscillato parecchio negli ultimi 15 anni
Mi pare che il massimo fosse stato di 11 MLD

Ah ok, immagino che dipenda dal valore delle sue compagnie (o quelle di cui possiede azioni).
Pensavo li avesse persi in una volta sola per colpa di una cosa in particolare.

thats why im still using comp from 2007

no money for politicians

Europe is an overtaxed shithole, that's why.

Go complain to your president/pm.

No problem m8

Ed ha comunque un patrimonio maggiore di trump.

We know our taxes are extremely high, and we wouldn't want it any other way.

If our taxes weren't so high, we wouldn't have our free healthcare, university, etc.
I gladly pay what I pay, because otherwise our government wouldn't have had the money to bring my wife's boyfriend's family with our family reunification program, and I wouldn't have had the opportunities that let me earn the money for my newly-bought house where we'll all live together as one big family.

Enjoy living in your shithole where everyone hates each other, while we have so much that we love to share.

You got it wrong.

Cheapest 460 (XFX) on neweg: $99
cheapest 460 (XFX) on mindfactory: 108€

$99 = 92€
Tax: 92 * 1.2 = ~110€

There you go

>free healthcare
I make 550€ a month and I'm forced by law to pay 135€ per month for healthcare. That's now my salary tax or something!

Free my ass.

Still better than in amiland though


It may not be technically free for you, but it's free for the collectivity, so we don't have to worry about going bankrupt when we get sick or break a limb or something, and most importantly, it's free for those who can't afford it at all, so they don't have to perform surgery on themselves or die.
How are you going to pay for expensive surgery if you're homeless or you live in another country that barely has any healthcare at all?
This way those who can afford it get the privilege of offering a good life to all.

>the collectivity
Yes, it's free for the refugees and niggers that keep reproducing like degenerate.

And what's wrong with helping each other?
Did you grow up with abusive parents user?
What's the source of all this hate and racism?

Everything is wrong with helping unfit individuals.
>What is natural selection

amazon.it/gp/aw/d/B01JPAVZQI/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?__mk_it_IT=ÅMÅZÕÑ&qid=1479216115&sr=8-2&pi=SX200_QL40&keywords=rx 460 4gb&dpPl=1&dpID=41wCps64O-L&ref=plSrch the same rx460 cost 120$

Because it just gets abused, and it trains people to be dependent instead of independent, which is corrosive to any functioning society.

I don't think you know what that means...

Then you are basically saying that you are an ape.

But we are

germoney has cheaper stuff usually
geizhals.eu/?fs=radeon 460&in=

It's easy to say that when you don't need help. I'm sure you'd change your mind if you found yourself in need of something like a surgical operation or safety from a country that's being bombed to the ground.

A few leeches are a small price that I'm willing to pay, if in exchange I get to help those in need.

I understand that it's paid for, but the point is that we all pay an affordable tax, so that we can stop worrying about paying later when we need it, and so people who don't have money can use it too so they don't die.

Roads are paid with taxes too, but you don't think about paying for them when you use them, because while they're not actually free, it's as if they were.

Europe isnt an expansion market unlike the usa, desktop pcs have a bigger tradition in europe.

Therefore europe is milked while its still big while in the us price is cut to increase market share.

>Public sector services
Enjoy the inefficiency, cuckhold.

>Doesn't like public sector services
Enjoy living like in Africa, you stupid redneck.
I bet you're a Trump supperter too, am I correct?

Still better than having to pay 2-5 years worth of entire pay check to hospital for a 1 night's emergency ride and stay at hospital.

Welcome to America, enjoy your stay but NEVER EVER get sick here. Else you're stuck in debt slavery.

because of the EU and importing fees

>0.5% on $120 is still only $142



I am not even American you illiterate retard.


almost no one has desktop pcs, except the gaymer type of consumer

Did I fail to read something you wrote about not being American?
I just supposed you were one, since this website in mainly populated by Americans, and because yor argument was against taxes.

Keep hurling insults instead of argumenting. It doesn't make you look like a troglodyte at all!

>worrying about health insurance for muslims
>not worrying about his demagogue leader living in a tower filled with solid gold

cuckold communist

>I am not even American you illiterate retard.
so you either live in a country with a european style system or a third world shithole

>Only America and Europe are first world
Just kill yourself

>Only America and Europe are first world
>european style
I never said Europe, just a system similar to those in Europe
so please name a first world country that doesn't have a european style system and is not the US

fuck, this was meant for

>it boggles my mind how Yuros sit back and let their governments take so much from them.

They generally have a good infrastructure, and social services because of it.

Stay cucked bootlicker

no VAT

Singapore, Japan, Israel, etc

>Singapore, Japan, Israel, etc
all those countries are very similar to Europe when it comes to healthcare, social securities and taxation
thanks for proofing my point

>Woops I broke my leg
>that will be 30,000 dorra


>Woops I broke my leg
>Here is a cast, some pain killers and have a nice day sir

The difference? Paying a little bit more on luxury items.

>A few leeches are a small price that I'm willing to pay, if in exchange I get to help those in need.

Just wait until those few leeches become a substantial percentage of your population. Why do you need to government for you to help someone in need? It's not charity if you go to jail for not doing it.

>If it's good then it's like Europe xd

>History shows that a healthy population is a weathly population
>has one of the largest difference in quality of life on the planet

Fun fact: Guam has a lower infant mortality rate than burgerland.

>>If it's good then it's like Europe xd
implying there are actually big differences
if that's so please help me by pointing them out

USA is a material girl

Because your society is based on a monarchy where half of your shit goes to your lord.


Doubled this proletariate.

We aren't Americunts

+20% VAT

Hmm guess who buys a gpu

If America didn't spend all of its money on Military, they'd probably have that too.